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 Subject :Re:Can access but cant access mesh.. 2013-10-05- 18:18:51 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can access but cant access mesh

Thanks for this discussion. I set up my first mesh node tonight with no trouble using the step-by-step instructions; the only thing that didn't work right away was access via NODENAME:8080 although IPADDR:8080 did work. So I did a Google search for "hsmm dns not working" and found this topic, added the router's LAN IP address to my DNS list and now NODENAME:8080 works. Now to set up another node so they can find each other!


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Last Edited On: 2013-10-05- 18:19:40 By KD0WSZ for the Reason
 Subject :The lone node in Tamarac.. 2013-10-05- 05:17:02 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : The lone node in Tamarac

I've had my node up for a couple months now and so far it's survived the winds, heavy rain, heat and humidity down here.  I'm located in the McNab Rd/Nob Hill Rd area on the west end of Tamarac (near King's Point).   let me know if any one finds me who aims towards my QTH...

I have the ability for VOIP linking and a couple remote ham projects (HF rig, Uniden scanner).  won't be leaving them online until I've spent more time ensuring this is secure enough to do on the node...


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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??).. 2013-10-05- 02:47:02 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 11:50:24
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??)

Hi, all.  I'm a new HSMM-Mesh user, and I'm having a problem where the advertised services that I set up in the "Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services" area are not appearing on the Mesh Status page on either 0.4.3 or the new BB-HN v1.0.

I've added a web service on port 80 of an already-reserved DHCP host, and clicked the "link" checkbox.  I've saved the service, and even gone so far as to reboot the node.

I've included screenshots of my current setup.

It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm in NAT mode or Direct/DMZ mode...the local services column never changes!  Am I doing something wrong?  Is this a common error?  Do I just need to get another node set up for it to search for these services? 

Help me, oh Elmers of HSMM-MESH.  You're my only hope!

(Yes, I know that in my screenshots, I am leaving my machines open to the internet.  They all run Linux, are behind my home firewall, and are locked down pretty durned tight.)

 Basic_Setup.png [55 KB] :: Basic setup screenshot
 Mesh_Status.png [34 KB] :: Mesh Status screenshot
 Port_Forwarding_and_Services.png [47 KB] :: Port Forwarding Settings
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Last Edited On: 2013-10-05- 05:10:55 By N8VSI for the Reason
 Subject :Re:What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh.. 2013-10-05- 00:24:17 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 19:35:31
Posts: 9
Location: Hagerstown, MD
Forum : General
Topic : What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh

My node was placed on the map yesterday. My plan (if I can find some more inexpensive hardware) is to get a strong node on my roof and have an easy access node in the house. That should make it easier to connect should another node pop up near me. All these plans will likely have to wait until after the government shutdown is over. I'm furloughed starting this week. :(
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 Subject :Re:What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh.. 2013-10-04- 16:07:34 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh

If there isnt yet, get your node on the map so others can see it and want to connect.

There always has to be "a first" :-)

Happy Meshing!


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Providence metro W9GYR status update.. 2013-10-04- 14:39:53 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 16:33:00
Posts: 3
Location: Rhode Island
Forum : Rhode Island
Topic : Providence metro W9GYR status update

I have one, maybe two, WRT-54GL's plus a Raspberry Pi that I plan on getting configured with v1.0.0.0 of HSMM-Mesh. The RPi is destined to be connected to a high gain directional antenna that could be linked into the rest of the growing RI network.

- Jim WN1X

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 Subject :Working on New Node.. 2013-10-04- 04:33:27 
Joined: 2013-09-13- 13:22:56
Posts: 2
Forum : Austin
Topic : Working on New Node

I have a WRT300Nv1 loaded with the new version but need to build a box for it. There is a possibility I can get permission to set it up on top of the building I work at. I see Austin is starting to saturate so my question is should I set it up in Kyle (around home) or put it up at work near Oltorf and 35. Either would fill gaps but how effective would it be?

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-04- 04:39:27 By KD5NIK for the Reason words
 Subject :Nodes in Plano.. 2013-10-04- 04:27:19 
Joined: 2013-09-13- 13:22:56
Posts: 2
Forum : Plano
Topic : Nodes in Plano

I don't see any nodes left in Plano. Is there still interest here? I have been thinking about installing one here at a family members house. 

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 Subject :Re:Node Linking via Internet.. 2013-10-03- 07:35:13 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Node Linking via Internet

Hi Gregg, Please have a look at my VPN post in this section. This a simple but effective way of interconnecting nodes or groups of nodes that has no RF path between them.
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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Internet Access Using Laptop With WiFi.. 2013-10-03- 06:19:41 
Joined: 2013-05-15- 09:15:14
Posts: 4
Location: Chula Vista, CA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Internet Access Using Laptop With WiFi

I have 2 WRT54GL routers successfully set up with v 1.0.0.  I connected one node to my ATT Uverse gateway and configured it with the “Mesh Gateway” checked and set up services to make the internet available using Port 80.  I plugged my other node to a laptop and was able to access the internet once I click on the Internet service.  Is it possible to connect a node to a laptop that has Internet connectivity via WiFi and make the Internet available to other Mesh Nodes?  If so, how would one configure the Mesh Node that is connected to the laptop?  My apologies if this has already been answered; I look through the forums and did not see this.

