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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-09-30- 19:33:36 
Joined: 2013-08-16- 13:21:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?


I actually printed the "shopping list" yesterday, (Sunday), and I didn't see it on that list either, KF5JIM's reply wasn't the best of news, but fortunately I am out less than $5.00 for the hardware, I bought it at a thrift store AND received a Veteran's discount! :) With the "shopping list" I guess to paraphrase the old song I won't get fooled again! At least I now have some spare parts for the junk box, (the two antennae and a 12V 1A "wall wart").

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-30- 19:42:49 By K7DFA for the Reason Misspelling
 Subject :Thought on adding 2013-09-30- 18:49:50 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 23:57:50
Posts: 13
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Thought on adding

So on one of my rigs ( mobile ) i have a hack like the one at 

from looking over the olsrd there is support for "Position update plugin". the question is how would be the best way to add this to the firmware.

SIDE NOTE: I have a sd-card added to node so i have 2gb of free flash space to work with.

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 Subject :Re:Connect to Remote Node from Wired WAN Port.. 2013-09-30- 11:04:18 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Connect to Remote Node from Wired WAN Port

Even changing your workgroup to local.mesh isn't going to fix the issue. Your PC is not going to connect to the DNS of the mesh to resolve the names. I'm not even sure that fixing the DNS to resolve the 10.x.x.x IPs will work, since your windows machine is not going to route 10.x.x.x to the mesh node.

You can try entering your nodes in your 'hosts' file. Your hosts file is at 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc'. Entries need to look like:                     node1name                   node2name

You will need one line for each node.

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 Subject :Re:Telemetry.. 2013-09-30- 10:01:09 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : General
Topic : Telemetry

Have you looked at adding scripts to the HSMM mesh node? The node runs Linux (OpenWRT), so you already have the web server and a TTL serial port. You would need to add the sensors, unless there is a built-in temperature sensor already. It would be similar to adding the sensors to the PI, but with one less box to connect.
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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-09-30- 09:49:03 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

HSMM-MESH won't work with the WCG200. It looks like even getting a compatible firmware loaded would be a LOT of work. There isn't any info I can find, like Flash size or CPU that would indicate anyone has even tried. OpenWRT has a long list of hardware, and it isn't listed.
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 Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gatew.. 2013-09-30- 09:40:23 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

BBHN is just OpenWRT, of which dd-wrt is a branch. You should be able to get a proxy set up using the openwrt documentation. It appears Squid is available, iptables is already on your node, I'm not sure about dansguardian. Nocatsplash is available, as are a few other splash pages, LDAP may be a stretch.
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 Subject :Re:BBHN Specs for People Developing Other Platform Nodes.. 2013-09-30- 09:30:52 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN Specs for People Developing Other Platform Nodes

FCC ID in BBHN is performed by \wrt54g\trunk\files\usr\local\bin\fccid


[ -f /etc/config/run-fccid ] || exit

# stagger the beacons between nodes
N=`ifconfig wl0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -f4 -d. | cut -c1-3`
sleep $N

netmsg "ID: `hostname`"
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Last Edited On: 2013-09-30- 09:31:17 By AD7PE for the Reason Fix formatting
 Subject :Re:BBHN Specs for People Developing Other Platform Nodes.. 2013-09-30- 09:23:20 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN Specs for People Developing Other Platform Nodes

If you add the following to your dnsmasq config, you will get proper DNS resolution of the machines, as well as browseable links from the OLSR-httpinfo plugin, port 1978 on your OpenWRT node, assuming you have httpinfo configured as well.

# include olsr nameservice

The services are also configured in the olsrd_nameservice plugin section of olsrd.conf. I've gotten service entries to show from my OpenWRT nodes.

LoadPlugin ""
    PlParam "sighup-pid-file" "/var/run/"
    PlParam "interval" "30"
    PlParam "timeout" "300"
    PlParam "name-change-script" "touch /tmp/namechange"
    PlParam "name" "AD7PE-101"
    ## Example Service
    PlParam "service" "http://AD7PE-101:9000/|tcp|Test1"

Keep in mind that adding the service entry won't fix the firewall settings to allow access, you will need to do that manually. The node history page and service links in the HSMM UI appear to be built by perl scripts scattered around the filesystem. I've not had time to look in to them, but the SVN tree at \wrt54g\trunk\files is where you will find the answers.

I've been playing with this on a La Fonera. It works running Backfire 10.3, but the networking is a bit odd because La Fonera only has one ethernet port, so DMZ/WAN/LAN don't really exist except as vlans.

