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 Subject :Re:How To Configure Mesh Nodes for N1MM and N3FJP Video.. 2015-05-18- 07:53:27 
Joined: 2013-06-25- 11:52:38
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : How To Configure Mesh Nodes for N1MM and N3FJP Video

I'm trying to sort out how to set up N1MM+ with BBHN. It's a little beyond me, I think. Any ideas?
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 Subject :Re:Error uploading SSH keys.. 2015-05-18- 06:50:58 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Error uploading SSH keys

confirming: you are trying to upload the public key, not the private key, right?
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Error uploading SSH keys.. 2015-05-18- 04:49:38 
Joined: 2015-04-08- 12:09:35
Posts: 30
Location: Saginaw, MI USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Error uploading SSH keys

Hello all,

I can't seem to upload a SSH key. No matter what I do it says it is not a valid key. It also displays "Info: key file sanitized." I am using puttygen with the default options to create the keys. Are there certain setting I should be using to create the keys? I am using the most current version of the firmware on a UBNT Bullet M2 and AirGrid M2. If you need any other info let me know.


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4 nodes. One GL, one Bullet, one AirGrid and one Raspberry Pi node. RasPBX and web server setup on another Raspberry Pi.

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 Subject :Re:IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!.. 2015-05-15- 20:34:56 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Italy
Topic : IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!

Ciao. Puoi arrivarci anche da banco... qui in zona Scandicci-Firenze stiamo aspettando un ok per andare in cima ad una collina... dovrebbe essere una buona postazione. In Sezione ARI metterò un nodo per far connettere altre isole come Siena. Se vuoi possiamo farti connettere e da li poi al resto della rete. Io sto usando il firmware in questo momento. Buoni test!!!
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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Re:IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!.. 2015-05-15- 20:21:58 
Joined: 2015-05-06- 15:09:37
Posts: 2
Location: Sumirago VA Italy
Forum : Italy
Topic : IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!

Grazie! :) A dire la verità sono un novellino che sta imparando ad usare questi apparati e questo firmware...i nodi comunicano già tra loro "a banco" adesso una delle parti più difficili e trovare le postazioni dove installare i nodi, soprattutto le Nanostation così da provarle sul campo e pensare agli aspetti di topografia e di copertura radio...con il tunnel penso che ci arriverò verso la fine :))
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 Subject :Re:Email - Looking for hints.. 2015-05-15- 16:06:30 
Joined: 2012-03-06- 08:19:44
Posts: 39
Location: Cottonwood, AZ
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Email - Looking for hints

Hi Eddy... no problem in not being tunneled. At this end I can share with you similar experiences in networking and DNS behavior. In my old workplace when made changes to networks the DNS names had to stay the same while IP addresses could change. Here the DNS names change or don't propagate well after a feature change on a node but the numbers remain the same. Now that I know this, all my tests are working well. My immediate goal is to test a crude social media feature that may mature into a global chat room type of technology. There's already IRC and Twitter and you name it but I'm not going in that direction. With so much computing power in the nodes and the distributed "intelligence" of the network already in place, something very simple that ties it together has to be possible. I'll let you know how it goes.
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de Wil - AB9U
 Subject :Re:IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!.. 2015-05-15- 13:02:33 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Italy
Topic : IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!

Benvenuto! Spero che ti piace la soluzione del tunnel.
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!.. 2015-05-15- 10:23:20 
Joined: 2015-05-06- 15:09:37
Posts: 2
Location: Sumirago VA Italy
Forum : Italy
Topic : IZ5FSA-HOME in tunnel raggiunge... l'America!!!

Ciao, io sono interessato a creare una rete di nodi mesh a Varese...ho acquistato 3 apparati ubiquiti nanostation loco M2 che ho intenzione di usare come nodi principali a cui collegherò inizialmente 5 altri nodi realizzati con raspberry-pi. Mi piacerebbe connettere poi questi nodi alla rete internet...quindi questo discorso del tunneling mi interessa molto :)
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 Subject :Tunnel and port forwarding.. 2015-05-15- 09:33:53 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres
Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel and port forwarding

I have a mesh net tunneled to a friends mesh and we are playing with different applications.  I have a FTP server setup and can only access it from the other end of the tunnel if it is connected directly to the tunnel server with a port forwarding for 21 to the FTP server.

I wanted to have the FTP server on a separate node but it appears that the FTP request is not propagated to the mesh, through the tunnel, so the node with the server on it can answer.  There is no way I see to forward from the tunnel server to another node.

Am I missing something?

Kirk - N6SXR

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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2015-05-15- 05:16:33 
Joined: 2014-12-26- 09:33:00
Posts: 3
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Yes, a single node with the HamChat package installed and published is the best thing to do.  

