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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 09:19:44 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


Alix, Microtik, etc are examples of the "compatible" hardware I was referring to. I have a couple of Microtik boards myself running Ubiquiti SRs. However, BBHN has not been ported to any of these as yet. And they considerably more expensive. You can make a "compatible" node on them of course but it isnt BBHN.



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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 05:12:29 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


John Hansen tested both the radio's that you posted and presented his findings at a previous DCC.

You are correct that these two radio's can be used with modified linksys gear. But why do that when ALIX type boards from PC concepts are available? Soekris boards will accept those radio cards, as will Mikrotik routerboards.

Enough of this.

The point about the UDR56K that was  presented at DCC is that the 56K barrier may not exist. The presentation at DCC is not included in the proceedings, unfortunately, so unless you were in attendance, you may not find what was discussed on the interweb. You may need to communicate directly with the UDR56k team to learn just what are the capabilities of their radio as the published information is somewhat lacking.

Alternatively, the conference was filmed and I believe the video is available on amateurtelevision website.




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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Nanostation LOCO M2.. 2013-11-13- 04:00:31 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Nanostation LOCO M2

Now that's the BHv1 is released, has anyone succesfully setted up any OpenWRT device manually (i.e. Ubiquiti equipment)???
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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 03:58:17 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio


WIFI = IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n MAC, PHY, waveform.

While a 56 kbps radio is of general interest to most anyone playing with digital modes it is not very closely related to "BroadbandHamnet", being simply a "pretty quick packet radio". You can run TCP/IP over any bidirectional serial link. You can also mesh pretty much anything that involves TCP/IP with the right routers. However 56kbps is no where near the data rate required by "high speed multimedia". You would be hard pressed to do one channel of VoIP over a solid 56k link.

Im not belittling it - 56k packet has been a long time coming and it has a well defined place in the world of Amateur Radio. But it is part of a different "food chain" so to speak.

The radios I posted are 1 Mbps to 54 Mbps 802.11b/g mini-PCI radios that produce several WIFI channels on 70 cm. They can be directly interfaced to and supported by OpenWRT/OLSR software and WIFI radio drivers on certain hardware (H/W that is equipped with mini-PCI slots or over USB-to-mini-PCI adaptors) for which these S/W have been ported.

The Linksys routers currently supported by BBHN can be adapted to use these radios by exposing the USB ports currently present on the Broadcomm chip, adding a power injector and a USB-to-miniPCI adaptor, and loading the USB driver packages for OpenWRT. Certain compatible hardware that may be supported later can use the cards directly.

The 56kbps radio is a radio for a different technical domain, and is generally governed by different sections of Part 97 rules. For example, Radio Amateur use of spread spectrum such as WIFI is currently limited to 10 watts PEP. A packet radio can run the full legal limit. But the bandwidth they can occupy is significantly different.



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Last Edited On: 2013-11-13- 04:04:40 By kv4pc for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-13- 02:21:23 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio

@kv4pc, I am not sure what is your definition of "WIFI". At the recent ARRL/TAPR DCC in Seattle, the developers of the UDR56K gave a presentation indicating that the radio would be fully capable of TCP/IP in the 70cm band. Further, at the same DCC, John Stephensen, kd6ozh, gave a presentation on "A Software Defined Radio for Mesh Networks" 73 Marc KD7RYY
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 Subject :Re:Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia.. 2013-11-12- 09:41:37 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Italy
Topic : Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia

Ho letto l'articolo, molto interessante. Avete fatto una bella prova sul campo. Io sono stato molto più teorico nella mia esperienza... ma ho aperto un altro topic per non riempire questo che riguarda più da vicino la vostra esperienza. Spero di poter collaborare! 73 de Leo IZ5FSA
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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Prove di HSMM-MESH a Scandicci (FI).. 2013-11-12- 09:40:05 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Italy
Topic : Prove di HSMM-MESH a Scandicci (FI)

Ciao a tutti.

Sto cercando di mettere insieme un gruppo di OM qui nei pressi di Scandicci (Firenze) per provare a vedere come potrebbe funzionare una hsmm-mesh fissa non mobile in questa zona "collinare".

Per adesso ho 2 WRT54GL equipaggiati con l'ultima versione della Broadband-Hamnet v1 ed 1 Raspberry-pi con l'ultima HSMM-PI (veramente una grande svolta sia per l'hardware che per il software!!!) che interagiscono alla grande, ma per ora solo in casa mia! E solo nel fine settimana o dopo le 22 e fino a quando non mi accascio sulla tastiera!!  :-)

Per info su HSMM-PI vedi molto interessante e poi Scott è molto disponibile anche per migliorare il suo lavoro ed eventualmente integrarlo con altri hardware.

Siccome i Linksys non si trovano con tutta questa facilità... pur essendo macchine molto potenti e versatili che diranno la loro ancora per molto tempo, ma volendo provare ad andare a 5GHz, sto cercando di creare il setup che permetta di integrare dei device della Ubiquiti (economiche e... di tutti i "tagli" sia di soldi che di configurazioni) nella HSMM-MESH inmaniera trasparente, come ha fatto Scott per HSMM-PI.

