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 Subject :Re:can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node.. 2014-06-05- 06:57:48 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node

Jesse, Your right, The LAN and Wireless cannot be on the same network. It wont work. best method I dont know your setup. user side 192.168.x.x addressing and the WAN 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x space. I hope that helps. Mike AE4ML
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Michael Lussier
 Subject :Re:can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node.. 2014-06-05- 06:42:56 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node

I'm changing the LAN mode on the Basic setup page. BTW I think I'm closer to the solution. I noticed that the LAN address is inside the same subnet as the WIFI. When I go with the default address the router provides everything works correctly. I'm somewhat wedded to keeping the LAN address the same because my webserver is on a fixed IP address. If I have to change it, I'll change it.
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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests.. 2014-06-05- 06:39:44 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : General
Topic : Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests


What about the Nano Beam M5 ? I know some one that is getting one of these for a mesh we are working on.

Mike AE4ML

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Michael Lussier
 Subject :Re:can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node.. 2014-06-05- 06:35:14 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node

Hi Jesse, Can you clarify "I noted that when I change the LAN configuration to 5 hosts I can connect to the other nodes so it's a configuration issue. " what exactly are you changing ? Mike AE4ML Spotsylvania VA \
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Michael Lussier
 Subject :Re:Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests.. 2014-06-05- 06:25:54 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests

Thanks Mike. We are covered on these devices. Andre
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Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests.. 2014-06-05- 06:20:32 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : General
Topic : Need Few M5 Owners to Run Tests


I have a couple Nano stations and Nano Bridge M5's


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Last Edited On: 2014-06-05- 06:21:18 By AE4ML for the Reason
Michael Lussier
 Subject :Re:Two antennas?.. 2014-06-05- 06:00:08 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Two antennas?

That's correct.  The GUI does control the antenna selection.  For dual antenna devices you will be able to select Left/Right/Both.  The way Linksys and Ubiquiti treat these varies a bit.

 Linksys: Selecting both antennas makes them diversity antennas where the system picks the antenna with the strongest signal.

 Ubiquiti: Uses both antennas in an attempt to open two paths between compatible nodes.  This is how they implement their proprietary Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) airMAX protocol, using two 20MHz channels... one vertically polarized, the other horizontally polarized.  Check out the Rocket M for more info:

 Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Two antennas?.. 2014-06-05- 04:19:50 
Joined: 2014-05-31- 17:54:00
Posts: 5
Location: Severn MD
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Two antennas?

I am waiting for my hardware to come in but the Video show there is controls in the software based on left or right antenna.

[AA6FI 2014-06-05- 01:08:14]:

The WRT54G series has two antenna connectors, about one wavelength apart. Does this imply a bidirectional pattern with lobes along the line passing through the two? Is it possible to select just one antenna connector? If I put, e.g., an omnidirectional antenna on one connector and a yagi on the other, can I switch antennas remotely?

Peter, AA6FI

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 Subject :can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node.. 2014-06-05- 01:40:28 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node

help! I can't connect to other nodes in the mesh by clicking on the links in the mesh status page of the gateway node. When I click the links I get "could not connect to node_name:8080" The odd thing is that i can connect to all the other nodes (including the GW node) from any of the nodes other than the "GW".

GW node Configuration:

Basic setup:

  • WIFI: default settings except for power level
  • LAN: Mode NAT, IP address/mask, DHCP server enabled, DHCP start 200, DHCP end 255
  • WAN: Protocol DHCP, DNS 1 my_verizon_router_address, DNS2 my_lab_router_address, Mesh Gateway Enabled

Port Forwarding DHCP and Services:

  • assigned ports (for Ratflector, GPSD, wordpress site, sendmail, alternate http and https) to my Rasberry pi server
  • assigned 8080 to localnode
  • Advertised Raspberry pi server services (Ratflector, GPSD, wordpress site)

I noted that when I change the LAN configuration to 5 hosts I can connect to the other nodes so it's  a configuration issue.  is there something about NAT configuration the prevents the resolution of other node addresses by the GW node?

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Two antennas?.. 2014-06-05- 01:08:14 
Joined: 2014-05-31- 14:27:35
Posts: 4
Location: San Jose, The Alameda & Newhall (near 880
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Two antennas?

The WRT54G series has two antenna connectors, about one wavelength apart. Does this imply a bidirectional pattern with lobes along the line passing through the two? Is it possible to select just one antenna connector? If I put, e.g., an omnidirectional antenna on one connector and a yagi on the other, can I switch antennas remotely?

