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 Subject :Re:Legal Use by a third party.. 2013-12-10- 08:06:20 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : General
Topic : Legal Use by a third party

The first question I would ask is, have you violated Part 15 rules with your Hamnet? My take on this is if your channel, power, and antenna ERP are "Part 15" compliant, then you can operate under Part 15 rules how ever your station and network are labeled.

If you have exceeded those limits, then you must operate under Part 97 rules.

Under Part 97 rules you have the standard emergency loophole:

E. Emergency Communications

Subpart E contains four sections, numbered 97.401–407.

Subpart E supports the service of amateur radio operators in times of disaster by establishing basic standard operating procedures to use in case an emergency should occur. Primarily, it authorizes any use of radio technology for the "immediate safety of human life and immediate protection of property," regardless of all other FCC regulations, when no alternative is available. It also establishes the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), a civil defense communications service intended for activation in times of war or threat to national security.

My take on this is during an active emergency all bets are off, do what you need to do.

Also under Part 97 rules operators can operate under supervision and privileges of the control operator of a station who is physically present.



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 Subject :Re:Help with SSH into a WRT54G with BBHM v1.0.. 2013-12-10- 07:46:27 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : General
Topic : Help with SSH into a WRT54G with BBHM v1.0

Port 2222 was "necessary", but may not have been "sufficient".


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 Subject :Legal Use by a third party.. 2013-12-10- 07:17:58 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : General
Topic : Legal Use by a third party

This question was just asked of me and opposed to taking a stab at it I figure someone has already figured it out.

"I was just taking a break and a thought occurred to me related to this whole mesh ham network thing. If you had a mesh setup as a backup wireless comm network for chat, file sharing or whatever, and it is being operated in the ham portion of the 2.4ghz wifi band, can anyone use it?

I thought of this while mulling over the potential uses of such a thing as a backup or auxiliary (what you and I have mentioned in the past). Let's say we have a computer connected to a ham mesh net in the dispatch office, and one at the police department. Could anyone legally jump on those machines and use the network, or would they have to call a licensed ham to come down and do their typing for them?"

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I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Re:Help with SSH into a WRT54G with BBHM v1.0.. 2013-12-10- 06:30:31 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres
Forum : General
Topic : Help with SSH into a WRT54G with BBHM v1.0

Got it working.  Changed the port to 2222 and found a variable in the Putty s/w that was the admin login and password.  Not sure which did it but it is working regardless.

Kirk - N6SXR

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 Subject :Re:Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-10- 06:13:48 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

Ok if we put in /etc/config.mesh/firewall this rule via  shell after this we must go to http://ip_address:8080 select "setup" and use "Save changes" and reboot. Because save changes from web interface copy file "firewall" from /etc/config.mesh/firewall to /etc/firewall. After this we can connect OLSR status use WAN IP address

[sp2ong 2013-12-10- 05:59:42]:

Ok I have put in /etc/config.mesh/firewall instead /etc/config/firewall but after reboot I can not connect to http://ip_address_WAN:1978

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 Subject :Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-10- 05:59:42 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

Ok I have put in /etc/config.mesh/firewall instead /etc/config/firewall but after reboot I can not connect to http://ip_address_WAN:1978
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 Subject :Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-10- 05:15:11 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

I would also recommend adding that line to the /etc/config.mesh/firewall file so it can be preserved across configuration changes.

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 Subject :Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-10- 03:52:28 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

Hi, Ok I have add in /etc/config/firewall (it maybe better in /etc/firewall.user) one line accept:wan:dport=1978 prot=tcp no I can see OLSR status via WAN from my local network. But it myeb it is not secure and better use src IP address which allow connect to 1978 port via WAN. 73 Waldek
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 Subject :Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-10- 03:41:18 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

Hi, I have confirm problem with connect to OLSR status when I have WRT54 Mesh Node I have connected via WAN to my local network. I can see and change on ip_address_WAN:8080 but when I have try IP_address_WAN:1978 I hav not success. But if my latop connect direct to WRT54 in LAN and I have address on latop form dhcp server WRT54 like I can see OLSR status use It is look like problem in firewall definition on WRT54 where it is not allow connect to 1978 port via WAN?

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-10- 03:41:50 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2013-12-10- 02:49:07 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.


Great to hear from you! I also have two WRT54GL nodes operational (KD5CKP-1 & W5OBM-1) and have successfully managed to get IRC and FTP working, unfortunately no anonymous FTP as yet, but all in due time. I will eventually add screenshots of what I have done to the directory, but here is what is happened so far THAT I AM AWARE OF.

I think you are a bit far remove for me to attempt a connection, but hopefully the daisy chain will develop quickly. Still waiting to see who else has a node operational.

If I can locate my VoIP phones that will be my next project until someone gets a node up where I have a chance of hitting them. Thanks for letting us know and please keep us informed of developments.



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Last Edited On: 2013-12-10- 02:51:16 By KD5CKP for the Reason it needed it...

I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Re:Need help advertivising ftp service.. 2013-12-10- 02:38:30 
Joined: 2013-11-20- 10:14:27
Posts: 6
Location: Washington
Forum : Applications
Topic : Need help advertivising ftp service

I've only recently loaded my mesh, but I believe you have to ADD the DHCP reservation. I see it there in your pic, but it has not been added yet. Click add then save and wait for the confirmation.

