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 Subject :Re:Best Ubiquiti?.. 2014-02-10- 08:11:07 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Best Ubiquiti?

Of note:

The Ubiquiti nodes for BBHN do NOT use TDMA (it would require a central authority controlling timeslots) and instead rely on standard 802.11b/g/n  yes bandwidth goes down over the hops (though with good aiming, multiple devices and eventually multiple bands this may be alleviated depending how a network is laid out)

In a mesh your not actually looking at each and every hop decreasing your bandiwth by half  as eventually a packet will make it far enough away that the local devices (your local node and the first relay node) will both have 'open' channels and the next packet can be sent   You can have multiple packets 'outstanding' in a TCP/IP network until you get to what is called the Receive Window (RWIN) which is "max number of packets the destination has not yet answered.

Now onto TDMA.

TDMA does NOT give you a full duplex link.  TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access.

In TDMA Each node has a set slice of time (1/Number of nodes) worth of time (per second)  to send its data where all nodes in the "receive" area  have to hold off and listen for that node to send traffic  and than  when its the next nodes turn it can transmit (or re-transmit) This does solve the hidden transmitter problem however it also means your max bandwidth is going to be MAX-RFSpeed/number-of -nodes  in any Point to Multi Point (ptmp) cluster. 

By its very definition of protocol it is half duplex link as only 1 node can transmit at a time to keep the channel clear.

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 Subject :Re:Best Ubiquiti?.. 2014-02-10- 07:42:08 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Best Ubiquiti?

Hi Jerry, I have been using Ubiquiti bullets and nanostations for a several years. When you are doing Mesh configurations one thing to consider (that isn't mentioned enough) is conventional 802.11 b/g is still half duplex, so when you make a (metric) hop using a mesh topology, you are effectively cutting your bandwidth in half, and again and again for each node you hop/route through! So I guess that is why Ubiquiti (M series and AirMAX) and others (MikroTik Nv2) have crafted their own propriety TDMA based versions. TDMA can use alternate time slots to pull off a full duplex link. Another good thing about TDMA is it also solves the hidden node/transmitter problem.
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 Subject :Orlando Hamcation 2015 Regional HSMM event planed.. 2014-02-10- 04:18:26 
Joined: 2013-08-22- 07:04:35
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : Orlando Hamcation 2015 Regional HSMM event planed

here is an email that i am sending out, anf you can help or  you are interested plase let me know.

Hello everyone,
  I know you looked at the subject line and thought what in the world, well let me explain.
Central Florida hsmm group and several in the Palm beach county HSMM group are wanting to get some people from your group who maybe comming to Orlando next year to either speak at a forum or give us a over view of what has worked for your group. Our goal is to bring as many hsmm groups together as possible to exchange ideas and info about succes and failure. This exchange of info i believe will benifit HSMM in general.
  This has been started because i found verly little info when i started 7 or 8 months ago on how to get started and what to do with hsmm.. I want  to encourage groups like yours, help promote hsmm, and to provide places that hands on experimentation can be done. I have several things this year we plan locally to have some workshops. But our aim is to have a forum or symposium with as many HSMM groups that we can, and even promote bring your node and lets build a HSMM net during hamcation that will be a test bed for what happens when you have a large number of nodes on the air (will the network handle 200 nodes? what isues arise (aside from RF issues)? Plus it will be a great place to demistate HSMM to an audiance from all over the world (they come to Orlando for the nice warm winters we have and to visit Disney World).
  We are starting to plan now, because we would like as much input and participation as we can muster. I realize you are not local but you can have a part in this, if you are willing to lend a hand. One goal that i want to try is to tunnel to groups like yours and see if we can do video feeds thru the HSMM net acrross the county  thru tunneling (yes i know it is not ham radio at that point, but it will prove the connect ablility). If all goes according to plans even have a few participate in the forum via skype or google hangouts. As i get feedback and interest i will report back from time to time to update you all on the status.

you can email us to let me know your are interested
me Tom KD4WOV at or look for me on Google hangouts
JC NT4K at

aditional contact would be Darrell kk4IT

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 Subject :Re:Help us gather info on UBNT Devices.. 2014-02-09- 14:22:24 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Help us gather info on UBNT Devices

Were they all on the same channel? U's will not change off the configured channel, but WRTs will. Andre
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Mesh DNS Failure.. 2014-02-09- 14:20:53 
Joined: 2013-06-28- 12:53:53
Posts: 18
Location: Owings, MD
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Mesh DNS Failure

To clarify, The three nodes all run BBHN v1.  WRT54GL v1.1, WRT54GL v1.1, WRT54G v4.2.

I connect the PC directly to a LAN port on the node.

