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 Subject :WX5U.. 2013-01-01- 18:40:18 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Austin
Topic : WX5U

Just checking in.  

Happy Gnu Year.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2012-12-31- 04:38:20 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

I'm a Linux-only guy but good to know others ae doing rig control. I found a way to do the same as you via Linux but am also stymied by the SSB side of things.
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 Subject :Re:Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2012-12-31- 03:29:43 
Joined: 2012-10-18- 06:39:28
Posts: 5
Location: FN03nw, Oshawa, Ontario
Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

Hi Jim. I found these on the Raspberry Pi website where a fellow is building an HVAC thermostat. Might work well in the WRT54G. Eric.
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 Subject :Re:OLSR grayed out... 2012-12-30- 11:37:08 
Joined: 2012-10-12- 15:44:24
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : OLSR grayed out.

As you can see from the post dates, it was back in Oct when I posted the first request.  I will have to dig the routers out of the junk box and set everything back up to get the information.  It will be a day or two.  If you review the other posts, some of your questions might be answered. I will post again when I get the information. The routers were loaded with Open WRT but were reloaded with Linksys and tested my the company before being donated to us. Thanks for responding. Ray

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 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2012-12-30- 05:58:21 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?

P.S. I know that Dave AD5OO has his Kenwood rig that has a built in IP interface fully controllable from a laptop via the mesh. But I guess the Kenwood is setup to do that natively. KTF
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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Wireless Rig Control?.. 2012-12-30- 05:56:37 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Applications
Topic : Wireless Rig Control?


I control my FT-897D over my mesh here using Ham Radio Deluxe. I have a USB to serial adapter (PL2303) plugged into my K5KTF-USB modified node, then running ser2net on the node and a similar serial-over-IP driver for Windows, I can control the radio completely.

What I lack right now is some form of VoIP/audio solution from the USB sound dongle on -USB and the radio back to the Windoze PC. If anyone has suggestions on that, Id be glad to give it a shot.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:OLSR grayed out... 2012-12-30- 03:08:55 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : OLSR grayed out.

Id need to know a little more about the specifics about what condition the units are in/steps already taken.

If you look at from the Getting Started page, everything has been done (changing the node name to your callsign+suffix, changing the password, save and reboot) ?

The appropriate firmware for each model was used? (Im just verifying the easy stuff first)

On each router, what is the node name showing at the top?

If you click the AUTO button, you get the signal report and/or waterfall?

Its just kind of hard to troubleshoot something we cant see and dont know its history.

Id be willing to take a look at them if they were to get shipped down. I have had success bringing bricked units back to life, except one that appears to have bad memory in it (it wouldnt even boot to where you can get the mesh status screens though).

If the step-by-step has been done exactly, but still no OLSR, then Im curious if there is some remnants of the previous stuff that was on them, and they need a good nuking/reflash. Or if its something entirely different.



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:OLSR grayed out... 2012-12-30- 01:36:47 
Joined: 2012-10-12- 15:44:24
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : OLSR grayed out.

I still have four Routers loaded with HSMM-MESH software that I can not use because I can not get any support. Any suggestions would be great.

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2012-12-29- 19:25:30 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

Im playing with installing this right now.I already have a 3CX server running on a Windoze PC behind a node, but would like to get it directly on a node for events/deployment.

I am installing it on a G v2, but with the USB mod and a 40GB harddrive attached (see my posts under Developer Documentation on doing the USB mod and moving the OS/boot to the HDD).

For those that do this, there is a package called ZILE that if you install it and create a symbolic link in the path (/usr/bin will do) to the ZILE executable and name it EMACS, well... you will have EMACS instead of that dreaded VI :-) But you should be running on a harddrive (partition the HDD with a gig of swap for fun) to run this, as I doubt it would work on even a GS with the extra flash :-) to see what it looks like live. You will only be able to do stuff ON -USB, but links out to other nodes its meshed to wont work due to DNS/routing not propagating from the internet (on purpose). Make sure to note the STORAGE and MEMORY sizes of the customized main Status page ;-) ;-)

A couple notes, after reading your * install guide....

To keep the firewall from losing the settings on reboots, add the firewall additions to both the /etc/config/firewall as per your instructions, but ALSO to /etc/config.mesh/firewall. That second one is the file that creates the 'current' /etc/config files at boot time.

root@K5KTF-USB:~# emacs /etc/config/firewall
root@K5KTF-USB:~# emacs /etc/config.mesh/firewall

One more thing that may help this survive reboots is, once you have made the changes in the files, go to the web UI into Setup, change the channel to 2, save, then change back to 1 and save again BEFORE rebooting with it at 2. This will write the configs to the "special place" that makes the changes permanent. (You have to change SOMETHING for it to actually save, so I do the channel to 2 then back to 1, then reboot)

Also, I had a problem with it bitching about MD5 when I tried installing the packages I grabbed from the forum here.

Package XXXXX md5sum mismatch. Either the ipkg or the package index are corrupt. Try 'ipkg update'.

If you have internet accessibility at the node, you can go into the main web UI, Setup (with login),  Administration, then under Package Management click the REFRESH button next to the DOWNLOAD PACKAGE section, wait for it to grab all the possible packages, then you can install them from there individually.

One last item...
If you do this on a USB-harddrive node, after you get this all setup and working, you may need power off the node, unplug the drive, boot it up, edit the /etc/init.d/boot file on the internal flash, then power off, reattach the drive, and boot it normally. I have found that this needs to be done for it to actually start extra things at boot time.

