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 Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction.. 2012-08-11- 08:22:06 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

I dont have any photos of the lollypops, and they are stored at Brians QTH.
Ill ask if he can snap a couple, and Ill gladly do up an article on the site.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012.. 2012-08-10- 18:26:43 
Joined: 2012-08-09- 08:22:24
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Jim, I would have liked to attend your session, but the other folks driving north on 35 wouldn't have been happy if I had teleported to the hotel and left my truck unoccupied doing 70 on cruise control. :-) Thanks for the lollypop bill of materials, but I'm still unclear on the actual assembly. Any chance you might take a few photos to help with the details. Also, I'm not familiar with any UPS's that provide 12VDC output. What model number is that Belkin unit? Your effort won't be wasted as I intend to build a copy ASAP to show my guys at 10bitworks hackerspace here in San Antonio. I shared everything I picked up at Summerfest with them, and they set up two nodes on a workbench Tuesday night as a proof of concept. I think that we have enough interest to build a few lollypops and do a field test. Thanks, Matt - K5MWG
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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-10- 16:33:14 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

For the benefit of anyone else finding this in the future, here is what is needed to make this work (Rich and I just discussed it over the phone):

You MUST be on 0.4.3 firmware for the internet gateway to work now, due to recent changes beyond our (the HSMM-Mesh project) control.

You have your modem to the internet, be it cable modem, DSL, even wifi internet. That connects to your regular house router's WAN/Internet port.

On the house router, connect a cable from one of the house router LAN ports to the HSMM-Mesh node's WAN port. Then go into setup and check the Internet Gateway box under the WAN settings, click SAVE CHANGES, and reboot.

You only need to connect ONE mesh node to the internet to give your entire mesh network internet access. Other nodes do NOT need to have a connection to the house router OR does not need to have the Internet Gateway box checked. Just the one is all that needs setup.

These simple steps will give your mesh nertwork internet access.

And remember Part 97 rules.... Its your license !


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :KC9VFT -- New to the group!.. 2012-08-10- 15:43:39 
Joined: 2012-08-05- 11:25:18
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Location: Location: 30° 12' 23' N 97° 50'
Forum : Austin
Topic : KC9VFT -- New to the group!

So I was at the HAMFest last weekend and saw the display for the HSMM-MESH!  I thought ok so that is really (and I do mean Really) cool.  Thanks to the folks that put the display up!

I live in South Austin.  I have two routers loaded with the mesh software!!  I don't have an external antenna as of yet.  

I need some help on making connections.  I did do some mapping and  the connection to St Davids and KF5MFL have hill between 50-100 foot in the path.   The St David's connection maybe possible if the link is on the roof.   The connection to AMD is just about all up hill (@3.42 miles) and appears to be the best.

Drop me an email at   This look like it could be alot of fun!




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I have 3 WRT54G units loaded with mesh. Working to create a more portal able solution. I want to work towards a local mesh group (to test internet sharing,signal quality, etc) here in South Austin. I have two dish type antennas I am working on to create Bi-quad's to increase the LOS distance. Pl
 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-10- 13:56:38 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

Right, you would need a cable from your internet connection (router/cablemodem/etc) to the WAN port on the node, then check the GATEWAY box in the node setup.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction.. 2012-08-10- 13:54:19 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Oh, and I checked, and cannot find your lost post anywhere. I dont know what happened, but its not in here.

And we do not have a user's gallery yet. Great idea, and Ill see what I can do to implement.

Most times, people email us with their pics and a blurb that we can then create an article from for the site. If you want, email me off-list (jim at K5KTF dot com) and Ill be glad to get any info you send up ont he site. We are always looking for fresh material!



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction.. 2012-08-10- 13:51:48 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Hi Matt.

What? You missed MY presentation at 10 and only came for Glenn's? :-( sheesh

  (just kidding)

The 'lollypops' are built as such:

5gal bucket, a 10lb barbell weight that fits the diameter of the bottom of the bucket, a couple 2x4 wood blocks (to stabilize the weight centering), and one of the Belkin UPS with a 12VDC output. THAT is the AC cable you saw. They last 12+ hours per charge with just a node attached, but we set them up Friday night, so plugged in where we could to keep them topped off.

Below the weight is a piece of plywood cut round and has a 3/4" EMT connector drilled though, then the pipe fits through the weight's center hole and into that connector and comes up through the lid as you saw.

Up through the pipe we run a chunk of CAT5 that has a PoE adapter on each end to get power from the Belkin up to the node.

Reason for having the nodes up so high: Get the antennas above the ugly bags of water walking around, as water absorbs the 2.4Ghz energy.... They would work fine in setup with no one in the halls, but once the place fills up, signals would drop drastically.

The original design/idea of the lollypops was a brainchild of one of the gents from the Plano Klub (PARK) for last year's HamComm. They worked so well, Brian KF5GAH built us up a set for down here.

Hope that answers the questions...



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:DIY Antenna's?.. 2012-08-09- 17:34:06 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 17:22:06
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : DIY Antenna's?

You couls also use a coax cable & any small aluminium rod, luminium cover to make a tv antenna.

digital tv aerials | freeview aerials

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 Subject :Henderson Emergency Services Appreciation Day HSMM Display.. 2012-08-09- 10:01:41 
Joined: 2010-10-09- 10:20:10
Posts: 34
Location: Henderson KY
Forum : River City Meshers
Topic : Henderson Emergency Services Appreciation Day HSMM Display

Saturday August 11 in Henderson, we have the Emergency Services Appreciation Day in Lowe's parking lot. We will have a working HSMM node connected to an Email server to send Winlink emails. I will post some pictures later. If you are in the area please stop by and check it out!