We have it installed in a node on a hilltop which serves as sort of a "backbone" link between areas.  It then is directly available to all other stations that can see that node as well as any that might surf to it through any other connected node.  

One of the good things about it is that no special client is required, just your browser.

As for my previous question about the CSS file.  All of a sudden about a week later it began using the changes that had been made to the file and the Timestamp font and color just changed.

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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat Server.. 2015-05-15- 03:42:25 
Joined: 2014-05-07- 21:44:09
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Additional thoughts: I like it that it runs on a browser, rather than having to install additional software. Is there any way (or any other application) to create a single chat room for the whole network? So that the users don't have to go searching for the server. Thanks, Erik
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GSv.4 firmware upload failure.. 2015-05-14- 16:12:42 
Joined: 2015-05-09- 17:48:41
Posts: 2
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54GSv.4 firmware upload failure

yes I have been investigating that as this forum does not seem to support the issue. Again just a newbe but seem like this software may brick as many routers as it updates? I wanted to give it a try but it may not be a better alternative to dd-wrt available to all not just hams. Not an expert on either but just want to set up a wireless camera network on my property. Thought this might me a solution. So far not sure..... 73 Jon
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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2015-05-14- 13:30:47 
Joined: 2014-05-07- 21:44:09
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Thanks! So, it would probably be best then if an established mesh had just one published, so visitors would know where to look. We have used ngircd (IIRC). Here in Winona, MN we have been experimenting but don't have anything permanent. We are in the Mississippi River Valley, so 600 foot "hills" all around. We just got a couple 900Mhz nodes and are planning to put one about 150 feet up on a tower. We are hoping for better range from that than the 2.4Ghz stuff. We were really happy when we upgraded everything to 3.1.0, and then cabled a 900Mhz node to a 2.4GHz node and the two networks "just connected" without any additional setup! 73, Erik
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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat Server.. 2015-05-14- 13:17:21 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

So, if I understand correctly, this creates a chat room on each node that it's installed on, correct?
That is correct. Each node becomes its own "chat room." Only one person needs it installed and then you just direct everyone to a specific room.

You could also setup a single IRC server with multiple channels, but that is beyond the scope of this thread.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2015-05-14- 13:07:00 
Joined: 2014-05-07- 21:44:09
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

So, if I understand correctly, this creates a chat room on each node that it's installed on, correct? I was hoping it would create one mesh-wide chat room. Or am I not using it correctly? I just installed it on three nodes and users that are logged on to HamChat on the same node see each others messages, but a user logged on to a different node doesn't see that traffic. Thanks, Erik, WB0NIU
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 Subject :Re:Email - Looking for hints.. 2015-05-14- 10:37:48 
Joined: 2014-11-04- 13:44:45
Posts: 12
Location: Euxton, Lancashire, UK
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Email - Looking for hints

Hi Wil.

Our mesh is currently not connected to the web. We have no plans to do so, we are using it as a stand alone system and we are still trialling our network. Our next test will be on a Fell Race and we hope to be able to get a direct 2 mile link between 2 Linksys units with beam antennae.


The real G0OFY.

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Not as fat as the photo suggests.
 Subject :Re:Email - Looking for hints.. 2015-05-14- 10:20:46 
Joined: 2012-03-06- 08:19:44
Posts: 39
Location: Cottonwood, AZ
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Email - Looking for hints

Greetings. Would you be able to help test a system I have running here? It's in line with what you got running over there. I want to test just one email across the world wide mesh but can't be over to do the test there when I'm over here. 73 - Wil - AB9U
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de Wil - AB9U
 Subject :Re:Email - Looking for hints.. 2015-05-14- 10:18:21 
Joined: 2012-03-06- 08:19:44
Posts: 39
Location: Cottonwood, AZ
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Email - Looking for hints

Hi... did you ever get the system going that you were looking to create? Wil - AB9U
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de Wil - AB9U
 Subject :Re:Installed new firmware, it doesn't work... 2015-05-14- 08:36:05 
Joined: 2013-07-16- 10:50:15
Posts: 3
Location: Yuma, Arizona
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Installed new firmware, it doesn't work.

OK thanks I'll give that a try.
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 Subject :ETA of XW Platform firmware for NS M5.. 2015-05-14- 07:57:59 
Joined: 2015-04-28- 20:27:53
Posts: 1
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : ETA of XW Platform firmware for NS M5

I realize that the XW platform code is being worked on, but I am now stuck with two Nanostation M5 radios that I cannot use for BBHN.

OpenWRT now has support for the XW platform version, so presumably the development work is done, and this is a packaging job? How soon are we likely to see a beta of a version supporting XW?

Thanks for any input - I don't really want to go down the road of installing OpenWRT plus all the other support needed for BBHM.


Waterloo, Ontario

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