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 Subject :Re:How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??.. 2015-01-08- 11:36:23 
Joined: 2014-11-17- 22:57:17
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Forum : General
Topic : How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??

Conrad/Joe, Thanks for the prompt response and explanation. I'm disappointed that the different versions won't interoperate and I suspected that it had to do with OLSR. Your explanation of the use of OLSRD-Secure in v2 but not in v3 helps me understand why the v2 nodes show up in the mesh status on the v3 screens but not vice-versa. This is another example of why God was able to create the heavens and the Earth in only six days--he didn't have to worry about backward compatibility with legacy systems. Russ
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Russ Chung
 Subject :internet sharing hsmm.. 2015-01-08- 10:10:00 
Joined: 2014-08-24- 01:30:19
Posts: 2
Forum : Applications
Topic : internet sharing hsmm


how do i share my private internet connection over the HSMM net? 

to make it "simple" and have all system in one place. I would like to have internet access at my repeater tower. to connect  aprs,echolink and d-star ++ so my idea is to use the HSMM system to wireless send my private internet connection to my repeater QTH

So i have one linksys router at home connected to my ISP router, and i have a connection to my other HSMM linksys router at my repeater location.

they are talking to each other. but can't get the internet connection i need. 

is there a special thing i have to do. to make this work. 

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 Subject :Orlando Hamfest 2015.. 2015-01-08- 09:51:32 
Joined: 2012-01-08- 04:10:43
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Location: Sarasota, Florida
Forum : Volusia County FL
Topic : Orlando Hamfest 2015

Anybody going to be at the Orlando Hamfest this year? I'll be there and will have my mobile node running as I always do.


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Sarasota Node KD4MZM-100
Mobile Node KD4MZM-300 (runs 24-7 from my truck)
 Subject :Re:How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??.. 2015-01-08- 09:30:25 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
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Forum : General
Topic : How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??

Not technically possible, no matter what you try (connecting v2 and v3 nodes by any method). v2 used the OLSRD 'secure' handshake to talk only with a compatible node (v2 ignores packets unless they have the correct signature).

v3 does NOT use the OLSRD-secure functionality. OLSRD-Secure is a desired feature based on a secret key to authorize a node to connect--a default key is packaged in the v2 images (version 1.1.x releases of the bbhn images). We found, submitted, and fixed a couple of showstopper bugs before deciding it was in our best interest to pull olsrd-secure out (one of the factors to create v3).

We learned that olsrd-secure was not sufficiently stable and had been abandoned by the community. WE will have to take ownership and make it usable-stable should we decide to do so.

It is in everyone's best interest to upgrade to v3 (version 3.0.x of the bbhn images) without delay.

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-08- 09:32:19 By AE6XE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services .. 2015-01-08- 09:16:33 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Ok the fact you can't get by IP address tells me it is not just a name issue so we can deal with that later.

my first thought is one of two scenarios 

1) Your not actually going through the mesh node because of a possible vlan configuration issue or similar.

Try a traceroute to and verify the mesh node IP address shows up in the path.

2) I don't think this exists as an option but default the AirOS may be blocking path  because it's to a "non routeable" range, if so disable that.

As a simple you may want to put the AirOS Picostation into bridge mode instead of routed mode as a quick test.

[K3MMB 2015-01-08- 07:50:23]:

The picostation is connected to the switch not directly to the NS5. The pico is configured:

wireless = access point

network = DHCP

pico has IP assigned by NS.

Win 8.1 laptop connects via pico and has access to internet via NS vlan but does not see NS IP directly

73 de mike

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 Subject :How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??.. 2015-01-08- 08:03:55 
Joined: 2014-11-17- 22:57:17
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
Forum : General
Topic : How to link v2 and v3 mesh networks??

In the best of all possible worlds, everyone always uses the latest version of the firmware, but in a recent emcomm exercise, we realized that in the "real world" you bring what you have, and about half of the nodes that were brought to the exercise were v2 and half were v3.  In most cases, the owners just didn't get around to reflashing their nodes, but there might be some nodes that are high up on a tower or otherwise in a remote location where it is difficult to upgrade them to the latest firmware in a timely manner. 

I understand that a v2 mesh cannot connect to a v3 mesh over the air.  I tried to link the meshes via ethernet.  Here's what I have already tried (unsuccessfully):

1.  I tried connecting the WAN port of a v2 Linksys router to the LAN port of a v3 Linksys router.  The v2 router was configured as a "mesh gateway".  The v3 router was configured as a normal mesh node.  When I opened the mesh status page on the v2 mesh node, I only saw the v2 mesh nodes.  When I opened the mesh status page on the v3 mesh node, the ip addresses of the v2 nodes wifi interfaces appeared on the "current neighbors", but I could not connect to any of them.  None of the ethernet interfaces of the v2 nodes appeared on the "current neighbors" list.