Now to figure out how to install a voicemail system on here (3CX has it built in) :-)


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2012-12-29- 03:54:28 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

Let me know how the project turns out. Its looks simple enough on that site.

We are always looking for new ways and things to use on the mesh.

I have played with the Dallas Semi iButtons before, and even have an RS232 interface I built for a work project years ago (my design turned into a few thousand for inclusion into a product we made).

DS used to have a myriad of the 1-wire iButtons, in fact I still have one on my keyring, an ibutton that has a small amount of memory that has a txt file on it that reads "JAMES KINTER - PC SYS MAN", my old title (PC Systems Manager).

At the time, there wasnt much linux to have their software run on, so it was all Windoze based, but I bet I still have a copy of it somewhere.


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Last Edited On: 2012-12-29- 04:01:13 By K5KTF for the Reason
B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2012-12-28- 07:07:04 
Joined: 2012-10-18- 06:39:28
Posts: 5
Location: FN03nw, Oshawa, Ontario
Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

And of course that was one google search I didn't make. That is exactly what I was looking for. Going to have to doing some playing around with that! Thanks Jim and Happy New Year to you as well! Eric, VA3EAM.
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 Subject :Re:Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2012-12-28- 06:58:19 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

A quick google search "wrt54g temperature sensor" reveals this:

Looks like a simple way to interface, and I am adding it to my list of things to add to mesh nodes.

Have a Happy New Year !



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Legality?.. 2012-12-28- 06:56:07 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Legality?

If you are that worried that something you or your users may do will violate Part97 then dont do it. Its your license.

This subject has been hashed about numerous times elsewhere. No need to waste any more bandwidth or harddrive space.

Have a Happy New Year !



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Legality?.. 2012-12-28- 06:18:56 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 21:21:45
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Legality?

Hi - I'm very intrigued by this idea, and I personally have access to a few towers, both privately owned as well as commercially, ranging up to 2000' in height.  I'd love to get on board in the Raleigh area with this, but the legality really concerns me, mainly in the aspect of transmitting encrypted signals, and in transmitting signals intended to be of a commercial nature.  For instance, the way I interpret the rules, one cannot utilize any form of secure TCP/IP protocol, and one could also not communicate with, say, any kind of website that may have advertising on it.  
Thanks -


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 Subject :Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2012-12-27- 17:37:56 
Joined: 2012-10-18- 06:39:28
Posts: 5
Location: FN03nw, Oshawa, Ontario
Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

I am wondering if anyone out there has done any experimenting with or have a solution for adding the Dallas Semiconductor DS1820 Temperature sensor to one of the serial ports on the WRT and written software to go with it to display the temperature on the node.  Here is a pdf datasheet for the 1820;

I would like to have the ability to monitor the temperature in the enclosure when it is placed up on the mast.

Thanks, Eric.

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 Subject :Sacramento.. 2012-12-26- 05:39:09 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 11:34:42
Posts: 4
Location: Sacramento, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Sacramento

Hi there, I'm interested in getting a node broadcasting in Sacramento.  I've flashed two routers and have a mesh going inside my house.  Lots of work ahead to get a signal outside. 

Also working on getting a raspberry pi hooked up as IRC server.  I'm not that knowledgeable about Linux, so this might take a while!  Very curious about how APRS can be leveraged within a mesh as well.

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 Subject :Any Joomla coders out there?.. 2012-12-25- 08:16:43 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Any Joomla coders out there?

OK, I have been trying to find someone who can "adjust" the code for this web site, and am coming up short. So I thought, why not ask in our own backyard?

Is there anyone in our midst that would know how to change something in the Joomla core, or maybe even write a small component/plugin for Joomla 1.5? Or someone you might know?

What I would like to see is something (a configurable plugin, changing a bit of core code, anything) that would do an XML query in the new user registration process. It would happen between the moment they click SUBMIT and when the server saves the info and sends out the confirmation email. I dont think it would be that difficult, but unfortunately I play more in the ColdFusion sandbox than the Joomla/PHP box, so Im sure there is someone out there more adept at this task than I.

I have the specific XML queries needed (one to get a session key, then use that key in a second XML query to look up info), and I have root access to the box--- I could just walk over to the console if needed !.

Once I get this working on here, that dreaded reCaptcha garbage will disappear forever !! Yeaahhhhhhh!

I will gladly give major kudos on the site to whoever can help get this done, and I have even set aside from my personal budget some cash for the willing participant !

If you can do this, and would like to contribute to the site and HSMM-Mesh community, email me at and we can collaborate.

73 and Merry Christmas y'all!

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-12-19- 11:12:07 
Joined: 2012-11-05- 00:36:42
Posts: 19
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

Hi John,

I would be happy to visit you at the campus some time so we can look at options.  You have a good site there away from some of the barriers and stuff that are in the way of a clear shot to the mountain.  Perhaps there is a way to assist with that.

Jerry W0HU

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 Subject :Re:Re:San Diego Area.. 2012-12-18- 13:24:22 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Diego Area

Hey, teriffic.  Email me offline at k6ah at

[kk6bbg 2012-12-14- 11:02:36]:

I am interested! I have two HSMM-MESH routers, and I'm working on acquiring more. I live in Rancho Pennasquitos, and I have some friends in Escondido interested in a mesh.

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2012-12-17- 06:52:29 
Joined: 2012-06-29- 13:04:24
Posts: 3
Location: Aggieland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

Just saw this on the Raspberry Pi site:

...the good folks at Elastix, the open-source unified communications outfit, have developed a new version of Elastix 32 bits, called μElastix, and ported it to the Raspberry Pi.

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