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 Subject :Heat Sink recommendations.. 2013-08-14- 04:51:31 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : General
Topic : Heat Sink recommendations

At a couple of the workshops I have attended, I have noticed that when installing a node in the FAB-Corp DCE10X8X3 box some of you will take the board out of the case and mount just the pc-board in the enclosure.  Usually a heat sink is added to the board.  I was told this was done for the heat.

What is a recommended source and part number for the heat sink?

The setups I am working on will be in the Texas heat and will be in a location where it is not exactly easy to physically get to them and I want to start off with the best chance of success.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.


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 Subject :Re:Generic Hardware.. 2013-08-14- 01:51:54 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Generic Hardware

If done under *nix, what are the chances of doing it on a sub interface? (i'm still new here so I may not have seen some random article that explained why not yet ;) ) I am however not that new to *nix or networking... Seannon KD4IYI
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 Subject :Welcome to Hawaii BBHN.. 2013-08-13- 21:47:35 
Joined: 2012-04-08- 14:25:44
Posts: 4
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Forum : Hawaii
Topic : Welcome to Hawaii BBHN


I have been playing with adhoc meshes using HSMM-MESH (now BBHN) for a couple years now here in Honolulu Hawaii. There are a couple of us who have multi-nodal systems. We have set up networks around town, participating in field day and emergency exercises.

I encourage everyone in Hawaii to join us here on this forum to share your interest and experiences, and to use us as elmers. Outer island hams are especially welcomed as well as our global ham friends.

I have a 6 six node system running at my QTH over looking Waikiki, all under solar pv/battery power. Because of our mountainous environment we need more experimenters to come online to either connect via high gain antennas or VPN via Internet gateways.

I am more than happy to help anyone enter is exciting new aspect to amateur radio!

Aloha 73 de kh6tz Cool


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 Subject :Port Forwarding in v1.0.0.. 2013-08-13- 17:14:47 
Joined: 2013-07-03- 21:48:41
Posts: 8
Location: Lodi, CA CM98
Forum : General
Topic : Port Forwarding in v1.0.0

I cant seem to forward ports in V1.0.0 to the WiFi interface, seems to be locked on the WAN port.

Is this broken or do I need to roll back to 0.4.3?

In my app, I need to forward ports to the WIFI interface...


What did I miss?

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Ron Simpson
ATV Meshing!!
 Subject :Re:New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-13- 14:51:18 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

Welcome to mesh networking. Your feeling is very common so I thought I would take a moment to explain what is happening. You have just created a NETWORK. This particular network is "a wired network without wires". In order to do keyboard to keyboard communications (or chat), you need a chat program. Both users need the application and in the case of chat, a server is also needed somewhere on the mesh. Other applications would be to view a remote camera, look up an owners manual for your radio on a web or FTP server, make a VOIP call, etc. Each of these items requires both the network and an application to be complete. Some need only the source (IP camera) and the your web browser to view it. Others require applications to be loaded on each end. Some things work fine with just apps on each end while others require both the app and a server of some sort (think of VOIP phones + asterisk). If you plug into your wired or wireless network at home, you wouldn't be able to keyboard to another user without an app. Your home network (and this one) will carry data communications/video/VOIP calls between different computers or locations, but applications are needed to get anything done. Expressing your query another way, people say "what can I do with a mesh network?" The answer is best expressed by changing the circumstance. What can you do with a wired or WiFi network? There are literally thousands of answers to that question and most of them also work over a mesh network. I hope this changes the way you see the mesh. It is the single biggest concept that new users must grasp.
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 Subject :New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-13- 12:48:46 
Joined: 2013-07-18- 20:20:40
Posts: 20
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

Hi Guys;

Got both routers Linksys Wrt54G converted and running with the new firmware 1.0, asigned callsigns Kp4rv-1 and kp4rv-2 hitted mesh status at the menu, from kp4rv-1 and saw the other node kp4rv-2, How is connect the other node and be able to communicate with it, I do not see like a area to have a contact keyboard to Keyboard, I'm a little lost or confused, somebody let me know how works?

God Bless!

KP4RV - Rafael

Puerto Rico 

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 Subject :New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-13- 12:48:37 
Joined: 2013-07-18- 20:20:40
Posts: 20
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

Hi Guys;

Got both routers Linksys Wrt54G converted and running with the new firmware 1.0, asigned callsigns Kp4rv-1 and kp4rv-2 hitted mesh status at the menu, from kp4rv-1 and saw the other node kp4rv-2, How is connect the other node and be able to communicate with it, I do not see like a area to have a contact keyboard to Keyboard, I'm a little lost or confused, somebody let me know how works?