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 Subject :Re:Help us gather info on UBNT Devices.. 2014-02-09- 13:54:09 
Joined: 2013-10-26- 16:46:16
Posts: 7
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Help us gather info on UBNT Devices

For several days I have had a bullet and 4 WRTs running V1 FW and there was easy access by each node to a Raspberry Pi on one of the WRTs to access an email program. When the group got together today we had 4 WRTs (V1) and 2 BULLETS and one PICO running the V 1.0.1 FW. We changed the initial SSID from K6MPN-MESH to K6MPN-EMCOMM for the group test. Interestingly all the WRTs saw each other and all the Ubiquitis saw each other but there was no visibility between the U's and the WRTs ??? We had to change the SSIDs of all the nodes to K6MPNemcom (less than 10 characters) in order for the two groups to see each other and provide connections between groups.
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 Subject :Re:Best Ubiquiti?.. 2014-02-09- 07:49:14 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Best Ubiquiti?

Hello Jerry,

I'm not sure a 'best' Ubiquiti device exists,  its a mixture of variables, just like all radio setups.

What your seeing on the bullet in 802.11g models is not 100% specified, in the Rocket datasheet they spec it as 1-24mbps @ -97dbm while on the Bullet they only spec it at 24mbps @ -83dbm

So what is the Bullet at 1mbps? We can't know for sure to be honest if the sensitivity continues towards -97 @ 1mbps  on the bullet  or if it  stays at -83 because it only has a single antenna and can not use both antennas as a diversity receiver. If it is the diversity receiver than it becomes important to note that both antennas need to pointing at the same signal (this is true in Linksys as well)  for that advantage to be realized.

Once you start talking Ubiquiti to Ubiquiti you will also likely jump into the MCS* table which is 802.11n  and the spec sheets are better written here you can see that the sensitivity DOES go down to -96dbm(+/- 2db) on both a Rocket and a Bullet.

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 Subject :Best Ubiquiti?.. 2014-02-09- 03:42:33 
Joined: 2014-02-08- 13:50:18
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Best Ubiquiti?

I just received a brand new WRT54GL from Linksys ($50) that I'll be converting over, and I'd like to add an external unit at the shack too. From what I've been reading, it looks like one of the Ubiquiti systems would be the best way to go, as they are supported with the new firmware.

What is the best Ubiquiti unit to purchase? That is, which one has the best performance?

I've seen the specs on the Bullet M2 HP. It looks like the easiest to attach to the Omni directional 15 dBi antenna I'm looking at. But the specs I saw at seem to indicate it has lower receiver sensitivity at the lower data rates than their other models.

Is the Bullet less sensitive than the others, or is it just the spec sheet that is worded differently?

Has anyone used the Bullet, and what was their opinion of its performance?

And for those who may have other Ubiquiti models, what was their experience with it, especially the sensitivity?



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 Subject :Re:Team Talk 4 Support.. 2014-02-08- 20:42:03 
Joined: 2013-10-08- 10:00:30
Posts: 8
Location: Ogden Utah
Forum : Applications
Topic : Team Talk 4 Support

Hello Found out what was wrong it is the Windows 7 Fire wall, Team Talk inbound rules It needs to be set. Highlight Team Talk 4 under the windows Firewall with advanced Security In bound rules. then right click for Properties of Team Talk 4 under inbound rules then navigate to tab that says "Protocols and Ports" Under Protocol Type drop down box select TCP. then Protocol number select 6, then on section that says " Local Port" Select Specific Port, the under that put in 10333 I left remote ports as all ports then hit apply and ok checked to see if the client was still connected and was. Hope this helps out 73
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 Subject :Re:WRT150N - HELP!!!.. 2014-02-08- 17:10:57 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 12:58:23
Posts: 7
Location: MESA, AZ
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT150N - HELP!!!

Sorry for the delay in response. I was able to install the Package on the Wrt150n. you have to be patient i learned. but still having no luck with the setup portion of the router. What happens is when you initially set it up (put your call in and password) and say save it reloads the page and gives an error about invalid IP. well i have never had to put an ip in on my Wrt54g's. The odd thing is sure enough it shows 10. with nothing after. Still hoping to get this one working!!
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 Subject :Mesh DNS Failure.. 2014-02-08- 16:50:13 
Joined: 2013-06-28- 12:53:53
Posts: 18
Location: Owings, MD
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Mesh DNS Failure

I have three nodes, two of which have been up for a couple of months, and one I just setup tonight. All of them show the other two nodes as neighbors and shows them by name.  If I click on the link, the DNS lookup fails.
If I enter the IP address for the node (port 8080), I can get to them.  As a work-around, I put them in my host table.  This works for my three hosts, but is not realistic for connecting to a larger, ad-hoc network. 
How do I set up the nodes so that a PC connected to one of the LAN connections on a node, can get DNS support without having to do something on my computer?

I looked around the forum and did not see this mentioned anywhere.