Qui in Toscana abbiamo una bella realtà fatta di esperienza e persone in gamba (v. informazioni su che hanno scelto però materiale Mikrotik e protocollo OSPF, incompatibile con la rete HSMM-MESH. Queste però sono scelte legate a due diverse tipologie di rete (ad-hoc vs p2p). Comunque mi stanno aiutando in quelle "finezze" del wifi-networking che ancora non maneggio come si deve.

Chissà che un giorno non si possano unire le reti HSMM-MESH che sono nate, stanno nascendo o nasceranno in Italia... lo spero proprio!

Ci sono altre esperienze da raccontare?

Io resto QRV.

73 de Leo IZ5FSA

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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Feature Request.. 2013-11-12- 05:42:10 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature Request

It would be helpful if the BBHN Package Manager listed the memory requirements for each package in the list of available packages. It would also be helpful if the available memory for installing packages were also shown on that page.To carry that idea still farther, it would be good if packages that will not fit are greyed out.

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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-12- 05:35:18 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio

Interesting, but not WIFI.
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 Subject :Re:Radio.. 2013-11-12- 05:09:13 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Radio is making a 70cm digital radio, coming soon.

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-11-11- 08:14:30 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

Thanks Paul! Ill mess with that config tonight. Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :Re:VirtualWalkieTalkie - andro iX.. 2013-11-11- 06:46:08 
Joined: 2013-10-19- 10:52:49
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : VirtualWalkieTalkie - andro iX

So I did a little more experimenting and this app appears to work just fine for voice communication over a Hamnet mesh. Here is what I tried. My mesh includes two nodes. Each node has an additional Linksys router (non-mesh compatible) that is set up as an access point and it connected lan-lan to the mesh node. My mesh does not have an internet connection. I then used two android devices to login to each of the WAPs. On one of the android devices I made note of the IP address assigned by the mesh node, started the WalkieTalkie server and set the Host (found in the app Options setting) to and applied the changes. On the other android device I set the Host = the IP address assigned to the first android device by the mesh. I set the channel to 1 on both devices. Using the PTT button on the app I can communicate between the two android devices. Of course you are limited to the range of the WAP the android device is connected to but this would be no different than using a VOIP softphone or a hardwired IP phone. More network savvy types could probably get a cleaner solution using the provided Java server, a dynamic DNS provider and port forwarding to setup a static named server for users. If someone can figure that out and post how to do the setups it might make for a good application note. Bill AC0LV
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 Subject :VirtualWalkieTalkie - andro iX.. 2013-11-11- 04:02:16 
Joined: 2013-10-19- 10:52:49
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : VirtualWalkieTalkie - andro iX

Has anyone looked into the android app listed in the subject?

Info can be found here.  Might this be an easy way to get voice connectivity over a mesh using smartphones connected to the mesh through WAPs vs going the VOIP route?

Bill AC0LV

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 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-11-10- 16:06:38 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

The 79xx's are a whole different ballpark to be playing in. You have to load the configurations via TFTPboot.

As for the Chrome browser, in my videos I am using IE9. So if it works there, it will work in any browser (I switch between Firefox and IE9).

Send me an e-mail and I'll help get you squared away and then post the solution here.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-11-10- 15:58:56 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

Hello all! I just viewed and followed KF5JIM's video. I ran into a snafu here in the config. The Cisco 7940 I have I picked up used at a hamfest for a whole $4. I did a factory reset on it to try and unlock the setup options. That probably isn't the issue here. I followed the video step by step. The only thing I did different was obviously changed the callsigns and extension number and "secret" password. Every thing on the router looks good. When I click on the VOIP hyperlink the grandstream config doesn't come up I just get a IE cannot display webpage. I know that it is suggested to use Chrome for the browser. I'm hesitant to try and install Chrome on that PC. The PC is a WinXP machine that is very beat up with very little resources left. I only use that PC for running APRS and config on my BBHN router. Is there any chance that the browser is the problem or did I miss anything? Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :Re:Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia.. 2013-11-10- 02:19:51 
Joined: 2013-11-09- 15:52:52
Posts: 1
Location: Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
Forum : Italy
Topic : Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia

Seguo con interesse la cosa anche se per il momento non sono attrezzato. 73, Stefano.
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 Subject :Re:Dayton Hamvention 2014.. 2013-11-09- 18:48:17 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : General
Topic : Dayton Hamvention 2014

Ill have at least 2 setup on the far end of both east an west lots. Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :Re:Dayton Hamvention 2014.. 2013-11-09- 18:48:10 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : General
Topic : Dayton Hamvention 2014

Ill have at least 2 setup on the far end of both east an west lots. Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :FS: Two Mesh Routers & Mag Mnt Antenna.. 2013-11-09- 13:25:17 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : General
Topic : FS: Two Mesh Routers & Mag Mnt Antenna

We live in the woods of SE-GA, USA & no one near here is interested.  Perhaps in the future, if we get 
some younger Statesboro-area Ham Club members, we can try this again here. Two Linksys WRT54G3G-ST devices with wall warts, original antennas, plus one mag mount antenna
(car top or file cabinet top or whatever for better range). They are loaded with the newest release OS.

Our two units communicate with each other fine so I know they are working 100%.

Asking $57. for the pair w/mag mount antenna, shipped.

Please contact me at QRV @ mycall (kd4e) dot com
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 Subject :Re:Signal strength charting.. 2013-11-08- 10:28:04 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : General
Topic : Signal strength charting

Kismet is a popular choice for this....
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