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 Subject :Re:Bullet vs. Bullet HP.. 2014-08-27- 14:59:51 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Bullet vs. Bullet HP

Hi Bert, the two Bullet devices are the M2 HP and the M2 Titanium. The M2 HP comes in a plastic case and the M2 Titanium comes in a metallic case. To my knowledge they are both 600mW radios. Andre, K6AH
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 Subject :Bullet vs. Bullet HP.. 2014-08-27- 14:45:52 
Joined: 2014-05-21- 19:29:55
Posts: 8
Location: Canada's Capital region
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Bullet vs. Bullet HP

Quick question, is the M2 bullet (not the HP version) also supported by BBHN?


Bert, VE2ZAZ

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 Subject :Re:Advertised Services.. 2014-08-26- 20:25:08 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Advertised Services

May be BBHN->ticket:53 if on a Linksys device.

Does your issue match that report?

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Advertised Services.. 2014-08-26- 18:16:25 
Joined: 2014-06-18- 19:33:24
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Advertised Services


I am using V1.1.2 on 2 nodes.  Node 'one' advertises an http server.  The service is accessible by iPhone and iPad from the second node via a WAP.  During setup of the service on node 'one' the error message 

Configuration saved; however problem with port setup.  The http server uses port 10080.  This port is reference in the advertisement.

Any ideas on what the port setup problem is?


WRT54GS's  -  most likely ticket:53

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-27- 06:51:40 By VE6DZZ for the Reason attached image of the error
 Subject :Source Code.. 2014-08-26- 12:13:34 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 11:50:38
Posts: 10
Location: Palmdale, CA.
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Source Code

Is the source code available for download for the firmware?

Never mind found it

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-26- 15:09:06 By ke6rhv for the Reason found answer
 Subject :Re:IRC (Chat) Software Location?.. 2014-08-26- 11:23:00 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC (Chat) Software Location?

Elmer, your mesh node that you are trying to download a package into needs to have some connectivity to the Internet, either directly through its WAN port or over the mesh to another node that does.  This is why I wrote this:

" the [DOWNLOAD] button and given connectivity to the Internet and the BBHN servers you should have..."

Also, the .ipk files are NOT intended to be opened on your PC.  If you were able to somehow download the file to your PC from our WRT54G repository then, go back to the mesh node's webpage, click on the [Choose File] button to the right of "Upload Package", point the file selector to where the ngircd_20.2_mipsel.ipk file is located on your PC, and then click the [UPLOAD] button and the package will be sent to your mesh node and automagically installed.


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 Subject :Re:IRC (Chat) Software Location?.. 2014-08-26- 08:55:08 
Joined: 2014-08-18- 21:12:56
Posts: 1
Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC (Chat) Software Location?

Hello, All...I'm Elmer Colon (KF4WEO) in Miami, FL. (Windows 7) I'm a newbie just getting started with HSMM-MESH (mesh set up was fine). I have set up one node successfully but I cannot set up the IRC. So far, I have read and followed all the instructions reference to NGIRCD with but no luck. The article describing the install process for the IRC on the Linksys router WRT54G VER 2, says the software can be found in the repository. I used this link (http://broadband- to download the NGIRCD-20.2.MPKG file and my pc can’t open the .IPK files. I used the below procedure with no luck... "Using the node's Web pages, from the status page press the [Setup] button and then click the Administration link. In the section called "Package Management" use the pull down for "Download Package" to select 'ngircd 20.2'. If the pull down is empty, press the [Refresh] button associated with the pulldown -- this will download the list of packages available. Once selected press the [DOWNLOAD] button and given connectivity to the Internet and the BBHN servers you should have the 'ngircd' package installed and automagically setup". I did the above procedure, click refresh, download in the "package management" and there are no packages, the "selected packages box" does not change, it is empty. Here is where I'm stuck now. Thank for your interest in this matter.....................
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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-26- 05:16:11 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???


Much joy, thanks for the help.

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-26- 04:59:11 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

I believe your tftp command is trying to upload the wrong file.  Make sure you match the file you use to your router.  I would think that you will need the WRt54G factory version.  The .trx version is for when you have bbhn on the node previously.

Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-26- 03:38:56 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

finally got back to trying to fix this.

setup =

(1) bricked 54g

(2) switch

(3) Linux net book

using TFPT script as defined on site.

process =

setup net  book as

connect cat5 cables

start script point to bbhn-1.1-2brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx

power up 54g .... ERROR MESSAGE

received ACK <block=0>

sent data <block=1, 512 bytes>

received error <code=4, msg=code pattern incorrect>

error code 4: code pattern incorrect

script stops...

What do I need to fix this one? I am getting closer, I think...

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade.. 2014-08-25- 16:25:03 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Bugs
Topic : WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade

I have loaded 1.1.2 on WRT54GS versions 1, 2, and 4.  I have not had a problem.  

