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 Subject :Re:Proposed low voltage colored tape standard.. 2013-09-12- 14:09:49 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Proposed low voltage colored tape standard

Several responses here and each points to different usage for the "standard". Therein lies the problem. Depending on your background, any color can mean almost anything. Based on the HUGE number of appliance operators that will need to become comfortable with multiple products used concurrently with different voltages, I have a very hard time recommending anything for ground besides black and anything for 12 besides red. The PC power supply example is quite widespread but several multiples of hams think of +12 and ground for each computer savvy operator who thinks in the 4 wire molex code. I was hoping for pointers to hard standards and widespread practice to guide us. Finding none, we just need to post something and begin to shape field practice into something users can expect. Any final thoughts???? NG5V
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 Subject :Re:Get Involved!.. 2013-09-12- 13:45:05 
Joined: 2013-09-11- 15:01:56
Posts: 2
Forum : Phoenix
Topic : Get Involved!

Just loaded the firmware onto my WRT54GL. Im over on the 51 and Bell, not far from you Virgil. I dont have the antennas or anything else yet.
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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-09-12- 13:42:19 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

This was a nice little first project to get something useful on my node. I have a couple of suggestions that may help others like me; total Linux newbs who really do need step by step hand-holding to get something even this simple working.

First, if you're installing from a Windows machine onto a node, SCP from within Putty won't work. (didn't for me, anyway) I would suggest that rev 2 of the docs should include this information explicitly. The program I used was pscp, which came in a package with putty, and will transfer files to a linux machine. The command line entry I used was:

scp -scp -P 2222 root@192.168.nnn.mmm:/www/cgi-bin/

Where the -scp option forces scp protocol (BBHN won't do SFTP or whatever the default is) and in the above example the file is in the same directory as pscp. And of course, use the proper ip for the target machine.

Second, it isn't clear in the docs that the lock file is supposed to be created in the data directory. Common sense, sure, but in following the step by step directions, I ended up with it in the Hamchat directory instead. I would suggest modifying the lock file creation step a bit to make that a bit clearer. This error presented me with the same symptoms described in early posts; entered messages wouldn't appear in the main window.

All in all, a good experience. I learned a bit setting the thing up, and it's a very useful way to quickly set up a message exchange that works with anything that can connect with the node. Thanks.

Oh, and the last thing I learned, don't forget to add the .pl extension when you build the 'advertised services' link.

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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Proposed low voltage colored tape standard.. 2013-09-12- 12:43:33 
Joined: 2013-09-11- 15:47:48
Posts: 8
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Proposed low voltage colored tape standard

Hmmm... 3.3, 5, and 12 have standards in ATX supplies - 3.3 is orange, 5 is red for switched, purple for always on, and 12 is yellow...
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 Subject :Re:Re:Phoenix area Mesh.. 2013-09-12- 08:42:57 
Joined: 2013-06-11- 11:02:55
Posts: 6
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Phoenix area Mesh

Not really.  We have tested a few nodes to see what kind of distance we can establish connections.  We were also trying to tunnel a few nodes together, but have discovered it seems like Cox ISP blocks port 1723.  There are dreams of getting a mountain top node active.

[ke7rip 2013-09-07- 19:45:00]:

Any new updates/tests with your nodes?

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Virgil K7VZ
 Subject :Re:Node stuck in wrong mode – new user help!.. 2013-09-12- 05:05:16 
Joined: 2013-09-03- 14:02:29
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Node stuck in wrong mode – new user help!

Quick update I was able to reload the firmware using TFTP Flash method. So we are working again. But I still don't know what I did to get myself stuck in the first place. Jay - KE6GLA
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 Subject :Node stuck in wrong mode – new user help!.. 2013-09-12- 04:16:51 
Joined: 2013-09-03- 14:02:29
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Node stuck in wrong mode – new user help!

Device is WRT54G v3.1

Firmware  is Broadband-Hamnet v1.0

I installed the firmware without any issues and had to mesh nodes working fine. Then I had to start experimenting so I installed the IRC server package and that went well.  Then I configured the port forwarding. I wasn’t able to connect to the IRC server with a client so I went back into the settings to check my work and I must have changed something. Now I don’t get any DHCP from the node when I plug into the lan port.  It’s not broadcasting the SSID of BrodbandHamnet-v1 anymore its sending AG6AU-1. I can’t connect to it from the other mesh node. I tried plugging the lan port of the broken node into the lan port of the working node and tried to connect to and got no response. I am able to plug into the lan port of the broken node and connect to the shell at Is there any way I can check the settings from the shell or reload the firmware from the shell? I would really like to fix the node and figure out what I did wrong.



