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 Subject :Re:HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013.. 2013-04-04- 06:16:59 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : AtlantaGA
Topic : HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013

Do you want to trade emails so we can communicate with out having to go through the forum route? My email is N4TTY@ARRL.NET Steve G./N4TTY
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 Subject :Re:HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013.. 2013-04-04- 05:26:43 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : AtlantaGA
Topic : HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013

Here's my thought: 1. Promote the new name "Broadband-Hamnet". 2. Show the newest features. 3. Demonstrate how it is valuable in emcomm. 4. If wifi is available link to ARRL to show that feature. 5. Demonstrate full remote rig control & SSB operation. 6. Demonstrate use of commonly available and cheap used routers. 7. Demonstrate simple setup of a router. I'm not sure we have time to pull this off. We'd need a team - perhaps one at the Club table and at least one other elsewhere. I'm isolated here near Statesboro with no other Broadband-Hamnet ops. If provided with what you are using I could load-up my two Linksys WRT54G3G-ST's. WDYT? David
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 Subject :Re:HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013.. 2013-04-04- 02:58:25 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : AtlantaGA
Topic : HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013

I might be interested. Do you have any plans for what would be the purpose or what we could do to promote interest? N4TTY
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 Subject :Re:Portable mount for antenna/node.. 2013-04-03- 16:17:08 
Joined: 2013-03-06- 21:51:50
Posts: 30
Location: Cedar Hills, UT
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Portable mount for antenna/node

That's a great point. In fact I experienced that very problem last night while doing a little testing in the wind. I'll need to plan on a couple more guy lines for the end of each antenna.
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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2013-04-03- 12:59:52 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

The serial port(s) pinout is posted online, and a google search should find it easily (google "WRT54G Srial pinout"). Its a standard .10 pitch 2x5 IDC header layout. Just need to plug the 2x5 IDC black header onto it, OR, like I do, and solder directly. The header makes it convenient if you have to take the covers off/board out.


To hook to a standard PC serial port, you will need whats called a Level Shifter.

PC serial works at about 12VDC, whereas the WRT's serials are 3.3/3.5, so you need to have a level shifter in between

Also, COM1 is, by default, the console output, so if you only need 1 port, connect to COM2's pins and make things a bit easier.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Portable mount for antenna/node.. 2013-04-03- 12:00:49 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Portable mount for antenna/node

One important consideration is that the high gain antennas have narrow angles in the signal patterns.   2.4 GHz antennas even more so than VHF or lower frequencies.

Depending on how it's mounted, you may have problems with torsional vibrations.  i.e. the antenna turns in a right left pattern in the wind.  It sometimes helps to have some separate guys on the end of the antenna itself in a V pattern in order to keep it from twisting in the wind.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2013-04-03- 10:31:57 
Joined: 2013-03-17- 09:07:03
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing


That was a simple explanation and worked perfectly. I am a mesh noobie but was able to hook my laptop to one router, the internet to a second and remotely connect to the second and make the changes to the WAN port. After the reboot I had internet!

Now I just need to figure out how to access the serial port on my router. I have a few more people interested in the mesh and grand plans on how to implement it locally.


tnx agn,



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 Subject :Portable mount for antenna/node.. 2013-04-03- 09:43:37 
Joined: 2013-03-06- 21:51:50
Posts: 30
Location: Cedar Hills, UT
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Portable mount for antenna/node

I am preparing to use mesh nodes to support communications at an event held in a remote location in Utah's west desert. The nodes will be several miles apart, so high gain antennas will be a necessity. Has anyone figured out a good, inexpensive, portable way to mount antennas and nodes? I have experimented with mounting an antenna and node near the end of an 8' piece of 1 1/4" PVC pipe. This works reasonably well, but I'm concerned that it will be difficult to secure the guy lines needed to hold it up in the very sandy soil out in the desert. It would work better if I didn't have the weight of the router at the top of the pipe along with the antenna, but otherwise I have to use a longer feed line and deal with the losses that introduces. I'd be interested in solutions any of you have come up with, or even hearing about things you have tried that didn't work so I can learn from your experience.


Brad / N7EGO

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 Subject :Re:VPN on HSMM?.. 2013-04-02- 23:49:58 
Joined: 2013-04-01- 21:39:40
Posts: 7
Location: Draper, Utah
Forum : Applications
Topic : VPN on HSMM?

Got it. No one wants a flame war. In other words, proceed at your own risk and understanding of the law, and leave others to do likewise.
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Now WM3V
 Subject :Re:VPN on HSMM?.. 2013-04-02- 14:10:31 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Applications
Topic : VPN on HSMM?

Technically it is possible to run a VPN on HSM-MESH(tm).  We can help with technical questions. 

Only someone empowered to interpret and enforce the FCC rules could offer a definitive answer.  So people offering opinions with no legal standing, is of limited value.  Therefore we limit such discussions.  Please see  the message regarding legal issues on the home page of this web site.

