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 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh Demos at Larger Hamfests?.. 2013-04-13- 14:37:09 
Joined: 2012-06-22- 14:25:44
Posts: 24
Location: St. Croix, USVI
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-Mesh Demos at Larger Hamfests?

I gave a presentation at the ARRL "state" convention in Puerto Rico.  It was well attended and we're hoping that mesh will gain traction in Puerto Rico.

73 > Fred, NP2X / K9VV

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 Subject :Re:Longest NA Mesh 2-Way Contact?.. 2013-04-13- 14:34:48 
Joined: 2012-06-22- 14:25:44
Posts: 24
Location: St. Croix, USVI
Forum : General
Topic : Longest NA Mesh 2-Way Contact?

We have now increased this distance to 47.5 miles, barefoot (50mW) node to barefoot (50 mW) node.  Reliability is low without PAs.  With a PA / BDA on one side reliability is about 80%.  When we put 2w PAs on both side, the link should be good enough for our emcomm purposes. 

Mesh on!

Fred, NP2X

[NP2X 2012-09-27- 06:11:14]:

I'm curious what the longest North American 2-way mesh contact is?  I think I remember reading about some guys who had a 100+ mile QSO in the mountains of South America.  Of course, if anyone used mesh on the CA-Hawaii duct, that would blow everyone out of the water at 2400+ miles!  

The reason I ask is that last weekend we had a 41.5 mile 2-way on IRC.  One end had a 24 dBi parabolic reflector & 1 watt BDA.  The other end had a 24 dBi parabolic reflector and a "barefoot" WRT54 running a mere 19 mW.  Best rx sig on end with amp was -76 dBm.  

73 & Thanks!

Fred, NP2X

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 Subject :Re:Logging Stations.. 2013-04-13- 03:02:52 
Joined: 2012-10-12- 15:44:24
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Logging Stations

Thanks for the reply. Ray kb3fww
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 Subject :Re:Logging Stations.. 2013-04-12- 17:03:48 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : Logging Stations

Usually I use 1 node at each station/laptop to make it easy. Since they are cheap and plentiful..

Since the LAN is initially setup as a Class C network (, and with, .1, and .255 unusable, I think 252 would be the max without changing the subnet range.

Sorry, Im a smart@$$ sometimes :-)



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Logging Stations.. 2013-04-12- 16:47:25 
Joined: 2012-10-12- 15:44:24
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Logging Stations

How many logging  laptops can be connected to one router in a Field Day setup.

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 Subject :up and running.. 2013-04-12- 11:15:17 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : up and running

My first node (AC2IE-N01) is up and running in Clifton Park, NY (42.884538,-73.789016). I am just using the stock 54G antennas so far because there is nothing yet to connect. Let me know if you think you can link to me and I will install a yagi.

Tom, ac2ie at arrl dot net

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 Subject :Re:DC power draw for WRT54g routers.. 2013-04-12- 08:39:54 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DC power draw for WRT54g routers

I understand that 54GL routers have the best power consumption, although they may not be better than 54Gv4 routers.

Unfortunately, I don't have numbers handy. 

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Phoenix area Mesh.. 2013-04-11- 18:38:04 
Joined: 2013-03-10- 23:37:37
Posts: 8
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Phoenix area Mesh

For those in the metro Phoenix area, check out

We have several users actively trying to establish links, we have a neat map of the local nodes, and I am trying to actively collect links to useful information and gear. I've also been keeping a blog of our testing.  Today we were able to do a weak 9.6 mile link. Unfortunately one side was not someones house but on top of a hill.  But we are actively making headway.


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Last Edited On: 2013-04-12- 04:31:50 By KF7MBK for the Reason Incorrectly stated distance
 Subject :DC power draw for WRT54g routers.. 2013-04-11- 14:35:57 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DC power draw for WRT54g routers

What is the typical current draw of the WRT54GL router. Nominal and Peak values would be good to know since I am working on battery power with solar charging for a number of nodes here in NE Ohio

I need to size both batteries and solar panels

tnx and 73

de Andy WA8ZLK

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 Subject :Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-10- 02:51:22 
Joined: 2013-03-06- 21:51:50
Posts: 30
Location: Cedar Hills, UT
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

Mixing up the right and left designations would certainly explain the results I saw. I'll have to check more carefully and see if that's the case with the node I was using, which was a WRT54G v3. I did perform my tests outdoors, but the nearby wifi access points I was measuring were all indoors and had walls, trees, etc. between me and them. So wx5u's suggestion makes a lot of sense; I probably need to find a more open environment and test between 2 HSMM nodes. I appreciate the suggestions. It's going to be a week or so before I have a chance to do another round of tests, but once I do I'll report back on my results.
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 Subject :Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-09- 17:47:49 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

Consumer wifi antenna gains are usually rated by the manufacturer with a Mark I Fantasometer.   i.e. the numbers are often fantasy, if not outright fraud.