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 Subject :Re:Summerfest 2012.. 2012-08-09- 09:50:58 
Joined: 2010-10-09- 10:20:10
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Location: Henderson KY
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

I can only help you by showing you my bucket node. Let me know what you think. 73 Jim KC4BQK
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 Subject :Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction In.. 2012-08-09- 04:11:34 
Joined: 2012-08-09- 08:22:24
Posts: 4
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Summerfest 2012 "Bucket-Node" configuration/ construction Info Request

Hope I'm not double posting. Made this same post (my 1st on this forum) a few minutes ago and it appeares to have evaporated into the ether.

I attended the Summerfest in Austin, caught Glenn's HSMM-MESH breakout, and visited the HSMM-MESH table.

Noticed several Lowes "bucket-nodes" and at least one had an AC line cord exiting the side of the bucket. I assumed at the time the bucket contained a gel cell and a battery charger, but coud have jyst been full of bricks for ballast and the "line cord" nothing more than an extension cord feeding AC to the standard WRT54G wall wart p_supply.

Can someone in the know please outline the configuration / construction of the 'bucket-nodes' seen at Summerfest 2012 and provide links to info on other portable node designs?

If it doesn't yet exist, perhaps the web master would consider creating a gallery of user submitted portable node designs

Matt - K5MWG

Webmaster - If my 'lost' post exisits in a bit bucket can you post it? It contained additional info on a group in San Antonio interested in HSMM-MESH, recent activity, and a new weekly radio net.


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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-08- 12:14:18 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 12:39:27
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

so jim you are saying the internet conn does not go to the internet recep? but to one of the wan receps...Just got my second node up and going,trying to get the basic internet route..nothing yet,jmw
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-08-08- 09:33:12 
Joined: 2012-07-25- 18:56:05
Posts: 6
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I too am interested in the VOIP stuff.
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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-08- 09:29:59 
Joined: 2012-07-25- 18:56:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

Thanks for the tips guys, I am up and running just fine now. In a nutshell, While trying to figure out why it did not work, I had changed the DNS enteries to my local corp network ones. So changing them back to the Google Public DNS did the trick. The 0.4.3 works really slick as a gateway.
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 Subject :WRT54G3G-ST.. 2012-08-07- 16:45:06 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 17:22:06
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G3G-ST

I can safely say that the HSMM-MESH firmware can be loaded and installed on the WRT54G3G-ST router.  It all checks out and works just fine.

The only change that needs to be made is opening up a *.bin file and changing the first 4 bytes to "W3GS"  Once you do that, just do a firmware upgrade and you are good to go!

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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-07- 15:27:09 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

For an internet gateway to work after power-cycles/reboots, you need to have 0.4.3 installed.
0.4.3 installs new IP's (of this web server) to ping against to verify there IS a connection, before actually turning on the gateway function at each boot.

Or you can manually install them, if you SSH in and edit the config file, the info is posted elsewhere on the site.

Also check to make sure you are plugging your internet connection to the WAN port.

With 0.4.3/IP's fixed and a connection to WAN, reboot the node and it should make it happen.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-07- 07:38:46 
Joined: 2012-05-29- 14:15:07
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

Hi Kevin, I just posted a reply, and it didn't show up, weird. I've been knee deep in server installs, so I haven't had time to try 0.4.3. I'm still running 0.4.2 here. A local HAM brought me his wrt54g because it wouldn't flash to 0.4.3, I ended up putting 0.4.2 on it. I hear 0.4.3 fixes this issue so you don't have to edit the config. I would try rebooting your internet modem, normal router, and then the Mesh node. If that doesn't clear it up, you might want to login with putty, (or what ever you prefer) and try pinging each of the IP's. If you don't get a reply then you'll have to update them with valid IP's. Unless it's been fixed, it seems when you check the gateway box it only checks the IP's that first time. Which is why I mentioned unchecking the box, reboot, recheck, reboot. This way you force it to check the IP's again. Let me know how it goes, Rich ~ W5RCH
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 Subject :Re:Node Internet Sharing.. 2012-08-07- 05:42:29 
Joined: 2012-07-25- 18:56:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Node Internet Sharing

I am curious if editing the config file is still necessary? Hardware = WRT54G version 3 Firmware uploaded was 0.4.3 of the WRT54g version Wan address shows that it is getting a valid IP address from my network via DHCP, and the default gateway address returned is correct, but I can not connect to the internet. Mesh Gateway box is checked. kevin
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 Subject :Re:Amplifier Question.. 2012-08-06- 23:57:06 
Joined: 2012-05-24- 23:37:34
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Amplifier Question

I'm sort of new to this whole thing so I don't know what to recommend at this point. I know that has amps there too although they seem more expensive. I'm not sure that higher prices translates to better products though. As far as the rg-58 cable I would be curious to find out what the length of it was. You might be able to extrapolate the DB loss if you knew the type and length of cable. 12 ft of cable might not be too bad. Also some of these amp have a pre-amp on them...might help a bit.
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-08-06- 19:57:23 
Joined: 2012-06-21- 16:49:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I now have 4 nodes available in Tooele. I would like to meet with someone who is successful in getting video and viop working. I am in the embarrassing position of having antennas here but no adapters. I have ordered forty tonight. Tooele wants to get this show on the road.
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