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 Subject :Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2012-09-16- 06:39:10 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 17:26:07
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

I have been able to successfully get Asterisk to run self-contained on an HSMM-MESH node.  I am now able to plug VoIP phones into wirelessly connected nodes and make phone calls to them through the NAT.  Instructions are attached.  It only takes 30 minutes for the initial setup.

NOTE:  This guide was written with the idea that the user is running Linux to complete the steps.  Instructions may vary slightly for windows users.

EDIT:  Windows version on page 2.

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Last Edited On: 2013-11-19- 19:00:36 By KF5JIM for the Reason
 Subject :Tampa Bay, FL.. 2012-09-15- 02:16:05 
Joined: 2012-08-21- 10:06:02
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Tampa Bay, FL

I am looking for anyone in the Tampa area that may be interested in experimenting with HSMM-MESH. 

I live in north Pinellas county and would like to hear from hams that would like to work with this mode.


Joel WM4P

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 Subject :tunnelling update?.. 2012-09-14- 11:42:15 
Joined: 2012-09-02- 09:24:35
Posts: 8
Location: SC/EM93
Forum : Applications
Topic : tunnelling update?

Brnad new to meshing ... have a node (setup was simple with the guide!) here (near Augusta,GA), and looking for local interest, but not sure if any will turn up ...

What's the current status on the tunnelling? Saw some references to it, but not a specific how-to .. Would like to give that a try to be able to play around on a mesh, since i'm currently an "island" here.

Aiken, SC

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 Subject :Re:HSMM Node Connectivity.. 2012-09-14- 08:00:46 
Joined: 2012-09-02- 09:24:35
Posts: 8
Location: SC/EM93
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HSMM Node Connectivity

"It is not responsive at localnode:8080, w4dtb-1:8080," Did you try in the browser? I just set one up for the first time, and "localnode" didn't resolve for "localnode:8080" (I didn't go through the windows steps to add the DNS search path), but worked (as expected) just fine.
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices.. 2012-09-14- 04:56:54 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 17:26:07
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk and other services on Raspberry and BeagleBone devices

Well, I tried editing my post and it didn't update it, and when I pressed back, I lost what I wrote. With that said........

I have been able to install Asterisk to both an HSMM-MESH node and have it up in running right now (not from node-to-node yet) and also on the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi method is a lot more user friendly than editing configuration files on the HSMM-MESH node. Also, I have installed an email server to the Raspberry Pi as well.

My first finding: Asterisk on the Raspberry Pi works.   However, by using the Raspberry Pi with Asterisk + FreePBX, my calls are currently getting dropped after 10 minutes of operation. I am looking into this issue and have a solution that I will be trying out later today. When I am dialing an extension number, it does take a couple seconds to process and connect. The delay between when the person speaks and the other phone outputting the audio is about 0.5 seconds. Also, with this setup, the Raspberry Pi at max is only using at max ~60% of it's processing power. I have noticed that the WebGUI shows the Raspberry Pi idling most of the time, but that's not a problem.  I would much prefer taking the Pi out of the picture, but if you would like a webGUI interface, than that is the way to go.

As for an e-mail server, it is easy to setup on the Raspberry Pi and works just fine. I used SquirrelMail. When you access the e-mail server, it will appear to not be doing anything when you click on any link, but if you wait, it takes you to that page and functions just fine.  Typical delay is about a second.

I had a friend setup their computer as a TeamSpeak server (Computer-to-Computer VoIP), and that works perfectly fine over the HSMM-MESH network. You might want to check into that too.

Anything else that you would like to know about?

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Last Edited On: 2012-09-16- 08:16:49 By for the Reason Fixed Wording
 Subject :Re:Changing Domain Name - impact?.. 2012-09-13- 19:11:18 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:05:42
Posts: 37
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Changing Domain Name - impact?

Welcome from the land down under.  I hope you find the mesh as useful as we do.

1. Security at this point is through obscurity.  The olsrd_secure plugin is used for OLSR communications and only those with the proper key can fully participate in the mesh.  Outside of that, it would take specialized knowledge to gain network access, and only a small percentage of the public would have it.  It would be far easier for a local yahoo to get a 2 meter FM radio and cause trouble on the repeaters than it would be to fiddle with the mesh.