Also propagation in a cluttered environment through walls, etc. is very variable.  Think of old style TV rabbit ears and how you had to just tinker.

If you can get another HSMM router and experiment with it in an open space somewhere, you might get much more meaningful results. 

Also, do some of the routers dynamically increase or decrease their radiated power based on the signal strength?

[n7ego 2013-04-09- 15:17:50]:

I’ve done a little testing with 2 inexpensive omnidirectional antennas purchased via eBay.  One is 37 inches long and is encased in white fiberglass. 

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-09- 15:20:57 
Joined: 2013-03-10- 23:37:37
Posts: 8
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

I were getting mixed results as well until I found that the "right" antenna on the WRT54G (at least mine) is the right antenna, looking at the back of the unit. This really confused us until I did decisive testing with dummy loads and came to this conclusion.
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 Subject :Re:Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-09- 15:17:50 
Joined: 2013-03-06- 21:51:50
Posts: 30
Location: Cedar Hills, UT
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

I’ve done a little testing with 2 inexpensive omnidirectional antennas purchased via eBay.  One is 37 inches long and is encased in white fiberglass.  It is advertised as 12dBi.  See  I connected it to the mesh node with an 18 inch pigtail made from RFC 195 cable.  The other antenna is 15 inches long and black; it looks like a thicker, longer version of the Linksys stock antennas.  It is advertised as 15dBi.  See  It connects directly to the Linksys antenna jack just like the stock antennas.

I don’t have any fancy test equipment.  My test procedure was:

  1. Attach the antenna to the right side antenna connector.  Turn the node on and wait for it to finish its startup sequence.
  2. Set the mesh node to transmit and receive on the right antenna only.
  3. Go to the WiFi Scan page and turn on Auto mode.
  4. Watch for 2 minutes and record the best reading for each of several WiFi access points in the neighborhood.  There are no other mesh nodes within range of these antennas, so I could only look at signals from regular WiFi access points.


My results were mixed.  The white antenna provided the best results for some access points, and the black antenna provided the best results for others.  Neither was more than 3 db better than the stock antenna.  I suspect my test method was flawed.  Any suggestions on how I could perform some more meaningful tests without any expensive equipment?

[K7NYS 2013-04-01- 02:34:27]:

I ordered a grid last night. Now I need a good omni...any good ideas? I just got an email from the shipper. Out of stuck. They hope to ship within 30 days.

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 Subject :Introduction and Thanks.. 2013-04-08- 15:34:57 
Joined: 2011-05-31- 15:19:10
Posts: 2
Location: FN23xh - Day Center, NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Introduction and Thanks

First of all, my thanks to Dave KM2O for championing this technology in the Albany area.  There are so many possibilities available for experimenting, public service, and EMCOMMS, and at a ham-friendly price.  Some of you may already have the equipment needed and others are into antenna building and repurposing non-traditional equipment, but if all else failed, getting into a great new aspect of the "hobby of a thousand hobbies" can be done for under $100.

I am VERY interested in HSMM-Mesh.  While in the Dallas area for a year and a half, I had the opportunity to hang out with the Dallas Area Wireless Group (DAWG) and attended the 2011 Plano Hamfest where HSMM-Mesh was featured.  I attended several of the DAWG meetings and got to meet Rusty Haddock KD4WLZ and Zip Moravec AE5IB, as well as some of the Austin group members.  I am a long-time Linux user and am comfortable accessing these devices at an advanced level as well as configuring services and other devices for use on the mesh.

I am anxious to connect with others in the area that would like to explore the possibilities of rolling-out mesh networks in our area.  With currently one flashed mesh node, my location really limits the possibility of using it locally in the foreseeable future, so I am open to making it available for demonstrations at other clubs in the area.  I would also be interested in being a member of a "Broadband User Group" if there is interest in creating such a beast.

Thank you for you interest!  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

73 de Jeff KC2SDS

jjarchambeault at gmail dot com

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73 de Jeff KC2SDS
jjarchambeault at gmail dot com
 Subject :Welcome!.. 2013-04-08- 07:59:57 
Joined: 2012-09-22- 11:04:45
Posts: 25
Location: Albany NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Welcome!

