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 Subject :Re:Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?.. 2013-08-19- 07:05:17 
Joined: 2013-07-10- 14:44:14
Posts: 4
Location: Maggie Valley, NC
Forum : General
Topic : Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?

In the Waynesville, NC area, we are planning a mesh project very similar to the one KE7RIP describes. Waynesville is ringed by mountains about a mile high and we'd like to network several of our mountaintop voice repeater sites together while, at the same time, provide access from the valley floor for video, file transfer, VoIP, etc. We are trying to figure out which antenna port setting is the most advantageous or if back-to-back mesh nodes should be employed in some way to allow transmit and receive to be directed in one particular direction from a singular antenna port. Many of our paths would be 8 - 10 miles and would require high-gain antennas. Should we have some nodes dedicated for "transport" while others act as "access" nodes? I have looked at a lot of mesh web sites and blogs and don't see very much information on long-distance mesh networks. Can someone point me in the right direction? Al, WD4A
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 Subject :Re:Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX.. 2013-08-18- 20:49:15 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX

Hi Gary, It´s not needed to enable "Gateway Mesh" on all the nodes since the phones will find their route through the mesh anyway and register with the PBX.

My setup is using an rPi Asterisk PBX connected to the LAN side of my node that also acts as "Gateway Mesh" and then I have a couple of Cisco phones connected to subsequent nodes in the mesh, on respective LAN side, which works just fine.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-18- 20:49:45 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Curious about v1 SSID.. 2013-08-18- 19:58:59 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Curious about v1 SSID

The digit will change if a firmware release is NOT compatible with the previous release. That was it's obvious if the units will mesh or not.
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 Subject :Curious about v1 SSID.. 2013-08-18- 19:38:07 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Curious about v1 SSID

I'm curious why the SSID has v1 in the name. Are there plans to expand out to various mesh levels using different SSIDs?

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 Subject :Re:TeamTalk 4 Server on Raspberry Pi over HSMM-Mesh.. 2013-08-18- 18:49:38 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Applications
Topic : TeamTalk 4 Server on Raspberry Pi over HSMM-Mesh

I currently use TeamSpeak in my personal testing, though TeamTalk's video capability is exciting. Does anyone know if the TeamTalk server encrypts the communication? I encountered this issue with Mumble. TeamSpeak does not encrypt by default but also it does not have a Pi port. Mumble encrypts by default and can not be unencrypted, however it has a Pi server. What about TeamTalk? Encrypted or no?
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 Subject :Re:Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?.. 2013-08-18- 11:01:12 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:05:42
Posts: 37
Forum : General
Topic : Setting up a city wide network. Logistics to consider?

You may be a pioneer in this field, at least for us.  Covering a large area in a systematic fashion is something that we have not had the luxury of being able to do yet.  I hope someone chimes in with experience from actual deployments.  There are already numerous other mesh networks in place.  Perhaps one of their sites could have the answers:

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 Subject :Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX.. 2013-08-18- 05:40:12 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Using the Linksys SPA1001 for Raspberry-Asterisk PBX

I finally figure it out and have two Linksys SPA1001 fully working and very well through the Raspberry-Asterisk PBX server.  These modules are great for hooking up to a fax machine through VoIP or using any landline phone into the mesh..  

Setup was easy, these instructions were on the spot for this:

One other note: You have to enable all nodes (check the box) for "Gateway Mesh" in "Basic Setup" for a remote node to connect it's VoIP phone to the PBX Mesh node.. 

KI5JIM's video tutorial on this site was also useful for first time installers, just need to adjust accordingly for different VoIP devices...

Gary  KI4WPI

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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:MESH node started in Broward County.. 2013-08-18- 05:35:33 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : MESH node started in Broward County

I finally figure it out and have two Linksys SPA1001 fully working and very well through the Raspberry-Asterisk PBX server. These modules are great for hooking up to a fax machine through VoIP or using any landline phone into the mesh.. Setup was easy, these instructions were on the spot for this: One other note: You have to enable all nodes (check the box) for "Gateway Mesh" in "Basic Setup" for a remote node to connect it's VoIP phone to the PBX Mesh node.. Thank you to KF5JIM for his video tutorial that was linked in the VIOP (Asterisk/Pi) forum on this site. It wasn't spot on, but directed me where I needed to look for setting up the Linksys VoIP modules...
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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-08-18- 05:32:55 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

I finally figure it out and have two Linksys SPA1001 fully working and very well through the Raspberry-Asterisk PBX server. These modules are great for hooking up to a fax machine through VoIP or using any landline phone into the mesh.. Setup was easy, these instructions were on the spot for this: One other note: You have to enable all nodes (check the box) for "Gateway Mesh" in "Basic Setup" for a remote node to connect it's VoIP phone to the PBX Mesh node.. Thanks to KF5JIM for his help with the tutorial!! -Gary KI4WPI
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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:HamChat server problem.. 2013-08-18- 04:14:27 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 20:59:18
Posts: 1
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HamChat server problem

Same issue, the lock file is un-touched also.. All permissions set, reset, and double checked. Just a blank iframe.
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 Subject :Re:serverless voip?.. 2013-08-17- 14:03:10 
Joined: 2013-08-04- 11:09:22
Posts: 1
Forum : VoIP
Topic : serverless voip?

SIP is strictly speaking a server less protocol hence why some devices and soft phones can be dialled without the need for a server. Asterisk et al bring a 'known point' enabling a level of end user management.