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 Subject :Re:Multiple Internet Connections.. 2013-09-11- 23:14:24 
Joined: 2013-09-11- 15:47:48
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Multiple Internet Connections

Theoretically, yes, this is possible. SOME applications may behave strangely with this, though, as each connection out to the internet will have it's own unique public IP address. This should not be a problem for simple web browsing or email, but could be more of a problem for a true connection oriented application, where there is a long term TCP or UDP connection. The strange behaviour would be from multiple gateways (connections between networks) possibly being selected for the same connection. If you were to try this, I wouldn't put too many gateways to the public internet in place, and would have them physically dispersed enough that you generally don't have them closer than 3-5 RF hops from each other to minimize these routing issues, and resulting strange behaviours.
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 Subject :Asterisk image package being developed for Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.. 2013-09-11- 17:34:54 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk image package being developed for Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black

Subject :Asterisk image package being developed for Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black

The mesh core team is very pleased with recent development in VOIP using Asterisk and the new small footprint boards. We had a very successful demo of this at Austin Summerfest in June. Many people saw the demo in the presentations and later dropped by to try it out on our display table in the vendor area. We are developing a concept of a single device bringing many functions when you plug it in. Asterisk, chat server, web server and NTP (time server) all work separately on both the Pi and BBB. We need to get fully configured images posted for download for your MicroSD.

It is easy to post a link to the web server page as an advertised service. This could easily be the starting point at a mesh deployment. New mesh user opens his mesh status page and sees a web page like "Event briefing" showing on a different node. Clicking on it, he opens the page in a new browser window, learns that Asterisk and chat are also on this node and points his chat client to the chat group on that named server. Chat is useful since it contains a scroll window. Any question asked and answered an hour ago is still there. You just roll backward to it. The IP address of the server for asterisk is needed to set up your phone. You see the server name and IP address in the briefing web page, get an extension from the asterisk admin and you have a phone. It is helpful to have the config files for the phone already loaded on the server. We did this recently but sending a list of MAC addresses to the asterisk admin. Those were spun up into phone config files for our 7940 models. When the phone was initially set for the correct TFTP address, it found asterisk, loaded the files in the TFTP root and got a complete config. The admin had also set the phone extension up in the asterisk server. Booting the phone connected it to its own host node, jumped across the mesh to the asterisk server and went online.

While the phone stuff is happening, your node has picked up the correct date/time from the NTP hosted by the Pi or BBB. Many of the USB connected GPS pucks that are sold for mapping programs work fine as a position and time source. K5KTF had already modified some of his status pages to show location. A bit more work could easily show distance and bearing if your node and one of the others in status page both had location data.  We want to include distance/bearing in a future mesh firmware version. Some details need to be worked out, but these are functions easy to deliver together in the same small footprint server.

73 de NG5V

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 Subject :Ubiquiti "world" version for mesh.. 2013-09-11- 12:31:14 
Joined: 2010-09-19- 05:03:47
Posts: 6
Location: BP51 Anchorage Alaska USA
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Ubiquiti "world" version for mesh

Did my snooping around this site and the site for the answer to this question:

What is the current compatibility between Broadband-HamNet v1.0 and Ubiquiti's AirMax mesh? Is the "compatability test" mode still available?

Here is a youtube vid on doing mesh on ubiquity stock firmware. Will v1.0 connect to a properly configured Ubiquity?

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-14- 21:07:03 By AL4S for the Reason
Rich Gillin - AL4S
QRV IRLP 9070 reflector
 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-09-11- 03:20:51 
Joined: 2013-06-06- 22:25:20
Posts: 13
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

I followed your docs and this worked flawlessly. I am using a local DMVPN for AMPRnet addresses between my office and house as the backbone. With your configuration, have you seen any issues or problems? I have not had any issues. I am a bit surprised this thread isn't seeing more action with others trying this method. Thanks Jesse - WC3XS
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-09-10- 21:50:53 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

You could setup a VPN connection to any node south of your location and be part of the bigger picture unless you can overcome the topograpical issues.

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-10- 21:51:20 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Only 1 Ethernet cable.. 2013-09-10- 21:47:34 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : General
Topic : Only 1 Ethernet cable

I would use one directional dish and one omnistick in the mast. Use diversity on the antennas.

This way your node inhouse, providing the internet connection, will connect with the node in the mast and provide a stable path.

This is the way I have it myself actually....

