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 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-12-15- 08:29:36 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

Hi Ron, The "internet" routers used in our mesh network are all using a netmask of on the LAN side and our mesh node routers when in NAT mode are also using this same net mask on the LAN side. I don't think we are using as a netmask anywhere in our mesh network here in Barrie. In my case, my internet router is issuing an IP of (netmask to my mesh node I use for GRE tunneling. Therefore (as shown in my document) I used 192.168.x.x for my tunnel IP's. If you are looking at Johan's document, then yes he shows that they are using 1.1.1.x IPs (netmask for the tunnel. Hope I answered your question. 73
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 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-12-15- 05:08:25 
Joined: 2013-08-26- 06:54:56
Posts: 15
Location: L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

Al: Yes it does help. I understand networking pretty good, I'm still getting my feet wet with the programming of scripts. I simply wasn't sure where these in the script were coming from because there is no mention how the router was getting it's IP address from the Internet router and what subnet mask you were using. So that being said, and if I now understand correctly, if I want to follow the scripts in the document as is, I just need to change my subnet mask on my Internet router to Correct? And if that's the case, then I would highly recommend it to avoid any possible conflicts with current devices connected to the Internet router running on 1.x network. I'll give it a try and see what happens. The last question is do both the Tunneling routers have to be properly configured and running before one sees the other? Not to pass traffic but just see the node. Thanks very much for your help. We're really anxious in getting our Mesh deployed throughout the counties here.
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 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2013-12-15- 03:45:06 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.

Chris W2NIC, Will you go to qrz and get my email and send me your contact info please? 73
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I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-12-15- 03:38:27 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

Hi Ron - I'm no expert at this stuff; but in both the S51tun and S52update files, the IP's assigned to the tunnel can be 192.168.1.x but don't change the netmask of the router. The netmask of is only entered as part of these two scripts (in the ifconfig lines) because they are establishing a point-to-point tunnel (this netmask only permits 4 IP's with 2 usable host addresses - the two ends of the tunnel). Hope this helps. 73
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 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-12-14- 14:24:25 
Joined: 2013-08-26- 06:54:56
Posts: 15
Location: L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

Thanks Al. I've downloaded them and I tried to make the necessary changes.

I don't quite understand the S51tun file configuration.  The instruction says that the Internet router provides the node an IP in the range of 192.168.X.X.  Mine and the other end gets it in the range of 192.168.1.X  netmask Are we to change the Internet Routers netmask to reflect this?


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Last Edited On: 2013-12-14- 16:49:48 By VA3RRZ for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Success/Failure for Different Router Models.. 2013-12-14- 13:34:11 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Success/Failure for Different Router Models

I have personally tested the WRT54G3G-ST and it works just fine. There are report that the WRT54G3G-AT also works just fine too (someone else on this forum has the G3G-AT). These two different devices are virtually the exact same unit and are like evil twins to one another and the WRT54G3G...meaning they only accept firmware with a different 4-byte header when flashing from stock Linksys firmware. I will post those two firmware images in the next 24 hours.
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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-12-14- 12:13:37 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

A new version 2 on the procedure of setting up GRE tunneling between nodes using Johan SM7I's method can be found at:

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-14- 12:14:15 By VE3RRD for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Internet Tunneling.. 2013-12-14- 12:06:01 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

A new version 2 on the procedure of setting up GRE tunneling between nodes using Johan SM7I's method can be found at:

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-14- 12:07:05 By VE3RRD for the Reason
 Subject :It's Contagious.. 2013-12-14- 10:53:27 
Joined: 2013-12-11- 12:59:54
Posts: 1
Forum : L.I./NYC
Topic : It's Contagious

Rich, N2PPN, and the group,  just love your enthusiasm, Hams on a common mission, we can do anything!

73 Peter


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 Subject :Re:First off...... 2013-12-14- 07:52:24 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : L.I./NYC
Topic : First off....

YVW Rich.

Even though there is a East NY, NYC/LI is big enough they should have their own.

With all them big buildings, y'all should be able to have one hell of a mesh network around there soon.

If those NYC landlords we have heard so much about would be nice enough to agree :-)

Happy Meshing!


P.S.  I guess I should go make up one for L.A. now, too, so as not to play favorites, huh? Cool

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :First off...... 2013-12-14- 07:12:38 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : L.I./NYC
Topic : First off....

OK, I guess I bit off the big piece here...