2. The domain name problem was as yet unsolved when the firmware was released to the public, and it remains unsolved.  I know it may be annoying to those of you not in Austin, but since is hardcoded into several places in the firmware you can expect the mesh to break if the domain name is changed.  I have some ideas about how to properly handle domains in the absence of centralized administration, but for now and the near future we have to deal with the domain as it exists in the current firmware.


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 Subject :Raspberry Pi/Gumstix.. 2012-09-12- 18:45:28 
Joined: 2012-08-24- 22:24:13
Posts: 5
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi/Gumstix

Just a note to anyone else playing with these - I was able to get OLSRD working and talking to my WRT54G nodes, using the development HSMM-MESH firmware on the WRT's.  I compiled the 0.6.3 version but there is a 0.6.2 package that may work as well.  I'm using a realtek based wifi dongle and it is running okay (so far) from the USB on board, not running a powered hub.  I don;t have a keyboard or mosue hooked up, either, though, coming in via ethernet, so that may help the power equation.

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 Subject :Re:Active development?.. 2012-09-12- 17:37:43 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 17:26:07
Posts: 0
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Active development?

Howdy stranger, you might want to consider joining the developers Yahoo! Group.

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Last Edited On: 2012-09-12- 17:50:47 By for the Reason
 Subject :Router forgot new login?.. 2012-09-12- 10:25:54 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Router forgot new login?

I have two Linysys WRT54G3G-ST routers with firmware changed to hsmm-mesh.

Both have been previously tested and worked fine and saw each other.

I changed the login & password on each and that info was duly stored on the two laptops.

I was trying to connect a TRENDnet IP camera so I fired them up but cannot get into Setup.

Neither router remembers the new login & password nor do they recognize the default open-wrt login & password.

I was planning to use these for a project that starts tomorrow.

What do I do, please?



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Last Edited On: 2012-09-12- 10:57:00 By KD4E for the Reason
 Subject :Changing Domain Name - impact?.. 2012-09-11- 23:50:06 
Joined: 2012-09-12- 04:35:57
Posts: 1
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Changing Domain Name - impact?

Hi All,

Newbie to HSMM-Mesh from Australia (looks like that makes two of us now!). I've managed to flash a WRT54GL (waiting on a 2nd to start a mesh). Was wondering:

1. If there is no security then how is the network secured from unauthorised access? (Australian regs are different (however there are similarities) but it would appear from my reading that FCC Part 97 requirements dictate that Part 15 users can't get into the system).

2. The default domain appears to be  How do we change that (say to for consistency with the nominal naming convention? Would this 'break' anything in the mesh? (keeping the SSID as HSMM-MESH).



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 Subject :Re:Flash Memory Upgrade.. 2012-09-09- 07:22:35 
Joined: 2012-01-24- 12:30:27
Posts: 1
Location: Sarasota Fl. 34241
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Flash Memory Upgrade

I am IPC 610 certified solderer for serface mount and through hole packages. I am also rework certified. If I can be of assistance please contact me. My question is do you have the part # for the 4 meg memory chip?
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Email address:
 Subject :Re:San Jose, Cupertino?.. 2012-09-08- 18:27:16 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Jose, Cupertino?

Contact me off the forum. I have an idea.
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 Subject :Re:San Jose, Cupertino?.. 2012-09-08- 18:15:56 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Jose, Cupertino?

You are probably a "founding node" in your area. Those posting here in this Bay area Forum are you best bet at the moment. They are posting to the forums, at least. There are many who do not contact us, so we cannot notify them of others that are close to them. Thanks for your help. -KD5MFW
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 Subject :San Jose, Cupertino?.. 2012-09-08- 17:50:19 
Joined: 2012-09-06- 13:27:36
Posts: 3
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Jose, Cupertino?

I'm looking to set a node up -- I could set one up in San Jose and perhaps in Cupertino.  Is there much of a point?  Would I be able to reach anyone else in the area, or would I just be placing my dots on the map in the hopes of enticing someone to fill in some of the open spaces? :)

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 Subject :Active development?.. 2012-09-07- 19:45:54 
Joined: 2012-09-06- 13:27:36
Posts: 3
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Active development?