As we start implementing HSMM-MESH in Eastern New York, the moderators of this site have kindly provided this as a meeting point.  While the knowledge base in these forums will get most of the nuts and bolts questions handled, let's use this area to coordinate our efforts and keep each other in the loop.


Dave Galletly KM2O



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 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2013-04-04- 12:44:07 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

Here is a site running WebSDR under HTML5 & no Java needed for the Waterfall or Audio ... perhaps some ideas?

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Last Edited On: 2013-04-04- 12:45:03 By KD4E for the Reason fixed url
 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2013-04-04- 12:38:06 
Joined: 2013-02-17- 01:58:37
Posts: 28
Location: Sterling, VA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

Thanks David for the ideas. During the interim have been looking for solutions. Speaking of overkill the search kept running into setup of SIP servers. While not impossible it just seems painful. I had hoped to find a hardware solution that was not in the budget busting category. It may happen in the form of the Raspberry PI. Small unit, runs a full tilt Linux load and lots of flexibility for the inept op like me. There was some info on point to point ip audio using iPhones and/or Droids without sip services but dang both are pricey. The drawback with any hardware solution is it is another physical item to track and keep broken connectors/cables fixed. There is some software out there for streaming audio which is appealing. Will see which is easier. HTML intimidates me and it seems to be a continuing ever changing item. It is more a moving target than a hyperactive Texas Jackrabbit on the run. For me things like HTML and C programming are like walking into the Twilight Zone only to stumble into Rod Searling. I kind of gave up on the recycled commercial radio gear (Motorola and others). No doubt it is good gear built like the proverbial brick outhouse but locating the bits and pieces to make it work always seems to me to be a major effort. Guess I am to much like an electron seeking the path of least resistance. The electron has the advantage. Have to run. Again thanks for the ideas. I can always clutter up my aging mind with more software. :-)
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 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2013-04-04- 12:38:02 
Joined: 2013-02-17- 01:58:37
Posts: 28
Location: Sterling, VA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

Thanks David for the ideas. During the interim have been looking for solutions. Speaking of overkill the search kept running into setup of SIP servers. While not impossible it just seems painful. I had hoped to find a hardware solution that was not in the budget busting category. It may happen in the form of the Raspberry PI. Small unit, runs a full tilt Linux load and lots of flexibility for the inept op like me. There was some info on point to point ip audio using iPhones and/or Droids without sip services but dang both are pricey. The drawback with any hardware solution is it is another physical item to track and keep broken connectors/cables fixed. There is some software out there for streaming audio which is appealing. Will see which is easier. HTML intimidates me and it seems to be a continuing ever changing item. It is more a moving target than a hyperactive Texas Jackrabbit on the run. For me things like HTML and C programming are like walking into the Twilight Zone only to stumble into Rod Searling. I kind of gave up on the recycled commercial radio gear (Motorola and others). No doubt it is good gear built like the proverbial brick outhouse but locating the bits and pieces to make it work always seems to me to be a major effort. Guess I am to much like an electron seeking the path of least resistance. The electron has the advantage. Have to run. Again thanks for the ideas. I can always clutter up my aging mind with more software. :-)
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 Subject :Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-04- 09:37:57 
Joined: 2013-03-05- 10:33:11
Posts: 10
Location: Peoria, Arizona DM33uq
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

I have the Walmart Grid ant it is a TP-Link. Yes you can change the polarization of the Driven element (but it needs to be a certain way according to the dish) so you should actually change the mount point to make it go horizontal. The cable is about 18 inches exposed from the back of the grid. Looks to be LMR 400/600 range cable. I am picking up a standard Wifi (Dunkin Donuts)indoor Vertically polarized 2.2 miles away while I am horizontal. I live in an open area so this may be optimum conditions. My avatar shows the Walmart grid in set up for horizontal.

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Last Edited On: 2013-04-04- 09:39:36 By N7SKV for the Reason

 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2013-04-04- 07:34:28 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

Forum deleting posts not run through Preview ... again ... arghhhh! Here is my reply ... retyped ... You may look at HTML5 re. streaming audio since you don't have to manage accounts & multiple contacts, etc. VoIP/SIP does seem to be overkill. Also, what about a 900MHz link for the audio? Perhaps a pair of surplus Motorola i570's from the Sprint-abandoned Nextel service in "MotoTalk/DirectTalk" mode? Adding a second radio link complicates on one hand but jumps you past the audio hassle in the near-term as you work on an integrated Broadband-Hamnet alternative.
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