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 Subject :LQ = Link Quality = What Exactly?.. 2012-07-07- 12:51:06 
Joined: 2012-06-22- 14:25:44
Posts: 24
Location: St. Croix, USVI
Forum : General
Topic : LQ = Link Quality = What Exactly?

Anyone know how the link quality is calculated for RF links?  It's measured in percent from 0-100%.  100% of what?  Just curious.


Fred, K9VV / NP2X

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 Subject :Re:Path Profiling in Google Earth.. 2012-07-05- 18:30:25 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Path Profiling in Google Earth

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 Subject :Path Profiling in Google Earth.. 2012-07-05- 14:17:52 
Joined: 2012-06-22- 14:25:44
Posts: 24
Location: St. Croix, USVI
Forum : General
Topic : Path Profiling in Google Earth

We are currently in the process of setting up networks in St. Thomas & St. Croix.  A great way to avoid a site visit for a path survey is to use the path profiling utility in Google Earth.

How to create path profiles on Google Earth

Creating path profiles in Google Earth can save a LOT of time and experimentation when setting up the links inyour mesh network. Knowing if mid-path obstructions exist, and to what extent, without having to “scope out” the path with binoculars saves a LOT of time. Here’s how to create path profiles:

Open Google Earth

Next create a path between two points. There are a couple of ways to do this:

· Click the icon on the top toolbar that has three little dots connected by lines with a “+” in the upper right-hand corner. (this icon is two to the right of the icon that has the yellow push-pin on it) If you do a mouse-over on the icons, the name “Add Path” will come up too.

· OR you can Click + in the pull-down menus

A new window entitied “Google Earth – New Path” will appear. Enter the name you want to give the path in the blue highlighted box in the widow.

Move your cursor to one end of the path you want to define. Note that the cursor is now a square with hash marks through the mid-point of each side of the square.

Left click once to define the beginning point of the path. Note: There will be nothing that shows up on the screen, but the beginning point has been defined.

Move to the other end of the path & left click once again. A white line, signifying the path, will be drawn between the two points you have just selected.

Click “OK” in the “Google Earth – New Path” window. Note that your newly create path will appear at the bottom of the list of “Places” on the left-hand side of the screen.

Select your newly created path by left-clicking on your path name in the “Places” window. (You may have to scroll down to see if it you already have lots of places stored.)

Activate the terrain profile window in one of the following manners:

· Go to the pull-down menu and select and then

· Right click on your path name & select

A window showing a path profile the newly created path will appear in the bottom portion of the map. Pretty cool eh? Terrain elevations are shown at the left side of the profile and distance between path end points are shown on the bottom of the path profile window. Numbers that move with the selected point on the path show the ground elevation and the relative slope in percentage.

Now here’s the cool stuff… Move your cursor into the window with the path profile in it. Note that a vertical line shows where your cursor is located on the path. Simultaneously, a red arrow appears in the map and corresponds to the same point shown in the path profile. Move your cursor back and forth along the path and you’ll see the red arrow move on the map at the same time.

Numbers around the red arrow mean the following:

· Above the arrow: Ground elevation

· To the left of the arrow: Distance from beginning point of the path (Measured in feet for distances smaller than 0.5 mi, and miles for distances greater than 0.5 miles)

· To the right of the arrow: Relative terrain slope in percent

To hide the terrain elevation window, click on the “X” in the upper right-hand corner of the window.


· If you want to enter a description for the path, you may enter it in the “Description” box in the “Google Earth – New Path” window.

· If you want to change the color & width of the line defining your path, you can right click on the path name & go into the “Properties” window. (I use red lines for mesh paths that probably won’t work, and green lines for paths that will most likely work)

· If you want to change the type and/or color of the icon defining sites

· You can change the order of locations & paths in the “Places” window by left clicking on them & dragging them to the desired location.

Now if we can only get Google Earth to incorporate Fresnel zones we'd be in fat city!  Happy Profiling!  (...and this type is even legal!!)

Fred, NP2X

PS:  Not sure what avitar will show up with this post.  I can successfully upload a photo for an avitar but it does not appear on the drop-down selection menu.  Hopefully I'm not the hooded grim reaper like many of my fellow compadres in the confused masses, hi hi. 

 Google Earth Path Profiling.gif [584 KB] :: Sample Google Earth path profile screen output
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GTM.. 2012-07-05- 06:53:27 
Joined: 2012-05-07- 10:44:55
Posts: 4
Location: Layton, UT
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GTM

It works great. Once flashed, it looks, feels, and acts just like any WRT54GS v3.
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 Subject :Re:wrt54g version 2 issues.. 2012-07-03- 04:58:25 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : Hardware
Topic : wrt54g version 2 issues

Well... Spent two days playing with it and no good results :( Going to put it on the backburner for now and maybe come back to it in the future. Maybe have some better luck with it then. I did notice that it does send out at least one packet over the wired network when trying to connect to it with a switch in-between it and the puter. Now to start looking for another couple to upgrade with the hsmm-mesh software. James W8ISS James W8ISS
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 Subject :Re:wrt54g version 2 issues.. 2012-07-01- 14:03:44 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : Hardware
Topic : wrt54g version 2 issues

I can confirm its not a power supply issue :) The wall wart being used is from another wrt54g v.2 that I know works. Now that I think about it, that doesn't mean that the power supply is putting out enough for one and maybe enough for another. Still trying to get something back from this wrt54g but not holding my breath either. James W8ISS
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 Subject :Re:wrt54g version 2 issues.. 2012-07-01- 09:52:29 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : Hardware
Topic : wrt54g version 2 issues