Is this project in active development?  Is there some place where people discuss patches, bugs, wanted features, etc?

If I wanted to take a stab at helping, where would it be most useful?  Implementing new features, fixing old bugs?  Porting to new hardware (maybe Atheros-based devices), or moving files to USB storage to better support newer, more easily available 2MB devices?

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 Subject :Re:Minimum components required to boot.. 2012-09-07- 12:49:50 
Joined: 2012-01-02- 22:09:40
Posts: 12
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Minimum components required to boot

There are plenty of newer routers that can be used for this, if the firmware could be made to work on them; I really don't want to have to resort to using DD-WRT mesh firmware (and having to hack it up if it's not compatible with HSMM-Mesh) to use this particular router for experimentation. I will use it (DD-WRT) for the wireless bridging capabilities it provides, though.

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 Subject :Re:Software design questions.. 2012-09-05- 16:58:49 
Joined: 2012-08-24- 22:24:13
Posts: 5
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Forum : General
Topic : Software design questions

Okay, I think I was after the intent, yes. As to netcat, I'll check for it. Right now I manages to brick the E2000, but have olsrd talking between my mac, debian and the dev-hsmm box, but I am guessing that the version I am running on the mac is old enough to be wrong endian-ing the secure module, as it won't work with it enabled, so in my lab environment I've had to take it out again to get all three to talk at once. Fortunately I have another Ebay WRT54G coming. And I'm updating my OS on the gumstix, so we'll see what I can do there. I haven't checked to see how many watts the WRT54G runs but I suspect a battery or solar powered node on a gumstix (or similar low power hardware) would run a lot longer.
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 Subject :Re:Software design questions.. 2012-09-05- 16:29:22 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:05:42
Posts: 37
Forum : General
Topic : Software design questions

> 1) with OLSR HSMM-MESH uses the secure module.  Is that really needed if mesh nets all use the
> same key?

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but the intent is to prevent interaction with other OLSR based networks that are not HSMM-MESH compatible otherwise the proper functioning of the network will be compromised.

> 2) Are there alternatives to netmsg to beacon call signs?  DD-WRT doesn't have it; Debian has
> smbclient but that hasn't worked for me yet.

netcat can do it as well, but dd-wrt probably doesn't have that either.  You need to beacon to comply with FCC rules. The exact way you do it is not defined, so as long as you have something that works it should be ok.


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 Subject :Re:Minimum components required to boot.. 2012-09-05- 16:10:32 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Minimum components required to boot

Matt, While you might be able to get a WRT54G-v8 working with lots of magic mojo, why not go with a fully supported WRT54GL (or WRT54GS-v3 or lower - even better) as a starting point? The v8 could then get DD-WRT as Glenn suggests and become a bridged-AP to allow normal wireless clients to connect. The savings in aggravation and loss of hair are well worth it. The HSMM-Mesh firmware is already about as small as its going to get. Even if you can get the Kamikaze full development environment working, there isn't much to take out. At most you could likely strip unneeded function out of uClibc and save a couple hundred KB at most. You're looking for size savings of a couple MB. You're still an order of magnitude away. I'm doing all kinds of wacky Mesh-geekery now, but I started with WRT54GS's and GL's. I still use them for interop testing and live work. -Brian/KY9K
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 Subject :Re:Minimum components required to boot.. 2012-09-05- 13:17:01 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Minimum components required to boot

The WRT54GL is still for sale, new, on ebay.  So they are not hard to find.  You could save your self a huge amount of time starting with supported hardware.  Working with a WRT54G v8 would be a challenging project for someone with expert hardware and software skills.  If you get it working, let is know how you did it. 

The HSMM-MESH firmware will not fit in the native memory of a WRT54 v8.  There is no easy way to "leave stuff out" to try to make it fit.  If you can't get the firmware image loaded, you can't boot it.

If you want to try get a taste of trying to work with minimal foot print 3rd party firmware in newer Linksys routers, check out dd-wrt for ideas on how one might try.  We do not have a method for loading working HSMM-MESH firmware into a WRT54G v8.



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