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 Subject :BBHN 1.0.0 SSH keys?.. 2013-10-23- 13:53:57 
Joined: 2011-11-24- 18:35:27
Posts: 4
Forum : Bugs
Topic : BBHN 1.0.0 SSH keys?

WRT54GL version 1.1

Firmware: bbhn-1.0.0-wrt54g.bin

Noted lack of authorized keys in the key list.

Was not able to upload a key generated by putty key generator of type ssh-2RSA or ssh-1RSA of length 1024 bits.

error message "Error: file does not appear to be an ssh key file Authorized keys not changed."

A temp key file that was attempted to be uploaded.
Comment: "rsa-key-20131023"

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 Subject :Re:Seting up A node.. 2013-10-23- 13:25:41 
Joined: 2013-01-22- 03:05:37
Posts: 7
Forum : Utah
Topic : Seting up A node

Have you got it working yet? If you set it as a mesh access point you have to go through a specific procedure to get it back. I did this by accident and finally figured it out. Your router was fine until you tried to short it. What to do right. Get a wrt54gs (you can find plenty on ebay) make sure it is a version 1.0-3.0 or CGN0-CGN5. Install the firmware step by step as listed in the directions. Then you should be good to go.
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 Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gatew.. 2013-10-23- 10:32:59 
Joined: 2013-06-28- 12:53:53
Posts: 18
Location: Owings, MD
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Ultimately, it is the owner of the Internet gateway node who has to keep inappropriate content off of the mesh. For this reason, I do not plan to provide Internet access from my node that could do it. Likewise, the solution should be implemented at the gateway, not on all nodes.

No one should provide complete, unsupervised access to the Internet from his or her node. This is just asking for trouble.

There are ways that the Internet can be used. Each would have its own issues to deal with.

1. Run a email server that can take email from the mesh and route it through the Internet, and vice versa.

2. Run an echolink node that can be accessed from the mesh.

3. Run a proxy server with a white list, and ad stipping scripts (I don't remember what it was called, but I once had a proxy server (browser add-on, maybe) that took an incoming web page and "cleaned it up" before displaying it in the browser.  The clean up was configurable, but it could remove ads of known dimensions (banner ads) and remove tracking devices (1x1 pixel transparent jpegs).

The last one might require modification to the BBHN node software.  The way I understand it, Internet access is provided by the "closest" gateway node.  If you could pick the gateway node, different nodes could offer different Intenet content.

Offering an Internet gateway should not be done without understanding what it means.  It looks like you are asking some of the right questions.  Good luck to you.


73 de KG1l

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 Subject :Re:Connect to Remote Node from Wired WAN Port.. 2013-10-23- 10:00:17 
Joined: 2013-06-28- 12:53:53
Posts: 18
Location: Owings, MD
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Connect to Remote Node from Wired WAN Port

First, let me say I connected my pc directly to one of the nodes (which was connected to my home network).  I could use the Internet through my home network router (gateway).  I could also connect to the remote node by clicking on the link.  Unfortunately, the home printer is connected to that pc. No one else could use the printer. I put my pc back on my home network.

I found an article on the OHIO PACKET website ( about "Integrating HSMM-MESH into an existing network.

Following the directions, I added to the routing table on my home router, pointing to the local IP address of the node.  I added both of my nodes to the HOSTS file on my pc.

Now, I can successfully ping both of the nodes using both IP addresses and node names (as listed in the host table).

I can connect by name to the node connected to my home net.  However, I still cannot connect to the remote node by name (URL), neither directly from the browser (Firefox), nor from the other node.

I have flushed the DNS cache, restarted Firefox, and rebooted the computer.  While I try to avoid using IE, I suppose I should see if it works from there.

Any one have any other suggestions?

Or can you point me somewhere where I can learn about connecting to a remote printer?

73 de KG1L


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 Subject :Re:help in getting a new New Node up and running.. 2013-10-23- 08:45:01 
Joined: 2013-10-18- 08:47:29
Posts: 2
Forum : Firmware
Topic : help in getting a new New Node up and running

I did and still the same thing. No respose.

John Donaldson


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 Subject :2nd node.. 2013-10-23- 05:15:58 
Joined: 2013-10-14- 07:07:08
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 2nd node

Just installed firmware to my second node. I went through he node name and pwd change. I save the changes and reboot. after the reboot, I accessed the router and the status page showed up, normal. When I tried to access the Setup,WiFi Scan, or OLSR Status pages, nothing happens. I can access the pages by going through my first node. Any Ideas.

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 Subject :Re:Which firmware for Ubiquiti Airgrid M2 based device ?.. 2013-10-22- 19:59:27 
Joined: 2013-01-22- 03:05:37
Posts: 7
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Which firmware for Ubiquiti Airgrid M2 based device ?

Quick answer is no
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 Subject :Re:help in getting a new New Node up and running.. 2013-10-22- 19:47:40 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Firmware
Topic : help in getting a new New Node up and running

Try using instead if it´s a mesh node.
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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:You can't find any WRT's?.. 2013-10-22- 08:40:40 
Joined: 2013-10-21- 20:23:32
Posts: 7
Forum : Hardware
Topic : You can't find any WRT's?

I am unable to locate recommended models in local thrift stores or on the local Craigslist. I do see some advertised on E-Bay that are purported to be the correct models, but the serial numbers do not begin with the recommended characters. Should I be concerned?
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 Subject :Re:incorrect IP address.. 2013-10-22- 08:34:33 
Joined: 2013-10-14- 07:07:08
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : incorrect IP address

Thanks. I should have taken the time to read the changes with Ver 1.0 instead of going through the hassle of reloading the firmware back to linksys and starting all over.
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 Subject :Second nodes show an ip number instead of the call letters... 2013-10-22- 07:25:11 
Joined: 2013-08-04- 06:50:34
Posts: 3
Location: Gilbert, Arizona
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Second nodes show an ip number instead of the call letters.