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-30- 09:29:24 By AD7PE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:BBHN V 1 vs DD-WRT.. 2013-09-30- 09:14:08 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN V 1 vs DD-WRT

I've used dd-wrt micro with OLSR on a WAP54 to talk to V1 nodes. There isn't room on the WAP for microperl, and only one network jack, so I didn't even attempt the UI, routing, or plugins. The biggest loss will be the ease of configuring and the UI. You may also get IP address collisions if you happen on devices with the same last-3 mac address. I expect you will be manually setting IPs anyway, so that may not be as much an issue. You can look at the \wrt54g\trunk\files path in the SVN repo for the changes from stock OpenWRT. That should get you started on configuring. AD7PE

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-30- 09:31:57 By AD7PE for the Reason Fix path
 Subject :Re:WRT54G firmware crash!.. 2013-09-30- 04:58:12 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G firmware crash!

These three links will help you out:,, and
They all have good instructions for fixing your problem.

Before you try anything, try the failsafe method first and make sure the boot_wait flag is turned on (

You will need to download the stock Linksys firmware before going back to BBHN. I've bricked my routers many times, and sometimes the fastest way for me to recover was by jtag or TFTPing after shorting pins 15 & 16 on my WRT54G v2.

You will want to try TFTPing first (you might have to be very patient and try multiple times).  If you don't have a jtag device, but you do have good eyes and a steady hand, short pins 15 & 16 (WRT54G only, WRT54GL is 16 & 17) and then TFTP the firmware.  Only do the last one after doing a lot of reading so you know what you are doing.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-09- 02:27:45 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :WRT54G firmware crash!.. 2013-09-30- 03:39:18 
Joined: 2013-09-29- 23:18:25
Posts: 12
Location: Windsor, Ontario
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G firmware crash!

Well I have 2 routers I managed to crash and I cant get back in to reload them! Any ideas on how to reload the firmware I had them working at one point then I hit the firmware upgrade button in the administration area and that was that!

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 Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gatew.. 2013-09-29- 16:07:48 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 07:22:02
Posts: 23
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

Subject :Re:Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

I believe it must be on the net at all times, but for only limited pre-defined number of services allowed with oters banned by default. Don't forget that skype is encrypted, so is a no go. So is https. Then a lot of web sites carry banners which is strictly speaking commercial advertisement. You don't want to carry that over the ham link. Besides I don't really understand why you are willing to identify stations and use LDAP. If playboy is not an acceptable content for ham (btw, why wouldn't it be?), then it is not good for every ham. Why impose authentication?
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 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2013-09-29- 13:00:42 
Joined: 2013-08-03- 14:08:50
Posts: 3
Location: Grid FN04
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

I think that tunneling is likely the only way we will see the MESH network expand in this area.
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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-09-29- 06:56:32 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

It looks like it will be more work than what it's worth. However, it does look like a pretty nice piece of hardware!

I think it would still be worth trying.  You'd have to use a hex editor to change the first 4 bytes of one of the *.bin firmware files to be what the WCG200 looks for, but since linksys' website doesn't have any firmware posted, I can't even tell you unless I hooked up a jtag cable to the device to download the firmware from the WCG200.

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-29- 07:04:22 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Compatible?.. 2013-09-28- 20:04:33 
Joined: 2013-08-16- 13:21:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

Is the Linksys WCG200 router, (wireless-G "cable gateway), compatible with HSMM-MESH, can it be modified to be compatible, or did I just "blow" about $5.00 buying it?

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 Subject :Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway.. 2013-09-28- 05:37:51 
Joined: 2013-06-04- 11:35:04
Posts: 3
Location: Queensbury, NY, USA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Feature request: Content filtering and captive portal on mesh gateway

I have been debating connecting the mesh to the internet full time with some of the people in my area. I've found 3 major schools of though.

1: it should never ever be connected to the internet (I completely disagree with this)

2: it can be connected but only temporarily in an emergency or for testing purposes (not quite what I'm looking for as an answer)

3: it should be connected at all times

I'm leaning toward the third option there but to get others to change their mind I've had to prove that we can maintain part 97 compliance. To that end I started recreating a simple web content filter (I use large, expensive filter appliances like M86, Bluecoat, and Lightspeed all the time in schools because it's required by CIPA, state and federal aid, and E-rate) on a ubuntu box using iptables, squid, and dansguardian. I have not built the captive portal yet but I plan to using something like nocatauth and some sort of LDAP service. 