The mesh potato / village telco project designed a way to use asterisk on every device and create a distributed exchange. It does this by using the last quad of an ip address in decimal form as the extension number eg gives an extension of 034 for that mesh nodes location.

What this needs however is a bit of co-ordination so that all mesh nodes have a unique ip (easy to do in a 'village') and a manual way of circulating the new number (again easy in a village). Once circulated all asterisk is doing is prefixing the '192.168.1" part back onto the 034 thats dialled by the end user and sending out the SIP string, same as the soft phones mentioned.

What Serval seems to have achieved is a way of self aware distributed directory enquiries AND equally as importantly to give first chance to the handsets mobile number to become its identifier on the mesh network.

This is what will allow an uncordinated mesh to create a VoIP network, if our callsigns were pure numbers this would be easy, but they are not..

Both projects seem to have been initially funded by Shuttleworth foundation and are supposed to be on open source terms, in fact Serval is borrowing parts of MP2.0 tech to make its 'mesh extenders'. Hopefully once its done its community funding and its commercial arm is set up the source will be made available. Unless I have missed it somewhere.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-17- 14:04:56 By M1AGJ for the Reason
 Subject :Anyone in Columbia, SC?.. 2013-08-17- 09:43:42 
Joined: 2013-08-12- 06:53:56
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Anyone in Columbia, SC?

Greetings all,

Read about this in QST and I really like it!

So that begs the question... is anyone doing anything in Columbia, SC?

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 Subject :HamChat server problem.. 2013-08-17- 08:01:45 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : HamChat server problem

Two of us in our group have tried the HamChat install on two separate v1.0.0 nodes following the detailed install instructions with poor results. All users see the HamChat page requesting the login; but after logging in, anything typed in the text entry box is lost on pressing SEND and does not appear in the chat portion of the screen. During the install I did yesterday, I made sure I created the folders and used the chmod command exactly as in the instructions (using PuTTY). I did use WinSCP to transfer the two files and to verify the permissions on the files and folders after the install. After attempting to send several lines of text, I checked the DATA folder with WinSCP and found it empty. Any suggestions? 73

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 Subject :Re:serial port access.. 2013-08-17- 06:41:08 
Joined: 2012-10-15- 09:08:03
Posts: 6
Forum : Applications
Topic : serial port access

FYI, on the openwrt site it talks about how to disable the console so that you can have two usable serial ports. Yes you can disable that port but just because you can does not mean you should ;-)
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 Subject :Re:New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-17- 06:36:44 
Joined: 2012-10-15- 09:08:03
Posts: 6
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

Yuck... AVOID MIRC!!! It is dirty and people will make fun of you ;-) Hexchat is a nice little program that is lightweight and runs on several different operating systems. It is also opensource and extremely powerful....
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-08-17- 06:30:23 
Joined: 2012-10-15- 09:08:03
Posts: 6
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

Is there any way you could setup a mailing list that we could subscribe to? I am kind of interested in your idea. As I have converted all my nodes (5) to v1.0 so that they will work with my ubiquiti equipment when its supported or I have time to manually configure them I dont have any real way to play around with my rPi at this point. I will be giving a demonstration in the next little bit at one of the local Ham radio clubs on HSMM to drum up some interest in the area and would live to show off your build! But... as I get busy I dont always have time to read over all the forms to look for changes or updates :-( Thanks, Anthony
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 Subject :Re:MESH node started in Broward County.. 2013-08-16- 23:21:03 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : MESH node started in Broward County

Cool, Line of sight to John Knox is due east from me and I don't see anything taller than it in between, if I can hit that from my QTH, that will be a nice feat! I have a couple 1 watt amps on standby to increase if needed... KI4WPI
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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:Port Forwarding in v1.0.0.. 2013-08-16- 22:36:49 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : General
Topic : Port Forwarding in v1.0.0

OK, yes that follows with that mask. As long as you follow the IP subnet defined on respective LAN interface on each router you should have no problem. If you are familiar with TCPdump you can install it on your routers. That will make troubleshooting easier.
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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Different LAN IP Subnets.. 2013-08-16- 15:08:25 
Joined: 2013-08-10- 09:55:28
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Different LAN IP Subnets

OK, I am a ham that is trying to setup two mesh's...

I am a System and Network Admin at a local college, so I know my way around networking and was trying to setup a mesh network designed around 192.168.x.x for part 15 use (since family usage is 100% NOT part 97...and I am sick of cables and trying to keep stuff powered when the utility has issues, or the lawn mower hits my internet feed...) and then work with other local hams to setup the standard 10.x.x.x mesh/lan setup for my ham use...

What I have not found how to set is the lan subnet when in 5 host or 13 host mode...

Is there a way to do this?


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 Subject :Re:Port Forwarding in v1.0.0.. 2013-08-16- 14:05:47 
Joined: 2013-07-03- 21:48:41
Posts: 8
Location: Lodi, CA CM98
Forum : General
Topic : Port Forwarding in v1.0.0

Ok, yes I am sure this is how it is set up, the netmask for each subnet is, so technically they are not on the same subnet, but I can see how the routing can get confused. also I am running in the "Direct 5" mode on all but one of my nodes, the other is a "Direct 13" node. So all of these LOCAL IP's are auto generated by the node its self.
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Ron Simpson
ATV Meshing!!
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