Also, I still have to add the port forwarding for IRC to work. The instructions posted here claim? that you do not have to add the port forwarding in BBHNv1. In order for my IRC to work I had to port forward.

"NOTE: I originally released this document prior to v1.0.0 of the BBHN firmware and unaware of the change in default mode to 5-host Direct (formerly DMZ).  Should your node be currently using 1, 5, or 13-host Direct mode (or similar DMZ mode of previous releases) then you are done!  There's no need to "pop" holes in the firewall.  "

Also, the IRC will not file transfer when internet is active because the IRC will use various other ports (Chatzilla ngircd 20.2) that the computer internet connection uses. I'm using an Ethernet dongle to access localnode but I have also used the LAN port on the localnode for internet. Just cant file transfer with internet access enabled.

If anyone has any insight on how to IRC file transfer withOUT internet and node to localnode  BBHNv1 using ngircd/Chatzilla Thanks. I can see both nicks, but the transfers end up on the server sometimes.

How to get into ngircd on router to set config?

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-10- 06:46:52 By kg7for for the Reason
 Subject :Re:dual antennas, questions or ideas.. 2013-12-10- 02:13:16 
Joined: 2013-10-28- 14:36:22
Posts: 2
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : dual antennas, questions or ideas

One question then ! the hardware switching is such that only one antenna is selected at a given time. If the 2 antenna cover, say 2 independent area, can we estimate the bandwidth loss if the firmware has to send data from one area to the other ? I'm guessing that firmware has no mean to know when a not heard node (belonging to the not selected antenna) will talk and then firmware has no way to anticipate antenna selection. I expect a ratio of much less than 0.5. Am I correct ? Anyway this is great we can do this, even the cost of bandwidth loss. 73, Alexandre
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 20:24:22 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

Ok thank you very much for clarification and it maybe will be nice add this to Instruction for others users. I will be use *.trx file. 73 Waldek
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 18:47:11 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

I understood what you were saying since the beginning. I thought my answers were clear, but I guess not. You can go directly from Tomato to BBHN and you do not need to add an extra step to Linksys before upgrading. You can use either firmware file, but since I suspect you want a direct answer, use the trx file.

From Tomato's FAQ:
Installing another firmware or restoring the original firmware:
Important: Make sure the firmware you are going to use is the correct type for your router. Tomato will accept WRT54G/GL, WRT54GS, WRT54GSv4, WRTSL54GS, WR850G and TRX types of files, but it cannot check if the firmware actually supports your router.

Open Tomato's GUI in your browser, go to Administration/Upgrade, select the file and click the Upgrade button.

From the above in the FAQ, I will say that you have selected the "WRT54GS" file (the bbhn-1.0.0-wrt54gs.bin) and the TRX file (bbhn-1.0.0-brcm.trx) and now you can use either one.

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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 18:13:16 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

OK but TOMATO, DD-WRT etc it is not stock Liknsys firmware and I am asking for help to get answer which file firmware I must use when we have in WRT54 firmware like DD-WRT, TOMATO, OpenWRT. I do not want to have brick WRT-54 :-). I try to find original Linksys firmware for my WRT54GS v1 but I am not found for to restore firmware and after this it will be clear which file I can use to install hsmm-mesh firmware
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 17:59:07 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

Stock Linksys firmware will reject *.trx files and so *.bin files are supplied for that purpose. You can use either.

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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 17:31:08 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

Yes I know this instruction but firmware TOMATO is not "previous mesh firmware". But If this means that if I have wrt54 with not stock firmware but have installed any other firmware like OpenWRT, TOMATO, DD-WRT we sholud use file *.trx broadband hsmm-mesh firmware (???). It is not clear in instruction for beginner users.

73 Waldek

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-09- 17:32:51 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:OLSR status page not working.. 2013-12-09- 17:18:37 
Joined: 2012-05-31- 16:34:26
Posts: 3
Location: Portland, Oregon
Forum : General
Topic : OLSR status page not working

Gocha. thats too bad, I dont have any practical way to connect to the LAN side
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 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2013-12-09- 15:41:29 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 14:04:53
Posts: 2
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.

I am very interested and raring to go. I have two nodes (SSID: BroadbandHamnet-v1):

1. W2NIC-NODE1 - WRT54GL Firmware version: bbhn v1.0.0, bidirectional 2w amplifier and 15db omni antenna. Mounted in my attic. Hopefully I will get it on the roof when the ice is not so trecherous.

2. W2NIC-PI - Yep it's a raspberry pi with a Netgear wifi USB Dongle, no amplifier, no additional antenna.

I have successfully steamed 1080p movie to a laptop attached to the pi node at 500 yrds (1567 ft).

I have 2 Ubiquity Access points coming off the WRT54GL on the subnet with every device in my house connected (16 devices) and an internet gateway.

I would be happy to talk about anything I have learned along the way. [I take criticism as well :-)]

I am in Oakland (35.243342 -89.5294089).

I would love to see an area-wide mesh put together. My nodes are lonely. :-)

I monitor alot of the area repeaters in the morning and evening commute and on the weekends. However, i monitor to the 146.94- most of the time. 


 -- Chris

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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware.. 2013-12-09- 07:05:59 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GS with TOMATO firmware

Take a look at the Firmware Installation Instructions.

From the page, it states that "if you are upgrading from a previous mesh firmware release then you can use the .trx file (regardless of the router model)."

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