God Bless!

KP4RV - Rafael

Puerto Rico 

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 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-08-12- 16:28:42 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:05:42
Posts: 37
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

FYI, the svn repository has been open for quite some time.  Everything you need to build the firmware (for the wrt54g-ish routers) is contained within.  It is simply the OpenWRT ImageBuilder package with the complete set of changes that turn it into Broadband Hamnet.


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 Subject :Re:USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users... 2013-08-12- 11:45:00 
Joined: 2013-07-03- 21:48:41
Posts: 8
Location: Lodi, CA CM98
Forum : General
Topic : USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users.

Hello! This is what I have done and it seems to work. I downloaded a program called YAWCAM, it is a small light weight piece of software that streams my built in webcam in my laptop, it dumps to port :8081, however there is NO MIC AUDIO! I get around that by using and Allstar Hub Node and IaxRpt Client software... (best Googled warm). I then set up a Linux server that has a webserver running along with MySQL and PHP. This has allowed me to write a custom HSMM-MESH Webcam ATV server. I have the screen set up to display 6 simultaneous users. It is database driven to keep the login screens straight. I then set up a service and reserved an IP address on my main mesh node. The server is plugged into that. When I log in from my personal mesh node, it picks up the IP Address of my personal mesh node, populates the database and displays it on the screen. It then compares your login to your cam IP and if there is a match it displays a log out button. If no match, no log out button. I am working on ADMIN scripts right now. I have another webpage I am working on that has a better description of how my system works. When I get it a little more refined, I will put it out for others to use... I have a webcam template I have built for the users of my mesh system so we are all configured the same and the page renders properly. This YAWCAM Software does work with most USB cams too. Mileage may vary... Ron, N6GKJ
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Ron Simpson
ATV Meshing!!
 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-08-12- 06:35:48 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

not sure, but it looks like the OP was "need to build wireless internet for low income people" which would not be covered in our realm of influence, but should be very much discouraged in this forum... (referring out to the ubiquity or other non amateur forums is okay though ;) )
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 Subject :Re:DD-WRT will not update to HSMM firmware.. 2013-08-12- 06:16:17 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Firmware
Topic : DD-WRT will not update to HSMM firmware

I am a longtime DD-WRT user on Linksys routers, primarily the WRT54X* series... first off, the best place to initiate the power cycling for a full reset is the router end of the power cord, not the wall end... it's a quicker power off and on for the router...

as for the issue with Firefox? I have had that as well, FF can be kinda flaky at times, but usually closing it, waiting 30 seconds gets it, if not try (YUCK!) I.E.... also, you may and often do have to disable your computer's firewall temporarily... (I know I sure have) also be sure you change to the new network if needed while it is rebooting and making changes (I've missed that one a few times myself)

lastly? check the router you have... make sure that if you are trying to change the firmware to a different type, like from DD-WRT to Tomato, or OPEN-WRT, that you are aware of the flash and ram sizes... some versions of the router really need for you to go to the "Mini" or "Micro" versions so that there is room in the flash to load the new firmware... if not, they will fail every time, and sometimes brick... (mainly the ones with 4MBFlash, 8MB RAM) I tend to try to stick with the ones with 8/32 and use the Mega builds...

Seannon KD4IYI

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 Subject :Re:VPN on HSMM?.. 2013-08-12- 06:14:36 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Applications
Topic : VPN on HSMM?

This is a non-issue with my solution. Please feel free to drop me an email and you will get detailed instructions on how to do.

At the same time I would like to try and establish tunneling between SM7 and anyone in the US. Are there anyone up for this ?

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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :MESH node started in Broward County.. 2013-08-12- 05:25:37 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : South FL
Topic : MESH node started in Broward County

Hello to those interested,

After waiting for about a year with all the equipment in my house, I finally decided to get my node up and running.

I have a stand alone WRT54G remote node currently up at 22ft in the city of Tamarac near the Intersections of Nob Hill Rd and McNab Rd.  For now, It's only transmitting the 19db that the Linksys router allows and have a 14dbi Rootenna directional facing East and a 14dbi TP Link omnidirectional up vertically. I am using a WRT54GS v2 as a primary operating node in my house and a couple spares to link with it and to in the coming days, learn more of what I can do with it.