Thanks for your cooperation.



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 Subject :VPN on HSMM?.. 2013-04-02- 13:51:24 
Joined: 2013-04-01- 21:39:40
Posts: 7
Location: Draper, Utah
Forum : Applications
Topic : VPN on HSMM?

I have seen several references to VPN's on HSMM both here and elsewhere.  My question is, while it is technically feasible, and even with the right background trivial, is it strictly legal with our HAM licenses?  I was under the impression we were not able to encrypt communications, and I don't know how you get any more encrypted than on a VPN.

Any thoughts?

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Now WM3V
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-04-02- 13:47:48 
Joined: 2013-04-01- 21:39:40
Posts: 7
Location: Draper, Utah
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

Just got 2 WRT54GS units off of eBay and have them working together. Ran around the neighborhood in my car, and not a peep from anyone else on the status page. I live in draper, so perhaps I can find a point to point connection to someone in Sandy or South Jordan? More likely Sandy though due to the freeway but I'm game to try. I will probably be building either a coil or bi-quad receiver into an old satellite dish and see how that works. If there is anyone else in Draper, get with me, and let's connect!
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Now WM3V
 Subject :Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-04-01- 02:34:27 
Joined: 2013-03-10- 16:40:27
Posts: 10
Location: Phoenix
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

I ordered a grid last night. Now I need a good omni...any good ideas? I just got an email from the shipper. Out of stuck. They hope to ship within 30 days.

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Last Edited On: 2013-04-03- 05:55:44 By K7NYS for the Reason additional info
 Subject :Re:IRC File Transfer.. 2013-03-31- 13:47:19 
Joined: 2013-01-23- 15:23:08
Posts: 15
Location: Malvern Pa USA FN20ga
Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC File Transfer


Mike, were you ever able to make this function on the same node?  It seems your experience implies n+1 nodes are needed, which is important to know in advance.

Mesh is great but not so easy for non-IT administrators to actually use for all the subtleties and assumed knowledge the layman lacks.

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Last Edited On: 2013-04-03- 04:46:30 By W3JY for the Reason Better clarify my question and the reasoning
 Subject :serial port access.. 2013-03-31- 12:48:16 
Joined: 2013-03-17- 09:07:03
Posts: 2
Forum : Applications
Topic : serial port access

I know there are 2 serial ports in the WRT54G router. If I do the mod to bring one out of the router how do I access it? Does the mesh firmware have a way to do it already or do I need to add something to it? My idea is to use the mesh to access a repeater controller and possibly a port on a packet node. I am a linux noob but willing to learn.






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 Subject :LOCATIONS!.. 2013-03-30- 10:20:01 
Joined: 2012-11-04- 22:39:21
Posts: 3
Forum : General

I searched a war-driving database for HSMM-MESH and imported the results here.  I just put the location and last date it was seen by somebody uploading to the database.  I'm sure it's nowhere near complete but it surprised me how many nodes were spotted.  I imported the data to google drive and shared the data set with maps.  You can view the results here:

I uploaded a picture from the map the link generates.

 HSMM-MESH.jpg [71 KB] ::
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 Subject :Re:Localized webSplat!.. 2013-03-26- 07:47:46 
Joined: 2013-03-06- 21:51:50
Posts: 30
Location: Cedar Hills, UT
Forum : Utah
Topic : Localized webSplat!

Thanks for putting this up Gerald. It's very helpful. I noticed that you slipped in an extra "n" in one of your domain names above. I was able to access the page when I went to
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 Subject :Re:Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi.. 2013-03-26- 02:20:16 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Cheap New Grid Antennas 24DBi

Has anyone actually got their hands on a Walmart TP-link antenna and seen how well it works? In particular, how long a cable, construction, mounting, can you rotate the driven element separately from the dish for ease in changing polarization, etc.?
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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Get Involved!.. 2013-03-24- 07:42:53 
Joined: 2013-03-11- 17:12:37
Posts: 1
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Forum : Phoenix
Topic : Get Involved!

There is definitely a buzz in Phoenix about HSMM-MESH.  Several new HSMM-MESH nodes are now operational with many more planned.  A concentrated effort is underway to begin connecting the nodes.

Anyone interested in getting involved in the Phoenix metropolitan area can tune to 442.70 MHz, PL 77, repeater at South Mountain where John (AC7PH) can be found or to 146.520s MHz simplex where Woody (K7CQX) and Brent (N7SKV) often monitor.


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 Subject :Re:Homebrew Power over Ethernet.. 2013-03-21- 03:06:16 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Homebrew Power over Ethernet

Keep in mind that the WRT-54G version 1 only takes 5 volts and will be damaged by 12 V.

I vaguely remember someone saying that the 12 V versions of the router would take a fairly wide voltage range, including more than 12 V.

This page seems to indicate 4-16 V supply is OK, but there's such a wide range of hardware for the 54G series that I wouldn't take that as true for all models without further verification.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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