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 Subject :Re:Bullet firmware upload fails.. 2014-07-27- 08:03:26 
Joined: 2013-11-22- 14:37:52
Posts: 1
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Bullet firmware upload fails

Having a similar problem. I get the "Bad firmware update image" message when I try to upload bbhn-1.1.2-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin to a relatively new Bullet2HP. Current firmware version is XS2.ar2316.v4.0.2.4996.120423.0955. 73, Harry, K6HS
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 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2014-07-27- 02:25:35 
Joined: 2014-07-24- 12:36:37
Posts: 3
Location: Marion, AR
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.

I plan on doing something. I may buy my first node for the sake of time!! I'm over in Crittenden County and I don't see anyone else to connect to now. If I placed a node in each of my relatives homes, I could cover quite a bit of ground!!!
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 Subject :Re:Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node.. 2014-07-26- 20:19:02 
Joined: 2013-05-09- 15:54:30
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node

Andre, yes exactly I didn't get that dropbear was already on 2222. For now I use 5-host direct and put my node in /etc/config/local, just noticed it can get overwritten :(

iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan -j DNAT --to (ip)

iptables -A forwarding_wan -d (ip) -j ACCEPT

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-26- 20:21:06 By kg7dgh for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node.. 2014-07-26- 18:31:01 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node

The repo is now available. See the post: Also, not sure why you can't SSH. Perhaps you're not using port 2222. Lastly, not much dev work going on with WRT54Gx platform other than keeping it compatible with our Ubiquiti work. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node.. 2014-07-26- 18:15:16 
Joined: 2013-05-09- 15:54:30
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node

I would like to help but without a repo or a way to ssh in to the router I feel stuck. (stock 1.1.2 has no space to add the openssh-server package even on the 8mb wrt54gs). I have an nfs server I could attach to for space to develop in if there were a way.

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-26- 18:26:50 By kg7dgh for the Reason
 Subject :Can you re-install LinkSys firmware using a Windows computer?.. 2014-07-26- 12:17:29 
Joined: 2013-12-26- 22:12:13
Posts: 7
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Can you re-install LinkSys firmware using a Windows computer?

Is there a way to re-install LinkSys firmware to a Linksys WRT54GS router from a Windows based computer (Windows Vista. Windows 7, and/or Windows 8)?

Thanks much.



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 Subject :Re:Nanostation M2 Secondary LAN.. 2014-07-26- 11:21:35 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Nanostation M2 Secondary LAN

The secondary port is not currently utilized (mentioned in other posts)

You would want to follow BBHN->ticket:56 for the progress on the feature request to add it.

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 Subject :Re:Nanostation M2 Secondary LAN.. 2014-07-26- 10:36:19 
Joined: 2014-06-13- 06:35:48
Posts: 2
Location: Powell OH
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Nanostation M2 Secondary LAN

I too have been trying to get the secondary lan port to work. I see that the Ubiquiti firmware has a way to enable the secondary lan port.  This makes me think that it is disabled by default.  But now that I have the HSMM firmware, I can't figure out how to flash the Ubiquiti firmware to see if I can turn it on.

Plus, I don't know if it will stay on after I flash the HSMM firmware.

Any ideas?

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 Subject :Mesh nodes in Clinton?.. 2014-07-26- 07:56:06 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Maryland
Topic : Mesh nodes in Clinton?

Anyone else building mesh nodes in Clinton?

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:Mesh in the UK.. 2014-07-26- 04:47:07 
Joined: 2014-07-13- 03:13:09
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh in the UK

Hi Jack, As you have already discovered ,the section of the band we are about to lose in the UK is at the lower frequency range. This does not affect the use of Broadband Hamnet as this is at the opposite end of the band. Whilst you are correct in saying the band plan suggests this part of the band is for satellite use, it is only a guide, not law or cast in stone. Any satellite operator worth his salt knows that this part of the band is used by every wifi user in the world and as such the noise floor is much increased. As a general rule most sat operators will avoid this part of the band for this reason. After all, if you have gone to the trouble of putting a satellite into orbit, it would be shame if no-one on the ground could hear it due to local interference/background noise. You will be operating quite legally in this part of the band if you choose, and due to the nature of the frequency in question, any interference caused would be extremely localised. Also remember that as a licenced user of this part of the band, other unlicensed users have to accept any interference arising from your use of the band. This might as a worst case scenario result in them having to change channel. Not the end of the world I think you will agree. Regards Eddie G7DNM

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-09- 04:37:24 By G7DNM for the Reason
 Subject :Something is causing a possible routing problem... 2014-07-26- 01:31:11 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Scripts on the Router

I ran a couple test this week with my mesh network and connecting it to the internet. This was specifically for port 14580 for APRS and DNS. my setup was ISP, Cisco 2600 Router Cisco 2950 switch configured with vlan 1,2,20( 1 WAN, 2 BBHN, 20 ISP).  a nano Bridge M5(AE4ML-504) connected to the trunk port.The WAN picked up an IP with gateway as expected.