One other thing to check that caused me all kinds of trouble. Be sure your using a good power supply. At least 1 amp, I had one that the supply that came with it was 500 mills and that would power up the node but the power light just kept flashing and nothing from it. Tried a different power supply and it worked great. Just a thought.
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:wrt54g version 2 issues.. 2012-07-01- 05:25:48 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Hardware
Topic : wrt54g version 2 issues

Sounds like it was bricked, and is looking for a TFTP server to download a good firmware file. If you were to attach to the serial1 console and watch, Ill bet its in the constant loop to try and grab a good file. Instructions for unbricking via TFTP are at the bottom of: (or other google search of unbrick/reload WRT54G tftp) I have found one where the memory or flash was ?bad?, and loading our firmware exposed the fault, whereas loading the original Linksys firmware ran just fine. Loading ours would cause kernel panics and seg faults, but then reloading Linksys via TFTP would work just fine. Jim K5KTF
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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :wrt54g version 2 issues.. 2012-07-01- 05:07:39 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : Hardware
Topic : wrt54g version 2 issues

I was given a wrt54g version 2 router to play with.

The previous owner said he could not get it to work any

more for him, so I decided to take it off his hands to play


Plugged it in and one thing I noticed right away is that the

power LED just keeps blinking now matter what. Yes, I have

pushed the reset button on the back countless times. Still nothing.

I can plug a cable between my laptop and the router and the appropriote

port led lights up, so I am assuming it is not totally dead either.

Any ideas?

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:West Michigan MESH.. 2012-06-30- 12:51:47 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : West Michigan MESH

OH..I forgot to mention that I do have a 'pipe dream' for the state and HSMM-mesh What I am thinking is working on setting up meshnodes and meshAPs along the major routes across the state so as to have connectivity from the UP to Lansing and from Detroit to Muskegon or even Chicago if we can so do it. These routes would be: I69 I75 I96 I94 US127 US131 US31 Yup, a pipe dream but where would we be if Marconi didn't follow up on radio? James W8ISS
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 Subject :Re:West Michigan MESH.. 2012-06-30- 12:45:11 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : West Michigan MESH

Glad to see some interest in the state for HSMM :) Any chance there could be a face to face in August that can be arranged? I am 'planning' to be over on the Muskegon beaches August 19th for the 10GHz and up contest. Thats 'if' I can get my 10GHz transverter fixed between now and then. James W8ISS Lincoln Park - EN82jg
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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-06-30- 12:25:35 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

Hello Curtis and group. First off, got a 54g ver 2 the other day and promptly uploaded the firmware and then proceeded to mess it up. Set it up as a meshAP instead of a meshnode. Got that fixed this morning after finding another posting in the forum :) Curtis, how far are you along on your end of the project? By, I am only 12 air miles from you which does NOT mean we can link unless conditions are more than perfect. It would be interesting if I could drive up that way and see if my node will connect with yours. James W8ISS
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 Subject :Re:WRT54GTM.. 2012-06-30- 11:30:24 
Joined: 2012-06-29- 13:04:24
Posts: 3
Location: Aggieland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54GTM

So how has the WRT54G-TM performed so far?
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 Subject :Interesting device/service.. 2012-06-30- 09:52:50 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Applications
Topic : Interesting device/service

During field day up in the mountains I had resigned myself to not being able to use HRD and my logging programs, but Jim, W5AOX pulled out this device, plugged it into a battery, and lo-and-behold, a wifi router tied into the internet through the cellular network.

Even worked in the mountains!  I was surprised!

I liked it so much I ordered one, and set up the service. (29 a month)

Anyhow, the point is, this could be used as a gateway for a HSMM-Mesh in remote areas that have cell coverage as a quickly deployable solution.

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-06-30- 08:46:05 
Joined: 2012-05-23- 14:42:45
Posts: 13
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

The Davis County Amateur Radio Club has a group that is now working on this topic. See:

I hope this helps.

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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-06-30- 01:13:24 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Thanks to the answer from K5KTF, I was able to reconfigure my wrt54g back from a meshAP to a meshnode :) Now to start pushing for some more meshnodes here in the Detroit area :) James W8ISS
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 Subject :Heat.. 2012-06-29- 04:37:25 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : General
Topic : Heat

I'm curious how you deal with heat during the summer months.  I have put other brands of APs outside and the heat plays a number on them.  90-100+ degrees and full sun can get AP enclosures nice and toasty.  Do the WRT54XX APs do better with the heat?  What do you do to combat the heat problem?



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 Subject :HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2012-06-29- 04:28:55 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah


I'm curious to find out how many users of HSMM-MESH are in Utah.  What city/county are you in?  Is there any interest in creating a large mesh if possible?

I am located in Salt Lake County.  The city of Riverton to be exact.  I am starting the work to get HSMM-MESH used in Salt Lake County ARES (

I would love to hear from other Utah mesh users.



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 Subject :Re:N1MM networking via mesh nodes - Error.. 2012-06-26- 13:30:14 
Joined: 2012-03-29- 19:54:56
Posts: 1
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : N1MM networking via mesh nodes - Error

Setting up the nodes to use DMZ mode worked for me. Used the N1MM software for logging during Field Day. Worked just like we wanted. Thanks!
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 Subject :Anyone using 12v Thin Clients?.. 2012-06-26- 04:04:41 
Joined: 2010-10-09- 10:20:10
Posts: 34
Location: Henderson KY
Forum : General
Topic : Anyone using 12v Thin Clients?

I have been working with a WYSE Winterm 9450XE Thin Client. It is a 12v powered unit. I have been running one on 13.8v power supply with no problems. This could be a good way to have an email server in the field. I also have been playing with one to run my BPQ packet/Winlink node from my battery back up. every thing looks good so far, of course I have added ram and a bigger hard drive.



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