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-10- 21:48:43 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-09-10- 14:17:57 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

All four of my nodes are operational on BroadbandHamnet-v1. Everything is running with OEM antennas and all units are on the 2nd floor of my house. However, I don't realistically expect to be able to receive a signal from the south of me, given the topology of my neighborhood. It's probably going to be a while before I can make any more investments to improve my situation at home, like a higher gain antenna outside. My AWUSO36NH node (AC2IE-N00) is broadcasting it's static position thanks to the new features in KK6DCI software. Mike, I haven't played around with the power yet. 73 Tom AC2IE
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 Subject :Only 1 Ethernet cable.. 2013-09-10- 11:12:50 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : General
Topic : Only 1 Ethernet cable

Ok here is what I have...

I am helping one of our hams in our group set this up.

He has a tower with one Ethernet line run to the top. We are going to put the Linksys node with a 30dbi grid antenna at the top. We have two ubiquiti 5.8ghz units one at the bottom of the tower and one at the house. I don’t think a node at the house in the basement would be able to connect to the one at the top of the tower. So what would be the best way to...

A. Connect to the mesh from in-side the home?

B. Still be able to provide Internet to the mesh if needed?

My first thought is to connect the WAN and LAN together. Not sure if I would get a routing loop? Then make the node LAN "NAT" with 172. no DHCP, static the PC with a 172 #. Make the WAN a static 192. to tie into his existing home network. Any ideas would be appreciated greatly.

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 Subject :Re:Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia.. 2013-09-10- 03:36:02 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 17:19:33
Posts: 0
Forum : Italy
Topic : Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia

Ottimo, mi sono registrato. ciao Marco
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 Subject :Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia.. 2013-09-09- 22:43:37 
Joined: 2013-07-02- 09:46:28
Posts: 2
Location: Civitavecchia RM Italy
Forum : Italy
Topic : Hamnet in Italy- Prima realizzazione a Civitavecchia

Buona giornata a tutti.

Questo post per informare che la sezione ARI di Civitavecchia RM, dopo aver realizzato con successo una HAMnet mobile, sta mettendo in opera una rete fissa. Per ora provisti 4 nodi. Li potete visualizzare sulla mappa.

Informazioni su:

73 de iw0dvv Mariano

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-09- 22:44:16 By iw0dvv for the Reason
Una risposta è il tratto di strada che ti sei lasciato alle spalle. Solo una domanda può puntare oltre.

Jostein Gaarder
 Subject :Re:Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-08- 09:26:04 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

Are the items in the NW-MESH repository compatible with BBHN?

[kj6dzb 2013-09-07- 08:11:24]:
Ive waited too long for Hsmmmesh or Hamnet firmware, so the check out the . The NW-MESH group has file repository with lots of firmware wrt's and ubiquity hardware. The NW-MESH is not just a North West mesh group. Im located in the SF Bay and just got an IP block. Time to set this up! 73 kj6dzb Mathison

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 Subject :Re:USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users... 2013-09-07- 20:54:38 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users.

So i have my nodes named "ke7rip-node-1" and -2. I have 2 laptops and 2 mesh nodes. sitting on my desk. Nodes flashed with 1.0 and installed with the default settings. Only changes i have made have been the nodes name and password. Windows xp on both laptops. First laptop and ke7rip-node-1 have a web server on it. IP address of The second laptop has ke7rip-node-2 and a browser trying to reach node-1's webserver on the laptop.

ISSUE: I click the link i made under Setup>Port forwarding and i get an error.

DHCP Address Reservations: no setup

Advertised Servers

Name Link URL

KE7RIP-webserver-1 X :// ke7rip-node-1 : 80 / home.asp [del]

Port Forwarding Interface

Type Port Lan IP                Lan port

WAN TCP 80 80 [DEL]

So i click the web link on the Mesh Status page I get the error.


The webpage is not available

       [reload] [more]

I type in the IP address i see the web page. The link takes me to the http://ke7rip-node-1/ I've tried changing the port # to 8080 for the outside port, I've tried using Localnode under Lan IP in the port forwarding. Various combinations of help files and how to. I even turned off the firewall on the hosting PC.

The name of the server is called babyweb.exe A single exe file that runs the server. Like i said. port forwarding does not seem to work when PC2 accesses node 2, views the web services of node 1 and clicks webserver links. Enter in the ip address directly and you get a web page. Hosting server is listening on port 80. I've even changed that to 8080 and back. If i use the ip:8080 i can see pages. Or :80. 2 am.

Time to sleep. Hopefully i was clearer then mud with the issue and what specifications used.

ARG! i had this all neatly spaced out and when i submitted it it clumped it down to a paragraph lump...

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-07- 21:00:43 By ke7rip for the Reason spacing and the auto compressing.
 Subject :Re:Phoenix area Mesh.. 2013-09-07- 19:45:00 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Phoenix area Mesh

Any new updates/tests with your nodes?
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