  At the other end was an un-managed switch with a nano bridge M5(AE4ML-501). I connected a laptop and WX3in1 APRS Igate device.

On a third setup(AE4ML-503) was a Nano station M5 with a PC. The entire setup initially it worked. no internet access .

The Igate was passing traffic out and then in about Oh about 5 minutes. it came to a stop. 

I did a reboot of AE4ML-504 (Im not a fan of reboots unless it is needed and it came backup only to slow down and fail again.

My ISP is a 10 network. and that side is stable. it never failed. I had a third laptop on that point and that will be my wireshark capture point.

Curious though. From my ISP router I had a static route to to the mesh. On the router  I could ping my local and internet networks however I never could ping out over the mesh. when I went to  AE4ML-504 and I pinged the entire mesh except for the default gateway  on the inside of my Cisco router. Mesh gateway was checked and the address from the router was set to DHCP. I had an IP from the cisco router on AE4ML-504

There seems to be something going on. I need to run some wireshark captures and see what is going on. I did notice one thing. Something said for the email message about the script. Let me say this. I'm not a fan of the idea nor do I want to go down that road.

Mike AE4ML

[LA3QSA 2014-07-22- 04:39:35]:

Hi All,

I have tried to install a script to check internet connectivity, and reboot a remote node if the connectivity has been gone for more than five minutes, this script was supposed to be executed by cron every minute. Where do I store the script on the hsmm firmware image to persist between reboots?

73 and Best Regards


Per Øyvind

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Michael Lussier
 Subject :Lightning Protection.. 2014-07-25- 09:11:01 
Joined: 2012-06-16- 17:56:37
Posts: 10
Location: Las Vegas, NV DM26
Forum : General
Topic : Lightning Protection

Has anyone experienced any damage from near lightning strikes on their gear at the end of the cat5? I've experienced problems in the past with ports being blown on the switches/routers and even sometimes carried through the chassis to the computers. A long run of cat5 even if it's shielded somehow always was suceptible to this. We found a nice surge protector to place on the towers designed to protect the equipment below. What's wierd is that is the stuff that usually went bad, the unit up top seldom went bad unless it was a direct hit which usually did a boatload of damage including knocking chunks of concrete out of the base of the tower near the grounds!

In any case I had a bunch of these things left over. I listed some on Ebay here:

You can purchase them direct from mfg here:

Peter - KF7PSM

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"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
Carl Sagan
 Subject :Re:Welcome all SoCal'ers.. 2014-07-24- 19:21:40 
Joined: 2014-01-25- 21:29:25
Posts: 2
Location: Lancaster, CA
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Welcome all SoCal'ers

I'm all for it...    :)

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-24- 19:22:49 By kc6uvm for the Reason
73 de kc6uvm
George J. Becker
Lancaster, CA
 Subject :BBHN Source Repository.. 2014-07-24- 06:49:02 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN Source Repository

The BBHN Source Repository is now available to interested developers at our development site.  

You may browse the source code repositories by visiting the source tab at .

For those wishing to assist with development, a code repository may be checked-out with:

    git clone git://<repo_name>

Where <repo_name> is the name the repository you wish to checkout.

These checkouts may then be used with the appropriate openwrt toolsets to build your own image.  Note that we are not prepared to support the inexperienced developer, so please remain within your personal comfort zone here.  Relevant development questions and bug reports should be posted to the development site.


Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Northern Virginia (Geographical) Request.. 2014-07-24- 04:36:08 
Joined: 2014-06-08- 18:16:22
Posts: 2
Location: FM18gt
Forum : General
Topic : Northern Virginia (Geographical) Request


great website!

Can you add a geographical location for Northern Virginia? I am a member of the Ole Virginia Hams, we are actively testing BBHN at local sites (Manassas, Centreville) starting next week.


David, kk4zuu

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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-07-23- 19:42:24 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

Understood, thanks for the additional input. The firmware asks for the antenna config for each chain, I assume your suggestions imply staying in diveristy mode on both chains. Seems logical better gain could be realized using RX on one chain and TX on the other, if in fact the internal split is truly switched around. I appreciate the same antennas fed in diversity mode on TX or RX should be equivilent, however, assuming imprefect phasing that may not be the case and separating TX and RX may in fact improve S/N. Just a theory, I'll do range testing in both diversity on both vs. separate RX & TX. Do you have any empirical data between the different chain config modes? And yes, I do have 2 identical grids to experiment with on both chains vs. the hybrid config I'm using now. I'll post the results.

Thanks again & 73,


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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-07-23- 18:22:12 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

As far as we know, on all the dual chain devices the max power is split between the two ports when in diversity.  The units may not let you go above maxpower-3dbm as it derates max power for the fact that only one antenna is in use (at least this was what was seen during initial testing on some models)

When running a dual chain device (Linksys, Ubiquiti Rocket, etc)  you always want BOTH chains to share similar antennas and be pointed in the same direction.  You would want one to be horizontal polarity and one to be vertical polarity (or some other combination)

A dual polarity dish would be best, they are high gain, high front to back ratio, tight beamwidth (aiming can be hard and you have to have a secure mount for long paths to avoid wind movement.)  An advantage of the tight beamwidth is it may reduce the noise floor a bit as well since local nodes no longer are in the beam path of the node.