I believe this can all be built in to the firmware of the mesh gateway (this is done on DD-WRT regularly) so we don't need a computer between the mesh gateway and the ISP. It would be cool if filter configs and the LDAP DB could replicate automatically between multiple mesh gateways. It would also be good to have the filter's category files update regularly.

So I'm thinking if you enable the gateway mode it configures the use of the content filter and captive portal, and maybe new tabs on the management interface so you can add users by callsign to LDAP, maybe manually link other gateways for synchronization... or find a way to identify other gateways on the mesh and auto sync. 

There should be some basic services that do not require a login so served agencies may use it directly. for instance should be totally open, and perhaps things like skype, facetime, etc. but if you want to do much more on the web you need to login and then certain categories of sites are blocked such as shopping and porn.

I've attached a screenshot of a test of the filter which allows me to google but not playboy.

I (and others I've discussed this with) would very much like to see this built into the next update of the firmware if possible... and I'd love any feedback on the idea.

 Filter test.jpg [148 KB] :: Filter test screenshot
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Last Edited On: 2013-09-28- 06:18:09 By KD2BVA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Realistic Distances.. 2013-09-27- 19:09:03 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : General
Topic : Realistic Distances

If you have any vegitation in the way, it will block a microwave signal at 2.4 GHz. This is the physics of microwave is is documented in many places. So if you have trees higher than the antenna, will will slightly warm the trees as they absorb all your signal. You MUST have Line Of Sight for microwave work. If you are mobile and any obstruction gets in the way, it cuts off your signal. Microwave acts quite differently than VHF FM signals that get around many obsticals, in a fairly forgiving way. Again this is the physics of the frequency you are operating on. The reason to have spectrum in various bands is that propogation on each band can vary widely. Set up for fixed point to point links that are clear of all obstructions if you want to get more than a few feet. Consider mesh relay links where there is LOS between sites. We do 10 miles across Austin, Tx with a clear path using 24dB dish antennas wiht a WRT54G with no RF amp. Omni antennas will "illuminate" the area for a mile or so, depending on the noise floor. Absolute best case with 11dB omni-directional antennas as shown on the front page of the web site have linked (no amp) under perfect conditions in the country with no RF noise at a distance of 7 (seven) miles. Sometimes in town, you are lucky to get across the street due to all the RF noise. Broadband microwave mesh systems are widely used by many organizations that find them very useful. You just have to learn how to work with microwave radios. Please go to and down-load the book we recomend on the web page. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Realistic Distances.. 2013-09-27- 09:06:18 
Joined: 2012-10-04- 20:15:51
Posts: 3
Location: DN62
Forum : General
Topic : Realistic Distances

Hey to ya! First, it's ham or Ham - never HAM. As Ham is not an acronym. Yea, picky detail, I know. Second, It's a bit difficult to model or predict what may happen in a particular environment with out detailed information on that environment. Software can only model using the data available. Me? I like using Radio Mobile Deluxe. Mostly because it's free (as in beer) and I can 'adjust' the data to experience. It helps to model something - then measure it - then fiddle with your data to fit the model to real world experience. Idea being that next time, you may - just may - get a more accurate model. Of course, you can just as easily fiddle wrong and wind up with totally erroneous results - but that's the fun of it! Then you get to fix it. So, to answer your question? Get some stuff on the air - see what happens, then tweak away.
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 Subject :Looking anyone in SE Michigan / NW Ohio / Windsor for testing.. 2013-09-26- 11:51:01 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Looking anyone in SE Michigan / NW Ohio / Windsor for testing

Is there anyone in the SE Michigan, NW Ohio, or Windsor region that would like to do some testing across Lake Erie this winter?

What I would like to do is see if we could make connections from as far East as Cleveland and back into the Detroit area across Lake Erie.

Looking to see if this would be a viable means as an alternative for arranging contacts during the 10GHz contest each August and September. Currently during the 10GHz contest, we are allowed to use 2m and cellphones to help in arranging contacts as long as the full exchange of info is via 10GHz and above. I would prefer to use this means as a liaison compared to using the cellphone.

This is just an idea that I would like to give a shot at to see if its viable or not. If I can make a contact from Monroe, MI (EN81hv) to Conneuat ,OH (EN91rx) on 10GHz using 250mw on a bad day, what could be done on 2.4GHz?

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:Cisco IP Phone Compatability.. 2013-09-26- 02:12:35 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Cisco IP Phone Compatability

Can you point us to the document? I haven't found it on my own, or maybe it isn't there yet.
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