2.  I configured a Netgear GS105E switch in accordance with the instructions published by AE5CA, at   I connected a Ubiquiti Nanostation NSM2 v2 node to VLAN 1, 2 and 10.  I connected a Ubiquiti Bullet M2 v3 node to VLAN 1, 2, and 20.  I tried various combinations of mesh gateway and mesh node settings. The results were similar to the test with the Linksys routers.  When I opened the mesh status page on the v2 mesh node, I only saw the v2 mesh nodes.  When I opened the mesh status page on the v3 mesh node, the ip addresses of the v2 nodes wifi interfaces appeared on the "current neighbors", but I could not connect to any of them.  None of the ethernet interfaces of the v2 nodes appeared on the "current neighbors" list.  When I connected my laptop computer to either VLAN 10 or VLAN 20, I could get to the internet.  I could resolve and ping servers that were on the internet from either VLAN but I could not ping the node that was on the other VLAN. The OLSR links/topology status page for the v2 node does not show any v3 node addresses.  The OLSR links/topology status page for the v3 node shows the IP address of the v2 wifi interface, but does not show the IP address of the ethernet interface.

Is this a "lost cause" or is there something else I should try?

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Russ Chung
 Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to .. 2015-01-08- 07:50:23 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

The picostation is connected to the switch not directly to the NS5. The pico is configured:

wireless = access point

network = DHCP

pico has IP assigned by NS.

Win 8.1 laptop connects via pico and has access to internet via NS vlan but does not see NS IP directly

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:TFTP HELP.. 2015-01-08- 06:45:50 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : Hardware

I used: tftp -i PUT d:ubnt.bin which transferred the Ubiquiti file, so starting to have success. Then transferred the MESH software. Do not have it running again, but some forward progress. localnode:8080 redirects, but Webpage not available.
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 Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to .. 2015-01-08- 06:11:17 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Sounds like a configuration issue of some sorts. On the nanostation are you trying to use the main Ethernet port for internet and the secondary Ethernet port ofnthr NanoStation? If so we don't utilize this port and it won't route in to the mesh or respond to traffic.

[K3MMB 2015-01-08- 03:14:35]:

I configured a picostation as an access point and connected it to a port on a NS. This configuration allows a wifi connect laptop (posting this) to access the internet, but not mesh services. I can not connect to a MESH node using the node IP address or a qualified name.

So what is the best way to connect any computer toe the MESH via a WIFI interface. I think this is important for deployment at shelters or other locations.

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services .. 2015-01-08- 06:02:28 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

It Can,

This is what the MESH_AP mode is.

However I personally would recommend using the routers original firmware admit better handles AP mode and provides other abilities. The MESH_AP mode is basically a very simple AP with limited configuration abilities for those times where your in the field, you need an AP now and it doesn't need to be fully features you just need to get it up and running.

Ideally your go kit should be designed with all this in mind and one shouldn't be hitting these sort of issues last minute in the field, but if it does happen  it is a way to get it to work.

Regarding two routers or wifi devices:

You will always want two as very few devices have ability to run on two different wifi channels at once (ones I've seen are dual band routers, usually in the 300+$ range)  and then you also want it to use a different antenna so you can point the signal locally (you don't want to send all the RF power away from you to the remote end of your link) I've seen evem less devices support this (1000$ + devices from enterprise router corporations building modular chassis)

[KD0RVY 2015-01-08- 04:47:48]:

Im glad you're asking this. I have often thought the same thing. There are certain times that wifi access is either preferred or potentially the only means possible. Giving wireless devices access to the mesh is huge in my book. I will definitely be following this. I was under the impression that, in the case of Linksys hardware, a Linksys AP could be connected to a BBHN Linksys node via the LAN port and that would allow wifi access. When it comes to "the big scheme of things", I would like to have as small of a "package" as possible, rather than two routers, to give me wifi access. Will be interesting to see where this thread goes. :)

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-08- 06:07:13 By KG6JEI for the Reason add note about multiple devices
Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:TFTP HELP.. 2015-01-08- 05:21:20 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : Hardware

I have tried the reboot and 5 seconds press on the POE reset - no success probably because I am far enough downstream that . . . . I would like to get back to a NSM2 fresh out of the box config. (Just to know I can do it.) I can follow the instructions to get to "RECOVERY MODE". My RJ45 is with submask. I have no idea what the NSM2 has for an address at this point, but since I did the RESET to get to RECOVERY MODE, the NSM2 should be at My copy of the original Ubiquiti software is at D:UBNT.BIN Can you give me the TFTP line that would move the binary to the NSM2? I have read and re-read and am "pushing a rope" at this point. Thanks - Vance, KC8RGO
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 Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to .. 2015-01-08- 05:15:35 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Could you email that to me please? Thank you
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 Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to .. 2015-01-08- 05:06:31 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

I do this as a standard drop-box configuration. The tool I use is DD-WRT loaded on pretty much any router that it will load on; I've gathered many during my scavenging for WRT-54's. I've held demos with smartphones, tablets and various other wifi enabled stuff that audience members have brought.

To access all the mesh services, you need to set up the WIFI router as a 'DHCP forwarder' and connect it to any of the mesh node's ethernet ports. I haven't tried it with a Ubiquiti node yet, but this works well with Linksys. I usually strap two Linksys together, one running BBHN and the other running DD-WRT.