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 Subject :Node Linking via Internet.. 2013-10-03- 05:08:56 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 19:35:31
Posts: 9
Location: Hagerstown, MD
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Node Linking via Internet

I am VERY new to the forum so please forgive me if this has been covered before. I looked around a bit and didn't see anything addressing this question. However, some unfamiliar terminology could have prevented me from recognizing a related topic.

So, I have a node set up at my house that appears to be quite isolated. I would be interested in finding out about the process of getting my node (potentially internet connectable) linked to another internet connected node.

Thanks and 73


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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-10-03- 04:54:00 
Joined: 2013-08-16- 13:21:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

Paul, Thank you for all the information. I'll take a look, as soon as possible.
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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-10-02- 17:33:49 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

Any hex editor will work. I like's hex editor Frhed because it's free and doesn't require installing (the "installer" just unzips the file).

As for a jtag cable, I have two. I would only use this to force and/or delete the firmware (kernel) on the BIOS flash chip of a bricked router. I have one for a parallel port and one that uses USB. The parallel port one is used in the event the USB one fails (I have had this happen, but that was for a very corrupt router!). For the most part, you will want to use the USB jtag cable.

This method is definitely not for the faint of heart, and make sure you know what you are doing before executing anything. It bring routers up from the grave into working condition again. I've purchased cheap bricked routers and used this to get them working again.

For making some non-compatible routers possibly compatible, see one of my previous posts:
This makes both the WRT54G3G-ST (W3GS) and WRT54G3G-AT (W3GA) compatible with BBHN eventhough a downloadable firmware does not exist. I currently have a WRT54G3G-ST running mesh just fine.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-02- 17:37:56 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-10-02- 16:08:05 
Joined: 2013-08-16- 13:21:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

Where do I get hex editor software and a jtag cable? It may well be time to start getting more used devices made "available for use" as broadband hamnet equipment. I have looked all over Boise, over the last two days, trying to find a suitable unit, (including on Craigslist), it looks like most of the suitable units are either; still in service, already in the hands of other amateur radio operators for use as broadband hamnet equipment, or are in the local landfills, at least in the Boise, Idaho area. There were some Linksys routers, modems, etc. available, but none were the correct versions for broadband hamnet usage. I finally ended up buying a WRT54GS V3 from KJ6WJK on eBay today. I'll probably end up buying at least one more via eBay before I get my version 1 "G cable Gateway" flashed, if it can even be done.
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 Subject :Re:Re:What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh.. 2013-10-02- 08:21:17 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 19:35:31
Posts: 9
Location: Hagerstown, MD
Forum : General
Topic : What started the whole idea of HSMM-Mesh

I wondered why I didn't get the confirmation email that was referenced before my account got activated.

This (and the rest of your post) explains a lot. 

I'm looking forward to getting my node up this week. I just hope there are people around me to connect with.

[K5KTF 2013-09-22- 17:28:27]:

I activate at a very minimum 2 to 5 per day now. Last year it was maybe 10 a week.  Thats why I quit sending out emails for every one that I activate. I wish I could be more personal with each and every one, but I have real (paying) work to do every day :-)

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 Subject :Greetings from western MD.. 2013-10-02- 03:01:45 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 19:35:31
Posts: 9
Location: Hagerstown, MD
Forum : General
Topic : Greetings from western MD


I found out about the HSMM-MESH world yesterday on reddit. I did some looking into it and realized I have my old WRT-54G sitting on a shelf since I upgraded to a new router. I'm planning on flashing the HSMM-MESH firmware to it probably this weekend.

This sounds like a fun way to use this older hardware.

I'd like to hear from anyone in my area (Hagerstown, MD) who might also be running a node. I've looked on the map and I don't see anyone near me, however I understand that registration on there is not automatic.


Gregg (N8ONW)

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 Subject :Re:VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network.. 2013-10-01- 20:21:16 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : General
Topic : VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network

TINC will not install on a GL model since the memory in GL is not sufficient, but look for my VPN thread in Problems & Answers with a solution that is lightweight and part 97 compliant. We have this solution in SM7 (south part of Sweden) and also a couple of guys in Ontario are running this. I can help you set this up if you like.
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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Thought on adding 2013-10-01- 09:24:28 
Joined: 2013-09-27- 10:27:39
Posts: 10
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Thought on adding

It appears the Nameservice plugin can advertize lat/lon as well:


PlParam "latlon-infile" "name-of-input.txt"
         Filename to read lat/lon positions from. Meant to be used
         by a walking GPS receiver. Just write comma separated decimal
         latitude and longitude to this file. Will overwrite the
         "lat" and "lon" parameters during runtime

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 Subject :Re:VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network.. 2013-09-30- 19:57:20 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 23:57:50
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network

looking over the ipkg list, there is tinc in the repository I have three nodes up in Columbus, Ohio ( Main, Test, Mobile ) and i'm game to test with any one.
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 Subject :Re:Compatible?.. 2013-09-30- 19:41:05 
Joined: 2013-08-16- 13:21:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Compatible?

Paul, I guess it pays to keep the "shopping list" handy when you're out looking for the parts, ha ha. I guess on the "upside" I am now ahead two antennae and a 12V 1A "wall wart" for less than either of those items costs to acquire via e bay. :) I love it that, (most of), the local thrift stores give Veterans a 10% discount when we buy from them. Next shopping trip Tuesday, hoping to snag at least 1 of the right routers before I return home.
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