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 Subject :SSH into Node *SOLVED*.. 2013-08-26- 19:31:31 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : SSH into Node *SOLVED*

Apologies if this topic is already covered, I couldn't find it.

I'm trying to SSH to my node's domain name. I can ping the name but trying to SSH returns, "Connection Refused."

I generated a key as per the built in instructions and installed into the node on the Admin tab.

I also forwarded port 22 to localnode.

What am I missing?



I believe the issue is that OpenSSH-Server is not installed. I try to download and install it but I'm running into the 0 blocks of memory available issue that is discussed on another thread. Without being able to SSH into the node, however, I do not know how to apply the work arounds in that thread.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 09:04:14 By KD0KWW for the Reason Marked as solved for others to see when searching.
 Subject :Re:Re:Curious about v1 SSID.. 2013-08-26- 18:47:11 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
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Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Curious about v1 SSID

Makes sense. Thanks for the reply.

[ae5ae 2013-08-18- 19:58:59]:

The digit will change if a firmware release is NOT compatible with the previous release. That was it's obvious if the units will mesh or not.

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 Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 100.. 2013-08-26- 08:51:36 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

You might have some of the configuration parameters set incorrectly.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 100.. 2013-08-26- 05:03:02 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

Normally you will have to do portforwarding of sip signalling and rtp ports if you run nat. Not necessary when using l3 routing.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-26- 05:03:56 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 a.. 2013-08-25- 08:22:20 
Joined: 2013-06-16- 19:14:29
Posts: 7
Forum : VoIP
Topic : noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

Subject :noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

when i connect everything and try to get the adapter to register i can't get it to do i have too do some port forwarding and do i forward them to the node or specific address

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 Subject :Re:Problem with v1.0.0.. 2013-08-24- 17:43:49 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with v1.0.0

Outstanding! I'm glad it's all setup and working for you. Happy Meshing!

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 Subject :Re:Problem with v1.0.0.. 2013-08-24- 15:51:53 
Joined: 2012-03-18- 19:17:00
Posts: 10
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with v1.0.0

No problem, I live near the guy who did the plug in rasberry pi. I might meet him next week, we plan to set up some portable nodes in that area. Anyway, you are right. I set up ubuntu on a laptop, set up samba and got windows 7 and linux to talk across a few nodes. Having problems with my xp machine. Its a struggle to do this stuff. Many of us are novices but its all new and fun to play with. Its tough to weed through the documentation but I understand that we are all on limited time and budgets. I was having the same problem, thanks for the help.
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 Subject :Re:Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?.. 2013-08-24- 15:34:41 
Joined: 2013-08-20- 10:35:21
Posts: 17
Forum : General
Topic : Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?

I am in the process of planning a similar network. I look forward to hearing about any lessons learned during the project and will be sure to share mine as well.
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 Subject :Multiple Internet Connections.. 2013-08-24- 15:32:26 
Joined: 2013-08-20- 10:35:21
Posts: 17
Forum : General
Topic : Multiple Internet Connections

Good Evening Everyone!

I am working setting up a Mesh network in conjunction with the local ARES/RACES group to like the various served agencies (Hospitals, clinics, EOC, sheriff, etc) and the EC would like redundancy when it comes to the internet connection that would be available through the mesh.  Is it possible to have a couple of mesh nodes with an internet connection available on the same mesh so that if one goes down the rest take up the slack?

Thanks guys!

73, de Travis W9HDG

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 Subject :Re:Problem with v1.0.0.. 2013-08-24- 12:10:54 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with v1.0.0

KF5JIM - Thanks! That works for me. I am in the process of setting up a FTP/Webserver on a Raspberry Pi for one of my nodes. Would like to see in future releases tho where the nodes could act as a true bridge to the mesh not DMZ. But with my limited knowledge of olsr may not be possible.