There's a couple of other tweaks that are documented on the DD-WRT Wiki, but basically the wifi router becomes passive and simply enables a wifi connection between standard wifi devices and the node. Note that because the node is providing DHCP services, you're limited to the 5 or 13 addresses that the node manages using this technique.

Incidentally, this is pretty much what you get when you attach a mesh node set up for 'AP' operation to a normal mesh node. I just don't like using mesh-capable hardware.

There are ways to bridge standard wifi into the mesh by connecting a wifi router to a node's LAN port(s) but it takes a fair bit of network configuration and tweaking. Look on this website for how to join a mesh to an existing LAN for details on that technique. For large events, this is the route you'd have to take.

I don't have them at hand, but if you need links to the related DD-WRT info, e-mail me offline and I can send the links.

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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to .. 2015-01-08- 04:47:48 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Re:Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Im glad you're asking this. I have often thought the same thing. There are certain times that wifi access is either preferred or potentially the only means possible. Giving wireless devices access to the mesh is huge in my book. I will definitely be following this. I was under the impression that, in the case of Linksys hardware, a Linksys AP could be connected to a BBHN Linksys node via the LAN port and that would allow wifi access. When it comes to "the big scheme of things", I would like to have as small of a "package" as possible, rather than two routers, to give me wifi access. Will be interesting to see where this thread goes. :)
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 Subject :Re:TFTP HELP.. 2015-01-08- 04:21:18 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware

if you flashed version 3.0.0  you could just use the password reset function (after node boots press and hold reset button for 5 seconds and the password resets to our default password)

The connection refused error is because your telling it to upload to host  while the node is at


Transfers files to and from a remote computer running the TFTP service.

TFTP [-i] host [GET | PUT] source [destination]

-i              Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called
octet). In binary image mode the file is moved
literally, byte by byte. Use this mode when
transferring binary files.
host            Specifies the local or remote host.
GET             Transfers the file destination on the remote host to
the file source on the local host.
PUT             Transfers the file source on the local host to
the file destination on the remote host.
source          Specifies the file to transfer.
destination     Specifies where to transfer the file.

Note that you have in the host field,   the 'destination' paramater where you put is a filename not an IP address field. may also be useful to you.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to gue.. 2015-01-08- 03:14:35 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

Subject :Adding WIFI acess to mesh- what is the best way to get services to guest

I configured a picostation as an access point and connected it to a port on a NS. This configuration allows a wifi connect laptop (posting this) to access the internet, but not mesh services. I can not connect to a MESH node using the node IP address or a qualified name.

So what is the best way to connect any computer toe the MESH via a WIFI interface. I think this is important for deployment at shelters or other locations.

73 de mike

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 Subject :TFTP HELP.. 2015-01-08- 02:54:32 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : Hardware

I have a NSM2 that I successfully reflashed and was using.

For whatever reason (probably me) SETUP would not take my LOGIN.

I downloaded the instructions from this site's downloads, and put the NSM2 into recovery mode (proper lights flashing.   I believe I set my computer to use the IP address of with the submask.

I have WIN 7 and turned on the TFTP client. 

I copied my Ubiquiti factory software to my D drive.  i.e. D:UBNT.BIN 

I brought up the command line and typed:


It just comes back "connect request failed".

Any help appreciated - thanks in advance

Vance, KC8RGO

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-08- 04:05:41 By kc8rgo for the Reason
 Subject :Re:another brick recovery ??? BulletM2 - v3Beta > V3 Production.. 2015-01-08- 00:17:57 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : another brick recovery ??? BulletM2 - v3Beta > V3 Production

Remi Thanks,

I do have the ubitiquiti adaptors to handle the situation. I have both the indoor and outdoor units. It makes things a bit easier when working in the field.

Happy MESHING in 2015


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 Subject :Re:another brick recovery ??? BulletM2 - v3Beta > V3 Production.. 2015-01-07- 20:46:58 
Joined: 2013-06-20- 09:22:08
Posts: 17
Location: Frelsburg, Texas
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : another brick recovery ??? BulletM2 - v3Beta > V3 Production

Mike, Be very careful with Ubiquiti equipments, they are designed to work with 24V POE (NOT 48V like Trendnet S44). They will work down to 12V POE with a short cable. They generally shutdown around 11.5V. 73 and Happy New Year Remi W5/F6CNB or F6CNB
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 Subject :Streaming audio across MESH nodes?.. 2015-01-07- 15:09:07 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Applications
Topic : Streaming audio across MESH nodes?

I have two nodes connected back to back over a VLAN. Trying to connect a third node to the stream fails.


NS5 and NS2 connected via VLAN. NS2 has RPi running BlackIce.  The RPi is connected to a scanner via a USB sound card.

PiS2 connected only via the MESH. The stream will not play hear.

If I want any node (there are 8 in the test) to connect and output the stream, is there a port forwarding configuration needed?

73 de mike

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-07- 15:10:56 By K3MMB for the Reason
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