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 Subject :Houston Mesh Networking.. 2013-10-17- 15:39:37 
Joined: 2013-10-13- 17:30:39
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : Houston Mesh Networking

Hello everyone,

I just thought I say hi from Houston,TX. Good to see some people interested in mesh networking ...

Personally, I think it's a great technology and my only wish is that there would be more people taking up this up this activity and set up more nodes around USA :) ...

I'm a fairly technical person, so the technology is far from scary (yes it has bugs, but nothing that you can't work around) ...

I've currently setup 2 nodes (K5DDE-001, K5DDE-002) here at my place, and I've placed K5DDE-001 which is a mesh-gateway on the net. If you're bored, feel free to take a look at it ( - K5DDE-002 will go up/down since this is the node where I test all the Amps/Antennas, so if it's there one day and gone the next, than it's only because I physically pulled it down to make mods to it).

I've also ordered some 1W and 8W 2.4Ghz amps which I will be testing next week and a few different aerials. My goal here is to create a turn-key nodes/repeaters self contained and easy to deploy. I intend to use a solar-panel and rechargeable battery with solar tracker (super-easy which I just finished building) so that it can be deployed to locations with and/or without power access. The target of this exercise is to have an easy to deploy 5-mile+ range repeater (we'll see how it goes once the amps are in) while keeping it affordable so that it can be replicated easily by everyone.

In order to expand the Houston mesh, I plan to contact various organizations (schools, fire departments etc) to introduce the technology with its benefits and help them to setup a node at their location. I will provide free training and value-added mesh content for both emergency and learning purposes (web/ftp/video/voice/aprs/remote control/etc).

The hope is that if it's well documented, easy to understand and easy to deploy and as turn-key as possible the technology will be adopted by more people. Especially if it's cheap and fast :)

Right now, for the mesh device itself, I have a mixture of 54GL with BBHN 1.0, but I am also working (just about finished) on a Raspberry-Pi MESH setup with embedded APRS capabilities. This unit is designed to go into a vehicle (or just be mobile since it has an lcd output option as well) providing both APRS and mesh capability in one. So far so good and all seems to work very well. For the Pi I am using basic software/hardware which were developed by others (all in the docs) with my own customization done to add friendliness and reliability to it all (I'm a soft.developer IRL).

So, for the ones just starting up with meshing and even for the "seasoned" ones which are not too technical, or got disinterested because of the lack of nodes, all I want to say is keep at it! This is the technology of the future - Its viable, its fast, its as secure as you want to make it  and it's definitely not dead -- mesh is the way to go!

I'll try to visit here and post milestones, but in any case you'll usually catch me on the Houston 145.430 repeater (drop me a call if you need urgent help and/or if want to participate/help with meshing in Houston).

All the best,


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 Subject :Re:Firmware Version.. 2013-10-17- 12:49:51 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Firmware Version

Im on v1.0.0.
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 Subject :Re:Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?.. 2013-10-17- 10:44:17 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?

Thanks for your thoughts, Jim.

I'm only setting an access password on the AP, so I don't think any content (after authentication) would be encrypted.   And even if it was, it seems like the encryption would only be on the iPhone-to-AP wireless link, so everything going over the mesh would still be clear text, I would think.


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 Subject :Re:Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?.. 2013-10-17- 05:53:38 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?

There are pro's and con's to both.

Pro for both being BBHN would be everything is the same firmware.

Pro for keeping virgin Linksys FW is ease of WEP/WPA (tougher to set in our firmware, since we are not supposed to use encryption under Part97...doable, just more difficult)

You can do what you suggest and it will work.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Firmware Version.. 2013-10-17- 04:23:32 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Firmware Version

Dont forget Brian (and everyone) that while the new 1.0.0 version is not backwards compatible with 0.4.3, it IS compatible with hand-loads on other gear.

Stay tuned for info regarding loading 1.0.0-compatible firmware on other manufactured wifi and embedded hardware.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Firmware Version.. 2013-10-17- 03:51:32 
Joined: 2012-01-13- 14:54:02
Posts: 2
Location: Huntsville, AL area
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Firmware Version

I have had hsmm-mesh loaded on a wrt-54, but since we seem to be just starting to get a group effort going here, lets settle on a compatible firmware load.  It is my understanding that the newer Broadband Hamnet v1.0.0 isn't backward compatible with hsmm-mesh firmware.

Would everyone be interested in starting out fresh with Broadband Hamnet v1.0.x?



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 Subject :Re:Greetings Rocket City Meshers!.. 2013-10-17- 03:42:23 
Joined: 2012-01-13- 14:54:02
Posts: 2
Location: Huntsville, AL area
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Greetings Rocket City Meshers!

Hi. Brian/KO4FV checking in. Location: Eastern edge of City of Madison.
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 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-17- 03:23:10 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

Hi, Peter;

Al, VE3RRD posted a great source in Toronto for WRT54-GS equivalents. I got lucky and got some while they were on sale for $12.99. Ordered from their web page, and had 'em delivered in a week. They take PayPal, which was good for me. At the moment, the price is up to $19.99, but that's still good for new units. See this thread:

Check your local liquidators out west; you might find the same device a little closer to home. I've not done very well going the used/thrift shop route myself.