Peter, AA6FI

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 Subject :can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node.. 2014-06-05- 00:57:32 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can't connect to other nodes in mesh from a gateway node

help! I can't connect to other nodes in the mesh by clicking on the links in the mesh status page of the gateway node. When I click the links I get "could not connect to node_name:8080" The odd thing is that i can connect to all the other nodes (including the GW node) from any of the nodes other than the "GW".

GW node Configuration:

Basic setup:

  • WIFI: default settings except for power level
  • LAN: Mode NAT, IP address/mask, DHCP server enabled, DHCP start 200, DHCP end 255
  • WAN: Protocol DHCP, DNS 1 my_verizon_router_address, DNS2 my_lab_router_address, Mesh Gateway Enabled

Port Forwarding DHCP and Services:

  • assigned ports (for Ratflector, GPSD, wordpress site, sendmail, alternate http and https) to my Rasberry pi server
  • assigned 8080 to localnode
  • Advertised Raspberry pi server services (Ratflector, GPSD, wordpress site)

I noted that when I change the LAN configuration to 5 hosts I can connect to the other nodes so it's  a configuration issue.  is there something about NAT configuration the prevents the resolution of other node addresses by the GW node?

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Remote control a TNC and use AGWTERMTCP's LOOPBACK for keyboard to key.. 2014-06-04- 16:01:53 
Joined: 2013-10-19- 14:29:11
Posts: 13
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Remote control a TNC and use AGWTERMTCP's LOOPBACK for keyboard to keyboard

Subject :Remote control a TNC and use AGWTERMTCP's LOOPBACK for keyboard to keyboard


AGWTERMTCP as a SERVER/CLIENT keyboard to keyboard platform

across BROADBAND HAMNET MESH networks.


A brief explanation. Using the directions below, AGWPE packet engine was successfully used as a SERVER/HOST on one computer equipped with a TNC, allowing a remote client using AGWTERMTCP to access the TNC for normal packet operations. An additional task of allowing both computers to communicate keyboard to keyboard using AGWPE’s LOOPBACK port and AGWTERMTCP software was successful. Last, a successful attempt was made accessing AGWPE’s “I-server” on the host remotely from the client. All remote access was accomplished across a mesh net, specifically the BROADBAND-HAMNET available to amateur radio. If the reader would like more information on either of these software projects please consult the BROADBAND HAMNET website for more information. More information about AGWPE, and AGWTERMTCP (across a network) can be found at the SOUNDCARDPACKET.ORG website.

First, open port 8000 on firewall for AGWPE and AGWTERMTCP to communicate.  You will also need to open port 80 if you want to access the experimental "I-serve" function in AGWPE.

Setting up the SERVER/HOST with a TNC-X and the CLIENT

1. Setup AGWPE packet engine on SERVER/HOST computer.

2. Configure TNC-X as PORT 1.

3. TNC-X setup, TAPR TNC2, Correct Baud rate to computer, Delete all KISS commands, Deselect EXITKISS, Single Port, Name it something you will remember.

4. On the BROADBAND-HAMNET mesh, place SERVER/HOST in DHCP reservation (ipaddress, hostname, MAC address) and then add HTTP link to port 80.


5. Install AGWTERMTCP on CLIENT computer.


6. Configure AGWTERMTCP on CLIENT computer using a separate and unique

SSID (your call + a different number).


7. Open the ini file in AGWTERMTCP on CLIENT computer and change the local ipaddress which should look something like 127.0.0.X to the ipaddress of the SERVER/HOST computer.


8. Connect to the mesh and verify remote access to TNC-X.


9. You should now be able to fully manipulate the TNC on the SERVER/HOST via the CLIENT through the MESH network.

Communicating “keyboard to keyboard” across the MESH, ignoring the TNC.


Note: While there may be several ways to accomplish this, this was just one simple way I found using the “loopback” protocol inside of AGWPE to accomplish a simple terminal to terminal connection. Further experimentation and development is ongoing.


1. Create second port on SERVER/HOST computer using AGWPE. Under PROPERTIES, then NEW PORT, select LOOPBACK. Then SAVE and RESTART.


2. On SERVER/HOST computer, install AGWTERMTCP. Then in AGWTERMTCP select FILE, then PROPERTIES. Enter the unique SSID of the client computer as one of your contacts.


3. Verify AGWTERMTCP is running on CLIENT computer


4. On CLIENT computer, select FILE, then PROPERTIES and place the SSID of the SERVER/HOST as one of the CLIENT’S contacts.