I plan and want to do more with this and hoping by making the first move, I may find a few others willing to get involved with Submit this near me.  If nothing else, I would like to start finding other MESH operators, I especially hope to find some IT guys who are hams and have a better understanding of the operating systems that can reach out to for guidance. 

Feel free to contact me on this post, I had asked the webmaster for this and how it brings some from my general area into this so that we could possible work together in something which many hams don't seem to have the patience or understanding of it's potential...


Tamarac, FL

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Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:VPN on HSMM?.. 2013-08-12- 01:36:22 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Applications
Topic : VPN on HSMM?

I am not claiming to be an authority on the laws pertaining on all this, but with that said, tunneling on the MESH side would be subject to part 97 regulations, and the network side not... if you are using an internet connection via cable modem, DSL, ISDN etc... you can encrypt or tunnel the connection to the other node, that can be encrypted, but needs to be unencrypted on the RF side of that node as well... Seannon KD4IYI
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 Subject :Re:serial port access.. 2013-08-12- 01:28:50 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Applications
Topic : serial port access

If you need access to the serial ports on the router, AE5AE is absolutely correct, but, there are other ways to access the router, you should be able to access it via command line. If in Linux, use SSH from the terminal... if in Windows, you can use a terminal emulator like PuTTY and access it via SSH as well... (PuTTY can also be gotten for Linux and I believe OSX as well)

Seannon KD4IYI

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-12- 01:29:56 By KD4IYI for the Reason
 Subject :Re:TeamTalk 4 Server on Raspberry Pi over HSMM-Mesh.. 2013-08-11- 23:46:13 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : Applications
Topic : TeamTalk 4 Server on Raspberry Pi over HSMM-Mesh

TS in the circles i run stands for TeamSpeak. as in a voice chat software with built in file sharing. Multiple tabs so you can connect to different voice servers and you can run a server on one pc and have anyone else connect to it over the mesh. I've been using it for 10 years not while gaming.
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 Subject :USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users... 2013-08-11- 22:42:50 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users.

Later on this week a few people are getting together at a local part to put together our first local ARES node net. I have a laptop and a usb webcam. So here are my questions for any and all.

1> what software do you run for USB webcams [not ipcams] to allow other nodes/people access? [still shots or live stream?]

2> How did you add a link to the server services so that it's clickable for some one else at another location?  Did you make a home portal web page and point them to a new IP:port address? Did you change the mesh code to have a link in services?

3> Do you have a demo showing your node/webcam up online? Like youtube or your own site?



EDIT: i'm not using version 1.0 as most people who are bringing nodes have not reflashed them yet. But i'm using 0.4.3

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-11- 22:46:51 By ke7rip for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Hyperlink to neighbor node won't work.. 2013-08-11- 22:36:20 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : Hyperlink to neighbor node won't work

I'm curious as to how your made the links. I'll be taking a node to my local ARES meting this week and i want to have service links clickable. So if i have a webcam server going they click. Poof up. I've seen people post snippets of code and say " well i just added this and i had a link", but they never say where the links code was added and i cant seem to find the code. Thanks. I'll take a down link and having one then not.
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 Subject :Re:New User, hopefully with new node up soon..... 2013-08-10- 15:50:19 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Austin
Topic : New User: Node KD4IYI-1 is now operational and on the map!

Thank You!, but by the time I saw your reply, I believe I had already gotten all the research together to support the hypothesis that the WRT54G-TM uses the WRT54GS firmware, I also know that the stock Linksys/T-Mobile initially was a bear to get around, and at the time not worth the bother or risk to DIY when for roughly $10 more than the cheapest price I could get the TM, I could get it modded for stability at high power/usage with additional heatsinks for radio and processor, and loaded with the DD-WRT firmware already, from there it was all a is already up and running, I still need to adjust my router or connect it directly to my cable modem to give it internet access or tunnel it to the rest of the mesh as I don't seem to find any nodes in range yet, I may be able to alleviate that with a better set of antennae, but I'm not sure yet. I'm in a rental house so external unless freestanding and unguyed would be a nono... suggestions welcomed... I'll post my exact latitude/longitude when I get it. Seannon, KD4IYI
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G-TM and/or WAP54G access points.. 2013-08-10- 12:20:45 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 05:43:27
Posts: 11
Location: Austin, Texas
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G-TM and/or WAP54G access points

thanks to all of you, this confirmed mah suspishunz... the WRT54G-TM is an awesome platform ;) I have already had the DD-WRT on it since I got it a few years ago... now to see if I can get it updated, and get to another node... Seannon KD4YI Austin Tx
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