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 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-11-16- 09:06:47 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

No problem. Of course you can test peering with me.

Just drop me an email when you feel ready.

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Last Edited On: 2013-11-16- 09:17:25 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-11-16- 07:44:52 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

Very interesting post, I will try configure like you explain.

For test it, I want know if you are available for link with you my node.


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 Subject :Re:Hamnet in Europe.. 2013-11-15- 23:49:30 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain
Forum : General
Topic : Hamnet in Europe

Waldek, I have the project of use the two networks: 

-Use Hamnet in 5ghz ( 802.11a )

-Use HSMM mesh in 2,5 ghz ( 802.11g/b )

and suppose is posible make a local link betwen the two networks , with making routing configurations.

Now I am making testings with mesh ( I have the linksys router ) and in a next dates I will buy the Microtik& ubiquiti Hardware for 5ghz, hamnet.

Work in progres...


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 Subject :New from Spain.. 2013-11-15- 23:39:06 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain
Forum : General
Topic : New from Spain

Hi, I am Miguel, from Spain, in a test phase of my new hsmm mesh node. This is the presentation msg in the forum. 73’s to all members.


I have more doubts, one, is how connect via vpn to the rest of the network of the rest of the world, but Jim K5KTF explain to me, that this are in phase of test  .  I am interested  on this.

I have my main node started for making tests and later I will  put on the roof of my station with  and omni dir antenna for give coverage to my city area.

I am waiting for obtain a second router wrt54gl, for configure it as client ( and connect my laptop ) and test the user access to main node.

But I want ask if it is possible for test purposes, configure a” wrt54gl virtual machine” in my laptop, with is built-in wifi radio, or pcmcia wifi radio hw,  install the hsmm mesh firmware in this virtual machine, and test the client access. ( really I wan use my laptop as a router and pc client ), any ideas? .

Thanks and 73s


Miguel Bahi Cruz


EB5JEQ Amateur Radio Station


Elche Alicante Spain


email & skype :

Sysop of

EB5JEQ-1 AX25 Node BPQnet BPQ32 144.825MHZ

EB5JEQ-8 TCPIP Node Net JNOS, 144.825MHZ ( in test )

QRUEB5JEQ Aprs QRUserver ( APRSIS32 )


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 Subject :Hotspots and smartphones?.. 2013-11-15- 20:27:43 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 20:50:29
Posts: 4
Location: San Antonio, TX
Forum : Applications
Topic : Hotspots and smartphones?

[Note: See also AC0LV's post ("WalkieTalkie and Androic")  in the 'General' category that addresses this issue.]

I'm a newbie to all this, but my understanding is that you can attach a non-modified WiFi router to a mesh node to create a hotspot from which anyone with WiFi can gain access to the mesh.

Assume you have two such hotspots (at separate locations) on a mesh.  Would that make it possible for users with smartphones (Android or iPhone) to converse between these locations using VOIP programs and their WiFi connections, in the absence of 'regular' cellular service? 

Has anyone tried this?  Is there a particular VOIP smartphone app that exists for this sort of thing?  Clearly Skype uses VOIP (I guess the basic mobile phone does, too!) so it's clearly possible.  But it needs to be peer-to-peer.

It seems that this could be extremely useful in the immediate aftermath of disasters such as Katrina or the typhoon in the Philippines.  If responders have the VOIP software on their phones, they don't need have a radio or to get to a radio, they just need to get to a hotspot. 

To me, if most people already carry smartphones with WiFi capability,  it seems more efficient to spend money creating hotspots than on hardware VOIP adaptors.


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Last Edited On: 2013-11-17- 01:57:52 By kg5us for the Reason Someone had already answered this question in another forum
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-11-15- 17:54:13 
Joined: 2013-09-29- 23:18:25
Posts: 12
Location: Windsor, Ontario
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

Well I loaded up the hsmm-mesh but I used the script and it downloaded it all seemed to go well but I have yet to manage to log into the raspberry to configure it? I tried your write up in this thread and even localnode:8080 and cannot seem to get into the raspberry/mesh status page?

Any suggestions? I am hooking an ethernet cable from my PC directly to the raspberry just as I have done with a router.

