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 Subject :Re:The Serval Project.. 2013-03-04- 17:38:04 
Joined: 2012-05-27- 22:34:59
Posts: 7
Location: Mart, Texas 76664
Forum : General
Topic : The Serval Project

I have tried the Serval Mesh with 2 Android phones and 1 tablet. The software works as stated, but the connection distances are short. Internet is not needed in text messaging and voice connections. Could this project be used as a ham operation by the incorporation of a higher powered router identified as a ham station? The router would function as a repeater. The Android devices can also be identified as a ham station. There would be no encryption and MAC address filtering could be used to keep out non hams. Would this be a legal ham operation?
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 Subject :Re:Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?.. 2013-03-02- 18:02:24 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?

If y'all get any info on =Mesh's brought up, email me specifics and Ill get it posted on the main site. I, as well as many others I suspect, would love to hear what happens(ed).

I personally scanned Silicon Valley with a stamped Yagi the last 2 days and couldnt see anyone else.

I may try again with it in H Pol.


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Last Edited On: 2013-03-02- 18:03:31 By K5KTF for the Reason
B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Re:Re:The Serval Project.. 2013-03-02- 10:24:38 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : General
Topic : The Serval Project

There's no HSMM-MESH app for android.  It's unlikely there will be an HSMM-MESH program for anything other than stand alone routers any time soon.

There are a number of other mesh projects.   This thread was about the Serval project.  Check the first post.  Serval is not related to or compatible with HSMM-MESH

[kd5uew 2013-03-02- 00:17:28]:

I have not found an android app For Ham-mesh. Is there such a beast that I could download. I did find The serval app but i am wondering if there is a ham-mesh app that would make your cell phone into a node.

thanks in Advance.


[K4RJJ 2012-02-20- 23:36:29]:

What is the name of the Android app?

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon.. 2013-03-02- 10:12:49 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon

Hi Fred Wes here KF7BWS; Keizer Oregon, CN84lx. I have an HSMM(wifi) and a HSMM-MESH up on the roof of my home connected to the internet. I have an additional three HSMM-MESH routers in my home. Two with IP phones and one with a camera. If you have an HSMM-MESH router you can connect using it, if not you can use wifi to connect to the HSMM node. The HSMM and the HSMM-MESH are connected back to back on port one. The HSMM-MESH is connect to the internet on the WAN port. See you at MCARES.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-03-02- 09:53:05 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

FYI: I have run the transmitter at 250mW (.25W, 23dBM) for months with no apperant effects. The processor chip did have a heatsink.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-03-02- 09:37:51 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

From the factory the WRT54-g?s transmitter poer is set for 79mW or 19dBm. Why? I dont know, maybe some thing to do with Part 15 of the FCC rules. If you replace the factory firmware with DD-WRT firmware you may change the transmitter power setting from 0 Watts - .250 Watts. This would corespond to 0dBm - 23dBm. With the HSMM-MESH firmware the options for transmitter power are 0dBm - 19dBm.
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 Subject :Re:Re:The Serval Project.. 2013-03-02- 00:17:28 
Joined: 2012-07-04- 10:02:58
Posts: 3
Location: Waco TX.
Forum : General
Topic : The Serval Project

I have not found an android app For Ham-mesh. Is there such a beast that I could download. I did find The serval app but i am wondering if there is a ham-mesh app that would make your cell phone into a node.

thanks in Advance.


[K4RJJ 2012-02-20- 23:36:29]:

What is the name of the Android app?

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Bill Feltenberger
 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2013-02-28- 19:33:23 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 01:26:54
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

That is correct. I wanted only VoIP service that could be configured by SSHing into the node or through a simple webpage I have setup on my HSMM-MESH node. Due to the limited memory on the WRT54GS' we cannot have a full range of apps that a raspberry pi could have.

As for page lagging from the RPi? I feel like it's something internal with the RPi. Sometimes it would display other times it would timeout. From my experience, it seemed to stem from Apache and PHP.