As other posters in this thread have suggested, I believe that this is a conflict between the Ethernet chips on your computer and the WRT54GS.  I am using a Toshiba Laptiop.  The Ethernet properties indicate a Realtek chip set.  This is a hardware bug in the older WRT54G routers.  If the conflicting chip set is also used in an Ethernet switch then I would expect the same problem.  

If you have a different computer, you might want to try that.  

Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade.. 2014-08-25- 12:16:39 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Bugs
Topic : WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade

I received another WRT54GS version 3 from one of our BBHN Members today for conversion to 1.1.2 version. This one converted fine using all the same hardware I was using for all the others. I appears that the Version 3 model likes the 1.1.2 code. So, It looks like some ducks quack and some don't... So if someone has a WRT54GS version 2... I would like to know if it converts. 73 Dave WA5DJJ
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 Subject :Re:WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade.. 2014-08-25- 06:20:29 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Bugs
Topic : WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade

I tried putting a Ethernet switch between my shop computer and the LINKSYS WRT54GS and updated it. I had to use the to get in to the setup page. I put in the ID and passwords and saved changes and rebooted. The Ethernet LAN ports went deaf just like they did without the Ethernet switch. The Ethernet switch I used was a NETGEAR FS605 V3 MODEL. So, That work around didn't work. Anybody have any other suggestions? 73 Dave WA5DJJ
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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-25- 05:03:43 
Joined: 2013-06-24- 16:33:19
Posts: 14
Location: Cypress, TX (NW Harris Co near Houston)
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

Interesting and educational, Joe.  Maybe I can dash off a quick email to the manufacturer to ask for more informational pieces to the puzzle.  Thanks for your insight!  I'll keep the forum posted on responses.

Boyd K5YKG

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 Subject :Re:Bullet M5-HP.. 2014-08-24- 14:46:55 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 11:50:38
Posts: 10
Location: Palmdale, CA.
Forum : General
Topic : Bullet M5-HP

Ok understood thank you.
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 Subject :Re:Bullet M5-HP.. 2014-08-24- 12:45:39 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Bullet M5-HP

We share this band with WIFI and HAM.  There are no channels on 802.11 that fall within ham only band. The international version devices actually go lower and out of the USA ham band.

Why the current channels? If you check the spec sheet the US version hardware are only rated 5725 MHz to 5850 MHz. These are the only devices we have files for in many case. Since these units are only for channels in this range that is what the selection is. The international model can go lower but even that is still shared with part 15 users in the USA (

This is the same discussion as "channel 0" on 2.4ghz.  To my knowledge the goals of the project are to get us hardware that works before looking at trying to force the gear to do tasks it wasn't designed for.

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-24- 12:59:11 By KG6JEI for the Reason Correct freq range.
Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:Solar power and wrt54g.. 2014-08-24- 11:48:49 
Joined: 2013-12-23- 01:38:54
Posts: 11
Location: Edgewood, Maryland
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Solar power and wrt54g

go a few things but not anywhere near to completing the monitoring of the battery just yet ... picked up a TI INA219AIDR which is a current/pwr monitor in 8-soic form. thinking of doing arduino or msp430 not sure which route yet ... have to see which on will work into the wrt54g better
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 Subject :Re:Welcome, Victorville, Adelanto, Hesperia and SBDO HSMM-MESH Users!.. 2014-08-24- 09:52:07 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 11:50:38
Posts: 10
Location: Palmdale, CA.
Forum : High Desert / San Bernardino County, CA
Topic : Welcome, Victorville, Adelanto, Hesperia and SBDO HSMM-MESH Users!

Agreed were deploying 5GHz for our Back Bone I purchased 4 BulletM5-HP and we have a few of the 2.4 GHz Bullets for local use and as extenders to the MESH. My only issue is now why are they set for only the shared part of the spectrum 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825 and don't include the HAM only areas and can I alter the firmware to include the HAM only sections.
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 Subject :Bullet M5-HP.. 2014-08-24- 06:25:49 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 11:50:38
Posts: 10
Location: Palmdale, CA.
Forum : General
Topic : Bullet M5-HP

Question why is the Bullet only able to transmit via selection on 5745, 5765, 5785, 5805, 5825 and not on the part 97 only frequencies that are available. We would like to do this when creating our Back Bone Network to reduce clutter.

Can we modify the firmware ourselves to allow for this?

Thank you,


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 Subject :Restoring linksys firmware for WTR54GL.. 2014-08-24- 04:42:58 
Joined: 2013-10-14- 07:07:08
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Restoring linksys firmware for WTR54GL


I need to restore one of my routers back to the linksys firmware. I have read the instruction and when I pull down the list my router is not listed. - HELP

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