73 de Karl, KG1L

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 Subject :Re:Team Talk 4 Support.. 2014-02-08- 07:12:59 
Joined: 2013-10-08- 10:00:30
Posts: 8
Location: Ogden Utah
Forum : Applications
Topic : Team Talk 4 Support

Hello Cory, Have you figured out your problem yet? I have Team Talk on my windows 7pro laptop as a client/server and another set up on a windows 7 home laptop as Client. And I am able to connect via Ip of Ethernet port Ip address of client/server. On the server Laptop I have had to leave windows firewall open some how the server on the windows 7 pro laptop the firewall settings are not set up right but it does work next step is to figure out what is causing the firewall issue.
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 Subject :Re:Firmware Installation.. 2014-02-07- 14:42:41 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Firmware Installation

It is a pretty straightforward and can be done from a web browser.

Give a look for a step by step guide with photos.

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 Subject :Firmware Installation.. 2014-02-07- 11:54:31 
Joined: 2013-11-25- 10:55:46
Posts: 15
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Firmware Installation

Sorry to ask such a simple question, but I would like to know if the installation of the firmware on a M2HP is as straight forward as a Cisco, or if there are any fine points I should know about. Thanks.

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 Subject :Re:Connecting to a WRT54G with a Raspberry Pi.. 2014-02-07- 09:02:08 
Joined: 2013-11-27- 15:56:35
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : SOLVED-Connecting to a WRT54G with a Raspberry Pi

Problem solved.  OP error, called impatience!  Had to wait for an ip address from the router.  Now all is working fine.

Installed IRSSI, and now on the W4RSS-01 node ok.

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 Subject :SOLVED-Connecting to a WRT54G with a Raspberry Pi.. 2014-02-07- 08:31:40 
Joined: 2013-11-27- 15:56:35
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : SOLVED-Connecting to a WRT54G with a Raspberry Pi

I am having trouble connecting to my mesh node with a Raspberry Pi.  I'm sure it's a config problem somewhere.  I can ping the router and ifconfig sees it but I can't connect to the status page.

I'd appreciate some help.


Dick, W4RSS

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Last Edited On: 2014-02-07- 09:06:50 By w4rss for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:V1.0.0 and moving data across the mesh.. 2014-02-07- 02:52:25 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Firmware
Topic : V1.0.0 and moving data across the mesh

Kind of related, I have an Addonics NAS 4.0 adapter on one node that allows sharing two 32G thumbdrives.  You access it across the Mesh by going to Run (XP) or Search (Win7) and typing "\\addnas".  I've never figured out a way to publish this as a clickable service off the Mesh Status page... is there a way?

I was pleasantly surprised when after I installed the IRC server on the same node I was able to provide a link to the IRC server as a service, and that PCs on the Mesh could click on that and it open their IRC client.  Once online, someone could then tell them "for files, go to \\addnas" and the \\addnas would become clickable in the chat.  Even more impressive was that if I gave them the full path and file's extension, as long as they had a program that it would open in, there was a clickable link that would open the program and the file... ain't technology grand?!!

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 Subject :Re:Central Virginia EmComm Mesh.. 2014-02-06- 05:59:14 
Joined: 2013-07-17- 20:16:02
Posts: 3
Location: Charlottesville, VA
Forum : Central VA
Topic : Central Virginia EmComm Mesh

It's a bit of a drive, but I'll be presenting on ARES/RACES at the AARC club meeting next Tuesday evening in Charlottesville. I plan to talk in some detail about the developing plan for digital communications. See I'll post whatever I can on the club Web site after the talk. 73, Mike KQ9P
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 Subject :Team Talk 4 Support.. 2014-02-05- 18:01:39 
Joined: 2012-06-01- 16:50:02
Posts: 7
Location: Utah
Forum : Applications
Topic : Team Talk 4 Support

Hi all:

 I am trying to get Team Talk 4 up and running.  I have installed the server and client software and have configured the server.  

Question 1. Do I need to bind to a specific IP address?

               2. What do I need to do to log in to the server over the mesh?

               3. How do I advertise this as a service?

               4. Team Talk uses TCP and UDP ports 10333. How do I set that up?

I can login to the server on my laptop where it is installed by using localhost or my IP address or the name of my router  (N7FV-1)

What I cannot do is login from another laptop connected to the mesh.

All routers were re-flashed tonight with the latest firmware. 

I realize that I am asking to be spoon fed. I don't have an IT background and I am hoping that there is a more general tutorial out there that explains how all this works as the help document included in the firmware is still the same from HSMM-MESH, and now the options have changed but the help menus have not.

Thanks in advance



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 Subject :iPhone viewing of node.. 2014-02-05- 17:24:28 
Joined: 2013-10-20- 13:52:20
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : iPhone viewing of node

I use an app on my iPhone called "Inet" it shows me what is connected to my network. I have an access point on my node so I scanned my network and it show port :8080 I opened the port and it allowed me to view  Mesh status and wifi status.  It gets unstable trying to run setup and  when connected to another node. 

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Last Edited On: 2014-02-05- 17:29:47 By w9ntn for the Reason
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