I have 2 nodes. Node A is connected to the 1 port..
Node B is outside with external antenna.

When I do status check node A looks fine, Node B shows as being an IP number and I cant connect to it.

I bring node B inside and it shows the correct name instead of an IP

Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?

Thank You.

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 Subject :Re:incorrect IP address.. 2013-10-22- 06:46:40 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : incorrect IP address

Everything looks right. As well, mine looks the same. In "5-Host Direct," the BBHN node allocates 5 consecutive IP addresses (apart from the WiFi address) for its own LAN ports on the back of the router. Maybe if there is a problem, I am not understanding what it is.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gatew.. 2013-10-22- 04:14:05 
Joined: 2013-06-04- 11:35:04
Posts: 3
Location: Queensbury, NY, USA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Oh yes I'm fully aware of the fact that many sites use multiple domains for content and that it's not quite as simple as saying is open. I was just giving an example. The ads are one of the categories I would set the content filter(s) to block. Blocking some components of a site can end up breaking the layout of some sites... we sometimes have trouble with wikipedia when schools block too many/the wrong categories.

Yes all of this can and should be done. My point with this was to see if it was possible to have it built into the mesh firmware for the next version. Until then I plan on using another solution in-line between the ISP and the internet port on the gateway node(s). This could be one I build from scratch (which I'd like to avoid) or something like pfsense or endian community. I've also talked to one of the eastern US sales reps for smoothwall and may be able to get their software free or dramatically discounted if I'm willing to do a case study writeup... we'll see how that goes.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-22- 04:21:41 By KD2BVA for the Reason
 Subject :incorrect IP address.. 2013-10-22- 01:53:26 
Joined: 2013-10-14- 07:07:08
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : incorrect IP address

I installed the firmware on a WRT54GL and everything was going well. I can still access the router but the LAN IP address is incorrect (10.???.???.???)and I can not change it. The router is in mesh mode the wireless side is fine. Tried re-flashing from setup-administration but that does not work. I'm sure this is a simple fix. Included is the Mesh Status and Setup.

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 Subject :Re:Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX.. 2013-10-21- 13:40:49 
Joined: 2013-07-15- 13:27:16
Posts: 14
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX

Not getting a dial tone (?)
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 Subject :help in getting a new New Node up and running.. 2013-10-21- 08:30:19 
Joined: 2013-10-18- 08:47:29
Posts: 2
Forum : Firmware
Topic : help in getting a new New Node up and running

I got two 54G boxes. One is a V1.0 and already programmed as a Mesh Node.
The second box is a V3.0. I accessed the default Linksys page, went to Administration, Firmware Upload, and uploaded the latest version of the HSMM-MESH firware. It came back and said firmware installed. I then did a 30-30-30 procedure and waited for the node to complete. Then I took my Win8 laptop, set the wi-fi to airplane mode, set the built in IP port to 172,27.0.100 and SubNet to
I then hooked the Cat 5 able to the LAN port, fired up Firefox and attempted to link to with no results. It comes back and says that it can not find the address and port. So I tried the V1.0 node that I had programmed back in Dallas a year ago and was working then but got the same message from the browser. i then activated a CMD window and tried to ping 172,27.0.2 and got no response that it even exist. I got the same result with the V1.0 node too.
When I activate the wi-fi on the Win8 laptop, I can see the wi-fi ports on both the V1.0 and V3.0 nodes. I can even connect but no displays.

Any thoughts as to what I am doing or not doing?

John Donaldson

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 Subject :Dayton Hamvention 2014.. 2013-10-21- 04:26:21 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 19:35:31
Posts: 9
Location: Hagerstown, MD
Forum : General
Topic : Dayton Hamvention 2014

I'm piecing together a solar powered Mesh Node in my car that I take to Dayton each year. It'll be in the flea market parking area NorthWest of the flea market. Are any other attendees planning on bringing a node with them?

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 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry Pi/Gumstix.. 2013-10-20- 18:10:14 
Joined: 2012-01-22- 12:54:21
Posts: 18
Location: Los Angeles
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi/Gumstix


Did you run across any issues using the HSMM-Pi admin application?

I can't seem to get past the initial Save of the admin application.  I lose 'wlan0'.  I'm using an Alpha AWUS036H wifi adapter plugged into a Pluggable 7 hub. The Pi is plugged into the Pluggable for power and a second time for the 7 USB ports. I can get into the admin application right after "sh".  However, after the first Save and Reboot, wlan0 is lost and so is access to the application.  (Using 'WiFi Config' in Pi's browser (Midori) to look for wlan0.)

It's probably something simple I'm doing wrong, but since it's my first use of Raspberry Pi, I don't know what that might be.  I'm running the admin application through Midori, and SSH from Ubuntu on my laptop.  Same problem either way.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



[AC2IE 2013-10-07- 12:29:21]:

My RasPi/Alfa AWUS036HN is talking to my three 1.0 flashed Linksys routers just fine using KK6DCI's HSMM-Pi project. I just had to set the WiFi SSID to "BroadbandHamnet-v1" on channel 1.

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 Subject :Re:where do I see the advertised services?.. 2013-10-20- 14:23:33 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : General
Topic : where do I see the advertised services?

Advertised services are provided by the nameservice plugin to OLSR. Define a service to be advertised, save it, and then check out the tail end of /tmp/olsrd.conf.
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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-10-20- 11:14:39 
Joined: 2013-01-22- 03:05:37
Posts: 7
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

If anyone wants help setting up there node for hamchat here to help. Just PM me.
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