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Last Edited On: 2013-11-15- 17:58:03 By VA3MAA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Asterisk PBX has stopped running.. 2013-11-15- 10:15:19 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk PBX has stopped running

It pays to revisit the install instructions for updates! I have now installed the fake hardware clock and have begun to shutdown the RasPi in the proper manner. All working now!! I take it that if there is an Internet connection then NTP takes over and everything still works. Thanks for your help as always Paul. I may be demoing two nodes with IP phones at the Manufactures Day festivities at the Atlanta HRO tomorrow. I'll let all know how it went. Steve G./N4TTY
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk PBX has stopped running.. 2013-11-15- 09:36:03 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk PBX has stopped running

Home network did have internet service. Meeting demo did not. Fake hardware clock? I seemed to have missed the boat on that. Where do I find that and install? Maybe since I was internet connected at home and not at meeting the "clock" thing might be a clue.
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 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-11-15- 06:55:23 
Joined: 2013-11-14- 10:30:07
Posts: 7
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

Thanks for an excellent video, I have got most of the parts needed and just looking for phones now. Looking at a local online sales website I can get hold of the following phones. Are there any on the list to be avoided or which models will you recommend ? LINKSYS IP Phone SPA942 LINKSYS IP Phone SPA922 CISCO IP Phone SPA504G CISCO IP Phone SPA502G 73 Glen LA1ZUA
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk PBX has stopped running.. 2013-11-15- 06:15:27 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk PBX has stopped running

Sounds like it might have been a fluke and Asterisk failed to start. Did you try an "amportal restart" in a SSH Console? If so, what was its output? How did your setups at your home and club meeting differ? Does/Did your home/club-setup mesh network have internet services made availabe? Did you install the fake hardware clock? Do you shutdown the Raspberry Pi properly through a terminal window?

As these type of things are a case-by-case basis, I would be interested in seeing your log files when this error occurs. You can find your log files on the Raspberry Pi here: /var/log/asterisk/ (that last part "/asterisk/" is a guess. It could be something different/similar).

Sometimes, it might just be easier to backup your configuration files and just re-image the Raspberry-Asterisk package to the SD Card (as that process does not take too terribly long). And afterwords...paying close attention to re-installing the fake-hwclock and properly shutting down the Pi. I have yet to experience any issues when paying close attention to the above items.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Asterisk PBX has stopped running.. 2013-11-15- 05:17:21 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk PBX has stopped running

Everything has been working fine for weeks.  Have taken the system down and brought it back up on several occasions, but as always happens with a demo, I was going to demo the Asterisk PBX with phones on 4 mesh nodes at a radio club meeting last night.  Murphy raised his ugly head.

The phones seemed to find the TFTP server just fine and configured themselves as expected.  But no cigar.  All phones just gave the re-order tones when trying to dial another extension.

Logging in to the FreePBX Admin program showed a Server Status of ERROR for Asterisk while other servers were listed as OK.

Not a Linux guru, so looking for help as where to turn next.

Again, all had been working just fine until I tried to do a real demo.

Steve G./N4TTY

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 Subject :Mesh-Node link via Ethernet?.. 2013-11-15- 00:37:24 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 18:36:48
Posts: 13
Location: Preston, CT
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh-Node link via Ethernet?

Can I get two (or more) Mesh-Nodes to establish a link over Ethernet?  The two nodes are on oppsite sides of a building and can't see eachother via RF.

--73 de Doug

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 Subject :ARRL Centennial Celebration in Hartford in 2014 ?.. 2013-11-14- 23:58:19 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 18:36:48
Posts: 13
Location: Preston, CT
Forum : General
Topic : ARRL Centennial Celebration in Hartford in 2014 ?


  Any BBHN users planning on going to ARRL's Convention next year?

  It would be nice to see a large scale Mesh-Network.

