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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-30- 19:07:38 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Lot, Glad to hear you got it going. Some folks have had good luck at the local GoodWill stores finding WRT54Gs of the correct version. As folks upgrade their home networks, the old routers end up at GoodWill. You can load DD-WRT Micro on the v5 WRT and use it as a "mesh AP" in front of a mesh node. I've managed to avoid ending up with any v5 or above units, but if I get some, that is the route I'll go with them. -Brian/KY9K
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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-30- 18:55:03 
Joined: 2012-07-18- 12:24:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Hi Brian, I got it going, thanks so much for your help. I need another router from ebay. The other one I got was version 5. Looking forward to use this on our club emcomm trailer. On the last Field Day, one of the Ares member setup a HSMM-MESH system for our logging program. We will experiment and see how we can use it here. Regards, Lot / k6irf
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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-30- 17:40:34 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Lot, Hmmm.. Since you've already got an OpenWRT variant on the router, try the ".trx" image. -Brian/KY9K
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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-30- 16:37:41 
Joined: 2012-07-18- 12:24:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Hi Brian, 

  When I clicked on upload image, it gave me this error message. "The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform. "

  I was using firmware bin file hsmm-mesh-0.4.3-wrt54g.bin. 


  Lot / k6irf



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 Subject :Re:70cm Option!!.. 2012-07-30- 12:59:06 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : General
Topic : 70cm Option!!

I haven't touched base in a few months with David, W2LNX. But he has both, and has intentions of doing a side-by-side evaluation. He was at Dayton, demoing both.

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Last Edited On: 2012-07-30- 12:59:28 By kb9mwr for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-07-29- 19:50:33 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I have a node in Riverton.  It would be interesting to see if we could get the Murray, South Jordan and Riverton nodes linked up.  I suspect this would take a central (hub) node of some height though.  Most nodes at valley level will be blocked by trees and buildings.

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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-29- 19:12:52 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Lot, Yes. Just go to the "System" menu and flash the firmware from there. You should use the ....54g.bin file for the initial load. Once you've flashed it, the normal setup process as documented will work fine. -Brian/KY9K
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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-29- 18:39:03 
Joined: 2012-07-18- 12:24:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Hi Brian, Do I use the System Menu , then Flash firmware, look for the firmware image and load? I can't find specific installation instructions. Thanks for your help! Lot/ k6irf
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 Subject :Re:Newly flashed wrt54g not seeing each other.. 2012-07-29- 17:49:35 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Newly flashed wrt54g not seeing each other

Terry, A few things to check right off the bat: 1) Are all three WRT54Gs on the same wifi channel? 2) Did you do the initial setup and let each node configure it's IP address, set the node name, password, and then click "save changes" and let the node reboot? 3) Each node *MUST* have a different name. An easy to use standard is Callsign-###. I used "KY9K-001" for the first WRT54G and increment the number as I obtain more and get them on the air. 4) If each node is on the same WIFI channel, has a different IP address, has a different name, a password has been set, you've clicked "save changes" and the node has rebooted... They should all connect automagically. I've never had a problem when I've followed the initial setup instructions to the letter. 73-KY9K/Brian
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 Subject :Re:70cm Option!!.. 2012-07-29- 17:43:23 
Joined: 2012-07-28- 14:05:20
Posts: 5
Forum : General
Topic : 70cm Option!!

I contacted doodle labs and you can get them in a few days. I would be curious to see the two cards side by side. The Xagyl is showing out of stock is it available somewhere else? I played around with OLSR on 2.4Ghz before and I had a good time with it but I can just see the 70CM having an appeal to a lot of hams who want to see high speed packet.
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 Subject :Re:Help with Installation.. 2012-07-29- 17:42:41 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Lot, The HSMM Firmware will work fine. OpenWRT is an alternative firmware for many router devices. In fact, OpenWRT is under the hood of the HSMM-Mesh firmware. You can load the HSMM-Mesh firmware via either the web interface or via TFTP at boot. 73-KY9K/Brian
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 Subject :Re:70cm Option!!.. 2012-07-29- 17:20:13 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
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Location: Roy, WA
Forum : General
Topic : 70cm Option!!

I've got a few of them, but it will at least another month before I break them out and start testing them. I've got commitments to coding a couple firmware modes and ensuring I've got cross-band routing/bridging working correctly on 2.4GHZ/5.8GHz before I dig into 5MHz channels on 70cms.

I've got the Xagyl version which isn't compatible with the Doodle Labs cards.  The Xagyls are still available.  I'm pretty sure the Doodle Labs cards were a one-time deal.

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Last Edited On: 2012-07-29- 17:22:21 By KY9K for the Reason
 Subject :Re:70cm Option!!.. 2012-07-29- 08:29:37 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : General
Topic : 70cm Option!!

I believe the following folks are (not sure if any of them are on this board); K5OSX, N0KEW, W3JKS, KY9K, WI6RE, W5VWP, KG4VCF, AE5ME
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 Subject :Help with Installation.. 2012-07-29- 06:11:29 
Joined: 2012-07-18- 12:24:11
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Help with Installation

Hi Guys, 

  I am following the firmware installation instruction guide. I bought the router on Ebay 

 WRT54G v3.1 . When I access the web interface using, it would show 

OpenWrt Firmware

Kamikaze (r18961)

Load 0.28 0.13 0.05

Host Name  OpenWrt

Can I still load the HSMM-MESH firmware? 


Lot / k6irf

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 Subject :Re:70cm Option!!.. 2012-07-28- 09:22:12 
Joined: 2012-07-28- 14:05:20
Posts: 5
Forum : General
Topic : 70cm Option!!

I have found a few posts about this module. Anyone on here using them?
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 Subject :Newly flashed wrt54g not seeing each other.. 2012-07-27- 20:11:35 
Joined: 2012-07-27- 17:11:53
Posts: 1
Location: Charleston, SC
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Newly flashed wrt54g not seeing each other

I am new to hsmm, and am having some issues.  I have three wrt54 routers that I just flashed with .4.3 without problems.  I can get to the config and status screens OK on windows laptops connected to each one.  But, the nodes do not see each other.  They see a local wifi in the shack, and a separate laptop sees each node fine.  Ssid is set to HSMM-MESH on them.  I can provide more info, but am having a hard time leaving messages here, this is the fourth attempt with a third computer, an iPad this time.

Thanks & 73. Terry, wb4jfi

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 Subject :Re:good ones.. 2012-07-25- 18:44:05 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : good ones

What in the HELL? With all the Captcha (annoying) you would think this kind of stuff would be gone.
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-07-25- 08:57:56 
Joined: 2012-06-13- 06:53:39
Posts: 1
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

N7RTA has a node in South Jordan and I have two in Murray.
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 Subject :Re:How To Configure Mesh Nodes for N1MM and N3FJP Video.. 2012-07-24- 10:08:41 
Joined: 2010-10-09- 10:20:10
Posts: 34
Location: Henderson KY
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : How To Configure Mesh Nodes for N1MM and N3FJP Video

That was a good video. Thanks for the hard work. I need to look into making these videos also. 73 Jim KC4BQK
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 Subject :Re:OLSR v0.6.3 - Adding to SVN Builds.. 2012-07-23- 09:42:25 
Joined: 2012-07-07- 23:39:07
Posts: 23
Location: Roy, WA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : OLSR v0.6.3 - Adding to SVN Builds

I've now got 0.6.3 running on my nodes here. It integrated into the firmware fine. Now to bring the hardware from other vendors back into secure-mode so I can make sure I didn't break interoperability somewhere. I will shift this discussion over to the dev list. 73-KY9K/Brian
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