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 Subject :Re:sftp slow between computers.. 2014-09-21- 04:02:19 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : sftp slow between computers

Process of elimination:

1) Move the MAP node to another channel (while staying in band for our licensing).  To have clear freq separation move up to ch 11 under part 15 normal wifi licensing and revert back to factory linksys image.   (Shouldn't have any effect in your test given there's no mesh RF traffic in your setup to compete, but for expanded use...)

2) The linksys are flaky with combined usage of ports for both DtD and devices that can be plugged into any given LAN port.  Since Linksys factory images don't combine vlan tags on the same external port, we can't be assured this will ever work robustly.  To eliminate this as a problem, you can edit a couple of files (you or friend know ssh and vi?):

Find these configuration files and edit the sections to look like (or similiar to this).  Different versions of linksys have different port mappings (and becareful as some have internal port 1 labeled as port 4 external).  Openwrt website gives the details.  This example turns port '1' internal to be the DtD only port.   vlan2 (or tag 2) is for DtD.  The "option auto no" line is commented out and is only a change to do in the recently uploaded 3.0.0 image to turn DtD on.



config switch eth0

option vlan0 "2 3 4 5*"

      option vlan1 "0 5"

      option vlan2  "1t 5t"




config interaface dtdlink

      option ifname "eth0.2"

      option proto static

      option ipaddr <ditdlink_ip>

      option netmask

#    option auto no


************ in setup, save settings and reboot ****************

3) install 'wireshark' on the laptop and capture the packets to get an idea of the traffic.  Everything is going from correct source to destination IP addresses between all the nodes?  Nothing looks unusual?

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-21- 04:09:34 By AE6XE for the Reason formatted
 Subject :sftp slow between computers.. 2014-09-20- 17:20:27 
Joined: 2014-08-30- 19:04:27
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : sftp slow between computers

HI everybody,

I have 3 Linksys WRT54GLs (all version 1.1).  Two are configured as mesh nodes (A and B), and the third is configured as a mesh access point (MAP).  The MAP has an ethernet cable connecting one of its LAN ports to a LAN port on mesh node A.  Mesh node B has an ethernet cable connecting one of its LAN ports to laptop B's ethernet port.  Finally, Laptop A makes a wireless connection to the MAP.  All 3 WRT54GLs are running on channel 1 with the same SSID.

I checked the mesh status on mesh nodes A and B and they see each other.  I saved the DHCP registration so that DNS will work for laptop A and B.  I can ping from laptop A to laptop B and back with no problems.  So, now I am trying to copy a small 3MB file from laptop A to laptop B via sftp.  Both laptops are running Andy's Ham Radio Linux (an Ubuntu 14.04 remix).

From laptop A: sftp user@laptopB
successfully makes the connection
put <some file>

The file transfer begins, but it takes 5-7 minutes for the file transfer to complete.  I expected it to complete in a few seconds.

Note that all 3 WRT54GLs and the two laptops are sitting in very close proximity on my kitchen table.  AFAIK, there is nothing else on wifi channel 1 in the area.  All antennas are pointing straight up.  I'm using this firmware:  bbhn-1.1.2-wrt54g-2.4-squashfs.bin

Do I perhaps have faulty hardware?  I tried moving the WRT54GLs further apart, to no avail.  I'm not sure what else to try.  Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks, and 73,


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 Subject :networking setup.. 2014-09-19- 19:07:50 
Joined: 2014-08-09- 21:34:18
Posts: 6
Forum : General
Topic : networking setup

My Linksys router should arrive any time now, and I already downloaded the mesh firmware.

Should I connect one of its LAN ports to my existing router, or do I connect to another NIC on the PC so that the mesh is on its own IP network? If the mesh should have its own network, should I enable IP forwarding between the NICs or connect the Linksys's WAN port to my existing network (or neither)?

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 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 18:43:53 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

No worries,

We are very much attempting to embrace a more open development environment than had been seen with the group in the past so feedback, comments, suggestions, etc are welcomed.

i think you are reffering to this commit;a=commit;h=2beaac8b9b1b9eef09e312b165fe61e3fef99eda

Which is actually in the Quagga module only. Quagga is another routing daemon and we don't utilize it and we don't load the quagga module so if this is the one you mean it should not be related.  If it's a different unrelated commit than honestly I haven't seen it and would love the pointer as i would certainly consider it relevant.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :IRC issue.. 2014-09-19- 16:56:29 
Joined: 2014-04-26- 12:36:55
Posts: 6
Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC issue


Trying to get IRC working.  Any help would be much appreciated.  We believe that the node has successfully installed the server software.

 We are using Pidgin client software.   This client software is asking for basic setup.  First box is a Protocol box which we selected IRC.    

Second Box is "User Name"   What goes here?  My call sign I would presume.

Third Box is "password"    What goes here?   I would presume the node password.?? 

another way is an advanced tab  option while selecting IRC. 

Port 6667 is entered

Encoding  UTF-8

Ident name is empty

Real name is empty

the three remaining boxes having to do with encription are unchecked.