--73 de N1OBU


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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-14- 03:25:10 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


Code to display GPS coords on a mesh status page is in this article.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-14- 02:09:06 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio

Ryan: Hi! We are running a Google Group called hsv_bbhn. Contact me at kv4pc (at) qsl (dot) net and I will make sure you get an invite. I'd like to hear what needs to happen to connect a bullet2. I have one running a slightly older version of Kamakazi. 73; Bob KV4PC
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 Subject :Re:Re:Ubiquiti Nanostation LOCO M2.. 2013-11-14- 00:40:30 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Nanostation LOCO M2

When you said: "...OpenWRT, OLSR, and any other pieces..." is there a way to know what's inside the "other pieces" ???


[wx5u 2013-05-08- 17:45:22]:

Disclaimer: I'm not on the development team, so this may not be exactly correct. 

I believe Ubiquiti won't talk to HSMM at all due to some of the software components being incompatible.  It's a bug in the open source components used in HSMM.  The processor in the Ubiquiti devices won't run the same software in the WRT-54G and interoperate.

In order to connect a router (or computer) to the current HSMM, you have to load and configure OpenWRT, OLSR, and a few other things.  With the current HSMM software, you CAN connect some other kinds of wifi devices to an HSMM node and communicate.  Because of the software bugs in some of the open source components we use, this fails with Ubiquiti and many other kinds of equipment.   It's a "big endian" problem if that means anything to you.

The Broadband-HamnetV1 should remove or fix these particular bad components.

After that, any sufficiently capable router or network device can connect to Broadband-Hamnet if you can figure out how to load and configure OpenWRT, OLSR, and any other pieces.  Ubiquiti should work, but YOU have to figure out how to do the configuration yourself.  It's not "easy," but a few people have figured out how to do it already.

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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Re:Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 17:24:25 
Joined: 2013-09-07- 21:09:02
Posts: 1
Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio

I'm running a mesh with 1 WRT54GL running BroadbandHamnet-v1 and two HSMM-PIs, works great! Just wish that the BroadbandHamnet interface would display a few of the extra details like note position (once of my nodes is mobile and has a GPS receiver).

I also have a good friend who is using a Bullet in his BBHN mesh; feel free to drop in #broadband-hamnet on Freeenode IRC if you have any questions about all of  these compatabilities -- there are a few of us around every day talking about this stuff!

PS: Next time I go up to Huntsville, maybe we can grab a meal. I'll probably be up there some time in December for an interview. I also pass through a good bit on my way to Nashville.

73 from Tuscaloosa!

K0RET Ryan Turner

[kv4pc 2013-11-13- 11:23:03]:


Interesting links, those. Thank you.

A local ham is working with HSMM-PI on PI and Bone with an eye to getting BBHN compatibility.

I have a couple of Bullet2 I would like to get into BBHN service.There is really alot of compatible or nearly compatible hardware around that is perfectly happy running OpenWRT that I would like to do BBHN.



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Last Edited On: 2013-11-13- 17:25:49 By K0RET for the Reason
Come join us in #broadband-hamnet on Freenode IRC!
 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-11-13- 16:12:19 
Joined: 2013-11-07- 09:34:16
Posts: 1
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

This thread has done it. I can no longer not own a raspberry pi. Also shopping for high power usb wlan adapters it seems.
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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 11:23:03 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


Interesting links, those. Thank you.

A local ham is working with HSMM-PI on PI and Bone with an eye to getting BBHN compatibility.

I have a couple of Bullet2 I would like to get into BBHN service.There is really alot of compatible or nearly compatible hardware around that is perfectly happy running OpenWRT that I would like to do BBHN.



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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 10:35:54 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


Well, then, you may wish to take a look at the yahoo group for NW-MESH, or at a compendium of some of their work at

This group in Federal Way Washington has ported an earlier version of HSMM-MESH to Ubiquiti equipment in an attempt to gain the advantage of the higher power available from the bullet M2HP.

There is a proceedure somewhere in their documentation for adjusting Openwrt Attitude Adjustment to mesh with their special build for WRT54XX hardware.

Further HSMM-PI is available for loading onto Raspberry Pi or Beagleboneblack, and will work with every usb wifi dongle that I have tried.

Further, one of the local hams in Vancouver, Wa that is also quite adept at linux has made broadbandhamnet and NW-MESH and older HSMM-MESH talk with eachother.

Of further interest to you might be




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