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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 17:43:27 
Joined: 2013-10-15- 10:23:06
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

Hi KF5JIM, got back in and reset my mode back to a mesh node. thanks for your help! must get a few more linksys units to play!
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peter ve7ngp
 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 17:41:40 
Joined: 2013-10-15- 10:23:06
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

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peter ve7ngp
 Subject :Re:Greeting from East Central Wisconsn.. 2013-10-16- 15:07:07 
Joined: 2013-10-07- 16:18:44
Posts: 6
Location: Seymour, WI
Forum : General
Topic : Greeting from East Central Wisconsn

Hey that's cool. I will be out of town for the swap meet but a few of my fellow hams that will be getting into mesh will be there. I think I met you at Dayton. Didn't you have a table at Dayton? Will you have a table at the FCARC swap so I can tell my friends where to look? Rodney, kd0ebt
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 Subject :Re:Greeting from East Central Wisconsn.. 2013-10-16- 13:22:08 
Joined: 2013-02-25- 15:48:51
Posts: 7
Location: Wisconsin
Forum : General
Topic : Greeting from East Central Wisconsn

Hello in the Fox Cities. I'm in Sheboygan and also working on a Mesh here. Maybe we will meet up at the FCARC Hamfest. Jon KC9AXZ
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 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 08:50:01 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

Sounds good. Happy Meshing! :-)

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 08:40:39 
Joined: 2013-10-15- 10:23:06
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

nice! I will give this a try and let you eager to play with this new toy! thanks for your help!
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peter ve7ngp
 Subject :Re:HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 08:22:45 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

Under HSMM-MESH Info --> User Documentation --> How to use the web interface (Also under help on the mesh units too), it states:

Mesh Access Point considerations

When a device is configured in Mesh Access Point mode it is essentially 'transparent'. You are going through the device to reach a mesh node, and there is no need to get to the device unless you wish to change its configuration. When the time comes to reconfigure a device in this mode be aware that it is not running its own DHCP server because that is the job of the mesh node it is connected to. You will need some other way to configure your computer's network interface. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Manual configuration
    Connect only your computer to the LAN port. Set your IP address to and your netmask to No other settings are needed.
  2. Automatic configuration
    You will need another mesh node that is using NAT mode on its LAN, and using the default LAN IP address of Both of these are required, otherwise this method will not work. Connect both your computer and the LAN of the Mesh Access Point to the LAN of the mesh node.

In this mode the default IP address on the LAN port is After one of the above steps you should be able to send your browser to If you used automatic configuration you should also be able to go to http://localap:8080/. Like the name "localnode", an automatically generated name exists called "localap" which is set to the localnode address plus one, but only when the node LAN mode is set to NAT. If you changed the default IP address of a Mesh Access Point you will have to modify these instructions accordingly.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :HELP-lost connectivity with my node.. 2013-10-16- 08:10:07 
Joined: 2013-10-15- 10:23:06
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HELP-lost connectivity with my node

ok, done a really stupid thing.  successfully flashed the Linksys and created the mesh node....great! then I changed the mode to mesh access point and lost all connectivity to my Linksys.  I've read other posts where I need to establish a cat5 hard link to another mesh node before I can access the Linksys again.  I only have one Linksys and do not have access to another (yet).  is there a way I can do a hard reset back to defaults?? .....HELP!


Peter ve7ngp

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peter ve7ngp
 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-10-16- 04:06:27 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

I just use shutdown -h now. Those commands will work. PBX in a Flash is nothing more than FreePBX and Asterisk with a different user interface.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-10-16- 02:20:40 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

And then right after that, it states:


Does the same thing.  I really appreciate you looking into this, I have to do a presentation and demo the nodes for a local club the first of next month so for now I don't want to break something that's working.  When I get past that I may get a second SD card and learn some more Linux. <g>

One more thing, like fake-hwclock, I didn't see this mentioned in the video and had to look it up.  We're used to simply unplugging wall-warts on our routers, but this user's PBX in a Flash page recommends using:

root@pbx:~$ amportal stop

root@pbx:~$ shutdown -h now

For a graceful shutdown.  I assume using Putty and the same commands at the root@raspbx:~# prompt would work?  Or do you have another recommendation? 

I take it FreePBX used to have a shutdown button.  Another great idea depreciated.  :-)

[KF5JIM 2013-10-14- 06:55:34]:

So looking at it, it seems pretty difficult.  There is no easy solution.  In older versions of FreePBX, that feature was available, but now it has been depreciated.  This is the only thing I have found, but I cannot get it to work.

exten=> s,1,Answer()
exten=> 999,1,Set(mohclass = my-music)
exten=> 999,2,Queue(my-queue|tn)
exten=> 999,3,Hangup()

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 Subject :Hello.. 2013-10-15- 21:05:15 
Joined: 2013-01-22- 03:05:37
Posts: 7
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hello

My Name is Jeff Powell and Ill be setting up/ experimenting with 3 mesh routers in Ottawa Canada. I have an American callsign as that is where I live. I look forward to learning from everyone here



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Last Edited On: 2013-10-15- 21:06:35 By kb3tac for the Reason
 Subject :Re:where do I see the advertised services?.. 2013-10-15- 06:17:00 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : General
Topic : where do I see the advertised services?

Is the source code for this advertised services available? Can someone point me to it? It's a great idea, and I'd like to see other people implement it.
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