5. On CLIENT computer, under CONNECT, select SSID of SERVER/HOST, then select LOOPBACK for the PORT.


6. ALTERNATELY: On SERVER/HOST computer select SSID of CLIENT, then select LOOPBACK for the PORT.


7. The two consoles should be able to converse between each other across the mesh.

Note:  Make sure each console has a different SSID, or AGWTERMTCP will not allow the pier to pier connection.

AGWPE’s “I-Server”: With AGWPE packet software engine running on the SERVER/HOST and any CLIENT connected via the mesh, launch a browser on the client directed toward the SERVER/HOST. The page returned is self explanatory, still experimental and in development. Remember to open Port 80.

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G Router Locked in Access Point Mode.. 2014-06-04- 09:29:10 
Joined: 2014-05-19- 13:24:27
Posts: 6
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G Router Locked in Access Point Mode

I was able to recover and reset the router

The instructions are in the attached doc.

Credit is given to KF6JIM who provided the basic in response to W4LLZ on 2/16/2014 in our forum here.

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 Subject :Re:(HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, Unite.. 2014-06-04- 07:09:08 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Maryland
Topic : (HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, United States

Subject :Re:(HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, United States

Hi Robert,

The Bullet is a great choice, but it doesn't come with an antenna.  It's one of two Ubiquiti AirMAX devices that support external antennas (the other is the Rocket).  I use a Bullet with a vertical antenna on the roof of my truck and another in conjunction with a 25dBi "BBQ" grill reflector antenna.  It works great in both cases.

Also note that all of the AirMAX devices are powered via PoE and come with a PoE injector.

You might also consider the NanoBridge M2.  The 400 mm version is contained within a 25dBi gain dish... all for around $84.

Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Success Stories - Post Your Own!.. 2014-06-04- 06:17:04 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Success Stories - Post Your Own!

Hey Ed,

Nothin in the user interface, maybe something in the back end but I have not looked that deep as most of the information is abstracted after the hardware level for the needs of the mesh.

SNR is currently one of the better metrics easily avaliable for checking a link along with the Link Quality.

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 Subject :Re:Internet for the mesh not working from LAN.. 2014-06-04- 06:14:16 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Internet for the mesh not working from LAN

This sounds like BBHN->ticket:48 may apply for the port forward issue?

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 Subject :Re:(HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, Unite.. 2014-06-04- 04:52:05 
Joined: 2014-05-31- 17:54:00
Posts: 5
Location: Severn MD
Forum : Maryland
Topic : (HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, United States

Subject :Re:(HSMM-)Meshfest at Unallocated Space, Shaw Court, Severn, MD, United States

I haven't actually ordered any hardware yet but the 14th is only 10 days away. Was thinking of use Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP since they seemed to be designed for use outdoors are designed from the get go with PoE built in and you get to pick the atena you want.  Although that comes at a prices.  Looking at around $115 for router and basic 8db atena.

What are your though on using one of these?



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Last Edited On: 2014-06-04- 06:49:44 By kb3zzd for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Broadband Mesh Event.. 2014-06-04- 04:25:04 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Maryland
Topic : Broadband Mesh Event

see the thread here in this forum.

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Last Edited On: 2014-06-04- 04:27:37 By wb2ifs for the Reason
Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Internet for the mesh not working from LAN.. 2014-06-04- 03:25:15 
Joined: 2012-02-03- 20:45:25
Posts: 11
Location: CN95fq
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Internet for the mesh not working from LAN

OK.....I am baffled as I thought this was possible. I have been running for a while with internet plugged into the WAN port on my first mesh node and set as gateway to provide internet to the rest of the mesh. However, the instructions describe that this should also work if the internet is plugged into the LAN port on the first mesh node. I made the switch this morning while still trying to solve port forwarding issues from the WAN to LAN (which flat out does not work without SSH, etc.....). I have internet at the first mesh node just fine, but it does not seem to make its way to the other two mesh nodes. So......what is missing here????


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 Subject :Looking to setup a mesh node in the Severn MD area... 2014-06-03- 17:16:23 
Joined: 2014-05-31- 17:54:00
Posts: 5
Location: Severn MD
Forum : Maryland
Topic : Looking to setup a mesh node in the Severn MD area.

I am ordering a Linksys GL right now to setup as mesh node with.  Not sure what else I need to order to set it up as well?  I am on a very limited budget so I need to keep the costs down.



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