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 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 16:37:16 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

Sorry, a quick look on their page and I'm referring to which includes fixes on memory leaks when adding and deleting routes, and some other olsrd tweaks. Just curious if it's been considered...sorry if I'm stepping on any toes here.
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 16:28:37 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

After going thru all of our nodes,4 of them show an olsr restart. 3 say runtime 0 and 1 says runtime 2. All nodes were ubnt based, specifically bullet m2 hardware. Don't know if that points anything out further. I agree, any error report is 1 too many, however considering how it was previously, this vast improvement towards regaining usable stability. As far as scalability goes, didn't the 0.6.6 version address that? Sorry, I'm coming a bit late to the table if this was already addressed.
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 16:18:56 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

"just 2 olsr restarts reported"

thats excessive on it's own, so maybe more useable but goes to show something much more than OLSR secure was at work, just enough of a solution to let things run but FAR from a fix...

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 14:37:26 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

Thanks Conrad. I figured something had to be off, but wasn't sure if it was meant to be or not. I'm going up the site tomorrow to do some work on one of our repeaters, so I'll try this then. But, so far, 48+ hours of uptime on our nodes here and nothing crashed hard power cycles, no soft power cycles, just 2 olsr restarts reported on status screen of 2 nodes (one each after around 36 hours of uptime) though I have yet to check them all. And with our path variables and some temp setups, nodes have been popping in and out. John W3RC
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 11:36:57 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes


Due to the issues with the onboard switch on Linksys devices DTDLink ships in a disabled state in the 3.0.0 beta build.

Please see for the current procedure to enable DTDLINK on Linksys

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-25- 09:27:59 By KG6JEI for the Reason Pull out procedure and redirect to updated developres wiki page
Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-19- 10:54:29 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

So apparently on Linksys device the eth0.2 interface is not activated? Trying to DTDLink via a Linksys at the repeater site and I'm not getting anything. Though I could be missing a step again, however when I looked into olsr config (via webpage) it's showing eth0.2 down. Tried to telnet into router but was unable. Basically used win7 builtin telnet client. So for now nodes are still RF only but I did see 2 of my ubnt devices report a olsr restart of about 5 hours ago on status screen. I'll have to look into the router later but for now I'm unable. Maybe someone can look quick? John W3RC
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:NTP Server.. 2014-09-19- 02:22:39 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Applications
Topic : NTP Server

Very cool, a package you could take to the field and it would just work. Do you think the entire package could be built into a Raspberry PI? What GPS software did you use? I haven't had a lot of luck getting a usb gps rx to work on my PI.
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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-18- 16:03:52 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

I will load the topology viewer tomorrow after work. We have 15 nodes running right now. Of that, 9 are UBNT and remaining are Linksys. I still have 2 more yet to turn on, both are Linksys. John W3RC
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-18- 15:54:07 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

What is the node count on your mesh? Ideally send the olsr-topology-view image.

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-18- 15:55:48 By AE6XE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:NTP Server.. 2014-09-18- 14:01:18 
Joined: 2014-07-28- 14:12:26
Posts: 11
Location: London, Canada
Forum : Applications
Topic : NTP Server

How did you tell the other nodes to query you for the time?

I have a linux box on the air, people can ssh/http to the box ok. I know how to setup ntpd (have done it many times before) but how do you advertise the service for other nodes to discover it?

Are you stating it is a: Mesh Gateway [x]

but it really isn't hanging off the internet??

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-18- 14:02:49 By ve3pzr for the Reason the fast editor eats my CR/LF leaving everything as one big mass pile of ugly bits.
Mark Bramwell, VE3PZR
 Subject :Re:Multiple networks.. 2014-09-18- 13:47:58 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Multiple networks

Excellent idea Joe! I will give it a try!
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 Subject :Re:DTDLink Co-located nodes.. 2014-09-18- 13:45:06 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
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Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTDLink Co-located nodes

So far we've been up and running just over 24 hours, RF only, without a single crash or need to reboot any node. Due to our setup and paths, nodes have been going in and out but every time everything gets picked back up and runs smoothly. Tomorrow I'm planning on trying DTDLink at our repeater site and observe for 24 hours as well. V3 btw. 73, John W3RC
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:Anyone running FreePBX and SIPStation together for out bound calls?.. 2014-09-18- 12:51:53 
Joined: 2014-04-14- 15:07:36
Posts: 11
Location: Willow Spring, NC
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Anyone running FreePBX and SIPStation together for out bound calls?

Problem has been solved. For anyone with the same issue make sure you add the LAN IP address into Asterisk SIP Settings. This will allow the audio to pass through the network.
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 Subject :NTP Server.. 2014-09-18- 12:43:23 
Joined: 2012-04-16- 05:51:12
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications
Topic : NTP Server

I am ready to announce today that I have had success creating a stratum-1 server supplying time to a none internet connected mesh. In a nut shell,

A GPS unit was installed on a Raspberry Pi taking a time signal from the stratum-0 satalites' signals.

Then the computer was set up to become an NTP server.

Then a DHCP server was install on the same computer to provide an address to the WAN port of the node.

Finally, a DNS server was also install on the same computer to create an address reference from the US pool servers to the Raspberry Pi.

Plugging the computer into the WAN port and being patient while each node makes a query to the gateway, they will set their clocks to the GPS time. This also works on the Ubiqitie's through a Linksys node.

It works and has been tested in the field.

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 Subject :Re:Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota.. 2014-09-18- 11:53:59 
Joined: 2014-05-24- 22:40:59
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota

Do we have any resources in writing to do this? Seems like a lot of interest...
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