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-28- 19:33:49 By for the Reason
 Subject :Emergency Cloud Server Project.. 2013-02-28- 03:07:54 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : General
Topic : Emergency Cloud Server Project

I created an Emergency Cloud Server using the Raspberry Pi SBC.  Please see my presentation here:

You may also check out an older video here:

73 de wb2ifs/3

Jesse Alexander

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?.. 2013-02-27- 16:44:07 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : General
Topic : Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?

I have no confirmed info on those hamfests. I will be bringing my equipment to Birmingham this weekend. Ill also be doing the same for Dayton and Plano. I would assume there will be action at Dayton and Plano.


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 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2013-02-27- 16:32:09 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

Do I correctly understand that 100% self-contained doesn't provide for the full range of apps that a Raspi setup does? Might there be a cure for the page-lag?
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2013-02-27- 15:46:43 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 01:26:54
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

Yes, it is possible. I have done it. I found it to be a little slow in loading pages. Ultimately, I wanted something that was 100% self-contained. So that's why I went with Asterisk on the node. I also have a web config page setup on the HSMM-MESH node so I can go in and change asterisk settings on the fly without having to ssh into the node.

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2013-02-27- 13:07:42 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

On the other thread they discussed Raspi vs Router & appear to have chosen to go the Router mode for VoIP - but that's a mode-limited router-limited method. Is it possible to run a multiple-app service like Elastix on a Raspi and have the HSMM-Mesh router merely be the 2.4GHz transport? That would seem to provide a more full range of resources for Emcomm, etc. KD4E
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 Subject :HSSM-Mesh at Dayton Hamfest - May 17-19, 2013.. 2013-02-27- 11:27:06 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : General
Topic : HSSM-Mesh at Dayton Hamfest - May 17-19, 2013

Any plans for HSSM-Mesh at the Dayton Hamfest - May 17-19, 2013?


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 Subject :HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013.. 2013-02-27- 11:25:02 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : AtlantaGA
Topic : HSSM-Mesh at Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013

Any plans for HSSM-Mesh at the Atlanta Hamfest - June 1, 2013?


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 Subject :Re:Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?.. 2013-02-27- 11:22:01 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : General
Topic : Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?

Sorry I missed the opportunity ... have you heard anything about the Charlotte, NC or Greater Houston, TX Fests in March or Dayton in May? KD4E
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 Subject :Re:Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?.. 2013-02-27- 11:03:39 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : General
Topic : Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?

This is a little bit late I guess... I was told there was a network running. I confirm this since I was late in flashing my equipment. Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon.. 2013-02-27- 07:42:40 
Joined: 2013-02-22- 16:31:16
Posts: 2
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon

Hi eveveryone in AF7S, EC at Oregon OEM, and if the paperwork ever comes through the bureaucracy, ill soon be the State Communications Officer at Oregon OEM.

i. Both roles, I'm beginning to explore the possibilities of this technology as another tool in the ARES toolbox, and I'd be interested to know who is doing what, especially in an emergency services use.


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 Subject :Re:Temperature Extremes.. 2013-02-26- 05:39:29 
Joined: 2012-04-16- 05:51:12
Posts: 23
Forum : General
Topic : Temperature Extremes

You are absolutly correct about consumer grade equipment. But I think that proper housing can overcome most of that defincincy. You are more likly to find issues with heat tempetures then cold. About April, when I can get back on my roof, I need to redo my setup to provide cooling for the summer months. During this winter, those days with sunshine help to heat the interior. Besides extreme tempertures there is condensation to consider. Gerald AD7QF
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 Subject :Re:Temperature Extremes.. 2013-02-24- 05:31:18 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Temperature Extremes

Yes, thanks Gerald. That's the sort of evidence I'm looking for. You never know about consumer-grade equipment... and I suppose it may vary widely from device to device. San Diego isn't generally known for it's cold weather, but to cover the broader county they'll need to survive the 5,000'-6,000' mountain environment that runs along its east side. Thanks for the response. Andre, K6AH
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San Diego Mesh Working Group
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