KJ6OGW - Google Raspberry Pi as ftp server tutorials all over the place. Cheep board only $35.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-24- 12:11:38 By kd8rbh for the Reason
 Subject :Re:VPN.. 2013-08-24- 02:24:13 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

You can download Johan SM7I's procedure on setting up a GRE tunnel between nodes at: GRE Tunneling Between Broadband-Hamnet Nodes.pdf
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 Subject :Re:Internet Tunneling.. 2013-08-24- 02:10:41 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

You can download Johan SM7I's procedure on setting up a GRE tunnel between two nodes at: GRE Tunneling Between Broadband-Hamnet Nodes.pdf
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 Subject :Re:Will having music on hold break the rules?.. 2013-08-23- 18:45:55 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Will having music on hold break the rules?

Also from my 2000 ARRL FCC Rule Book, page 2-27, Q&A on Music:

Q. My friend and I are music composers. Can we trade compositions in ASCII code across town on 2 meters?

A. The music prohibition concerns the playing of music itself, not information about the music. As long as no musical nodes can be detected on the air, you're okay.

Q. What if we send commands to each others MIDI synthesizers over the air?

A. Again no problem, as long as no actual music is played on the air.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-23- 18:47:07 By kb9mwr for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Problem with v1.0.0.. 2013-08-23- 16:40:13 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with v1.0.0

"setting up a Samba or FTP Server on a Linux machine" implies that you already have a Linux server. So setting up a Samba or FTP ON a Linux machine should take no more than 30 minutes (if the user knows what they are doing).

And with that, the problem posted in this thread has already been solved.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-23- 16:43:21 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Problem with v1.0.0.. 2013-08-23- 16:20:44 
Joined: 2012-03-18- 19:17:00
Posts: 10
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with v1.0.0

30 minutes to set up a linux server? Really? I will be pounding my head against a wall for weeks to get that to work. It will happen someday, its all part of the experience I guess.
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 Subject :Re:New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-23- 14:44:57 
Joined: 2013-07-15- 13:27:16
Posts: 14
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

I am right with you, being new to all of this. I downloaded a program called putty and installed it on one of the PCs connceted to my mesh and low and behold, I was able to get into the other conputer. That is past the router into the computer linked to the other router. That is as far as I have been able to get, what esle I will be able to do is unknown to me so far.
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 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2013-08-23- 12:38:38 
Joined: 2013-07-01- 12:30:14
Posts: 14
Location: FN32fp
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node


You make a great point that ERP is definitely worth taking into consideration with high gain antennas.

If you have any links or reference material to pass along, that would be great -- I'll be reviewing my Handbook and Extra manual as well. Will report in when my node is online! :)



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Last Edited On: 2013-08-23- 12:39:23 By K2MTS for the Reason Formatting
 Subject :Re:MESH node started in Broward County.. 2013-08-23- 12:35:39 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : MESH node started in Broward County

One other location I had thought about, was seeing if we could do something along the FP&L right a ways where the high power lines are, given that they are open and flat for miles on end, there could be potential there in establishing directional nodes over distances easily. I am guessing that by using directional antennas, the power lines would be minimal in generating any noise interference..
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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:MESH node started in Broward County.. 2013-08-23- 12:29:39 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : MESH node started in Broward County

That would be nice to learn if BARC has their node up and could make things easier getting people accessed along the eastern side of the county. Just a thought I've been kicking around: One thing that is good about where we are at, is that the entire western side of Broward, Palm Beach and part of Miami-Dade Counties are all Everglades and flat with no tall obstacles I'm thinking that there could be locations (i.e. Holiday park, Markham Park, Air Boat tour building by Loxahatchee Rd (who I know), and I'm sure a few other places which we can set up nodes on solar and battery backup. If we linked them along the open part of the Everglades from north to south, we wouldn't need much for height and the Fresnel zone would be minimal for that area.
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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2013-08-23- 10:54:53 
Joined: 2012-09-22- 11:04:45
Posts: 25
Location: Albany NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node

Guys, What we have found out so far is that trees and terrain are the biggest enemy. Good antennas, altitude and some power will be key. However, big caveat, as you raise ERP be extremely careful. RF radiation becomes a big problem. NEVER operate a node at high power and/or using gain antennas before doing an RF evaluation to find out the safe controlled and uncontrolled distances from the antenna. These levels can severely injure someone too close to the RF source. 73 Dave KM2O
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