Mixing an Omni and a directional is generally going to be a less than optimum, the nodes will take the STRONGEST signal and decode that without making a calculation as to  being different nodes.

Dual Chain tends to run better so the Rocket M2 with a RocketDish or any other dual polarity dish (I like StreakWave for its antenna selection on wifi gear) would be good for a backhaul.

I don't know how 2 grid antennas will work, but if using one vertical and one horizontal you do gain the dual chain feature at that point and theoretically it should work. Or even if both anteannas are same polarity if they are at offset from each other they may catch signals different based on atmospherics.  If you already have the 2 grids i would say it would be worth a trial.

The NanoBridge may also work but its 5db less than your grids (18dbm) and its also 5dbm output lower (10dbm total difference) so if loss is already a concern this would likely not be ideal.

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 Subject :Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-07-23- 17:35:09 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

I'm a member of the DCARA here in Denton,TX (North TX). We're setting up nodes around the county and I'm trying and still planning to link with our "Mesh Hub" node at 16km distant. Radio Mobile calculates a -76dBm RX level which seems marginal looking at the noise floor. So, I would like to understand the internal switching topology within the Rocket M2 of the chain ports. Do I understand correctly that the ports are power divided in diversity mode, therefore a -3.5dB loss? If so, appears I should use a separate 23dBi grid parabolic on each chain and configure one for RX and the other for TX, effectively dedicating 1 rocket for this long haul link instead of the 12dBi Omni on chain1 and the single 23dBi grid on chain1 aimed to the node target. Sounds like I could gain another 3+ dB. However, again without understanding the internal switching topology configuration within the Rocket, this is just an educated guess.

Any advice help here would be appreciated, as I can act as a long haul link to my closer neighbor K5WXR with which I have good link with by using another Rocket with sectionals.

Thanks in advance & 73,


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 Subject :Re:DHCP assigning, can't find the node.. 2014-07-23- 17:11:01 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DHCP assigning, can't find the node

My Laptop tries to do an identify network when I connect to a new node.  It usually needs a minute or so to do this and it blocks the laptop from connecting to the node until it is finished.  I can tell it is finished by the icon in the lower right for the network changing.  Clearing out the old network identifications seemed to help.

The other thing I recommend when setting up a node is to turn off/disable the WIFI  connection on the Laptop.  They compete against each other and cause problems.

For UBNT devices:

Set a Static ip for the network port on your computer to an address in the space, where xxx does not equal 1, 20 or 255.  I normally use 100.  That seems to help with the network id. 

Plug in an Ethernet cable between your computer and the ubnt device.  Wait for the computer to id the network.  It may tell you that you don't have an connection to the internet.  That's fine.

Then log into the ubnt device, admin screen, update firmware.

Once the node has rebooted, I usually go back into the lan port and change it to get assignment automatically.  This normally is not necessary since the ubnt is in access mode and uses addresses.  Make sure you set your DNS to automatically assign as well.

Wait for the network to id and then do the localnode:8080 to set it up.  Some computers require a fully qualified domain name so if localnode:8080 doesn't work try localnode.local.mesh:8080.  You may want to try as well.

If that doesn't work then unplug the network cable, turn on the wifi connection and look for an SSID called meshnode.  Connect to it and then try the localnode:8080 or localnode.local.mesh:8080

I hate to say it but if all that fails your best shot is to use a computer with linux on it and follow the same steps.  The network id is not a problem in Linux.

I also believe you will find you want to be on the latest release.  Most people will be updating and 1.1.2 does not talk to the 1.0.1 devices.  Even you don't connect to anyone else the 1.1.2 fixes some security bugs that you want fixed.

Clint, AE5CA

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-23- 17:15:21 By AE5CA for the Reason fixed typo
 Subject :Re:decent LQ but only see IP address.. 2014-07-23- 16:40:08 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : decent LQ but only see IP address

I have seen this before.  What I came up with was both sides need to be hearing each other to get the handshaking that goes on within OLSR.  The far end node is not seeing you that well.

I had two Linksys boxes, separated by 8 miles.  Box 1 was a 24 db grid antenna, Box 2 was a 13 db Horizontal Polarized omni.  I could see the omni but it was not seeing me all that well.  I would just get the ip address to show up.  My experience is the receive side of a Linksys is not all that good.

I fixed this problem by changing out the Linksys attached to the omni with a Bullet M2HP, and then swapped the grid antenna/linksys for a Rocket M2 and a Sector antenna similar to yours.  Problem Solved.

We have another location with the other problem similar to yours.  We counted 31 ssid's on channel 1.  Our intention is to try and solve this by switching to 5.8 GHz.  Beam antennas may also help to eliminate some of the other strong signals.  If 3.4 GHz was available I would suggest that instead.

Our experience with amps is don't bother.  Signal path is the main problem.  If you have a good path you won't need the amp.

Clint, AE5CA

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