I asked for this geographic area to be added to the MESH forums so all us "BIG APPLE" types can have a centralized posting place... (thanks Jim)

That being said it would be nice to have everyone check in and give their info on where they are in setting up/running/or planning their MESH node(s)

The possibilities are endless....

The DMR guys can use it to run the DMR links..The ARES/RACES guys can use it for emergency response like we had during SS Sandy and other related weather events here on LI, and there are just so many more uses for it that can't even begin to be realized as yet...

So here is my info so far..

I currently have three WRT54GS's up and running locally in my QTH..  (N2PPN-0001 through 0003)

I am running a few tests on them and will be looking for homes to set the first two up in... I have put out "feelers" to a few places I would like to set them up at, just trying to not be too intrusive yet with antennas and outdoor "adornments"... for the time being they are all up, running and are waiting for something to do...

OK, that's my story so far...




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 Subject :Re:Feature Request.. 2013-12-13- 23:05:02 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature Request


On solution which I know is replace quartz you can see below link

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 Subject :Success/Failure for Different Router Models.. 2013-12-13- 21:55:54 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Success/Failure for Different Router Models

Also, please list what versions of the router hardware you tried.  It's usually listed on the label if the manufacturer bothers to tell you what version you have.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :WRT-300N V1.1 Bricked??.. 2013-12-13- 21:53:55 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : WRT-300N V1.1 Bricked??

I know this is an old thread, but in case someone else searches and ends up here:

The WRT-300N v.1.1 and higher versions use significantly different hardware vs. WRT-300Nv1.  Since the firmware makes a point of saying "v1," don't assume it will work for a WRT-300Nv1.1.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:SSH Access with Putty.. 2013-12-13- 19:46:24 
Joined: 2013-12-03- 23:40:42
Posts: 2
Location: Camarillo, CA
Forum : Applications
Topic : SSH Access with Putty

Hi, If you want the login to happen without you giving the password manually, you can use "pageant" (part of the Putty suite) to store your key (you feed it the .ppk file). 73, Eric WB6PYK
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 Subject :Feature Request.. 2013-12-13- 12:56:36 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature Request

Would it be possible in a future release to be able to add channels below channel 1? Will the WRT54's operate on channel 0 or -1??  I am in the NYC Metro area and 2.4 WiFi channels are quite busy around here... For a large network (planning more than 50 nodes by springtime) to run efficiently we might need to have option to drop "off of" commercially available channels and dip a little further into the Ham Spectrum....



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 Subject :Re:Power and rf connectors for WRT54GL.. 2013-12-13- 12:33:20 
Joined: 2013-11-20- 09:34:22
Posts: 12
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Power and rf connectors for WRT54GL

Thanks to all for the info and advice! I now know what kind of connectors I need. 73, Harry W3YJ
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 Subject :SSH Access with Putty.. 2013-12-13- 06:53:39 
Joined: 2013-08-26- 06:54:56
Posts: 15
Location: L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada
Forum : Applications
Topic : SSH Access with Putty

Hi all,

I'm a newbie and need some help with connecting to my node harw wired to my local LAN using Putty in SSH mode.  I've generated a key par using puttygen, saved the private key to a file mynode.ppk and copied and pasted the public key into a file called  The first few characters in this public file are:  ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza.......

I've uploaded the public key to my node using the Admin page on the Web Gui and it got a response:

Key installed.  Key file sanitized.

When I try to log in using Putty, with my private key installed in the Authorization parameter, set the session to SSH port 2222, and connect, I get login as:  I type it in, then it says that server refused our key.  I then get the password request, I put it in and I am logged in.

-Is there another setting that I missed?

-Does the public key remain in the router after I power it off/on? Thanks  

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 Subject :Success/Failure for Different Router Models.. 2013-12-13- 05:07:12 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Success/Failure for Different Router Models


Here is a link to a few user failures with WRT-150N.

Has anyone had success with WRT-150N routers?

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :5 GHz Mesh.. 2013-12-13- 05:05:41 
Joined: 2013-06-25- 22:32:51
Posts: 8
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Forum : Hardware
Topic : 5 GHz Mesh

I may have missed this somewhere in the forum, but has anyone actually set up a 5 GHz mesh with HSMM or BBHN? What (Linksys) hardware or any other is used?

I've checked out the NW-Mesh group. It seems like some have played with 5 GHz, but no details.

Will the BBHN Ubiquiti Firmware when released, support the 5 GHz M5 Bullets? 

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Dennis, KC9OIS
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