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 Subject :Re:olsr nameservice help?.. 2013-07-31- 08:24:48 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : olsr nameservice help?

I use 'dnsmasq' on my Linux laptop, just like on the WRT54G. Have you gotten the host list generated by 'olsrd' read by 'dnsmasq'???
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 Subject :Re:olsr nameservice help?.. 2013-07-31- 07:15:52 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 01:27:52
Posts: 8
Location: Kansas City Metro Area
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : olsr nameservice help?

The text logs are from KD0NRC-M, and from a web browser on KD0NRC-M, I can access the mesh nodes by IP address. That's how I got the screen shot. For one reason or another, OLSRd's nameservice plugin on my laptop (Ubuntu) isn't happy. This is part of a bigger project to get linux laptops to mesh with one another and other BBHN Nodes, without using an intermediate box like a WRT54G. The name service problem is one of the last pieces I need to solve.
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Kansas City HSMM on G+
KC HSMM Working Group mailing list
 Subject :Re:What to install on a permanent node?.. 2013-07-31- 06:48:44 
Joined: 2013-07-15- 13:27:16
Posts: 14
Forum : Applications
Topic : What to install on a permanent node?

I am in the same boat, I just ordered my second WRT54GS so I am going to try to do something with these, So you just plant to plug the Alfa into the WRT? I was wondering what kind of antenna to use, have you tried this setup yet?
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 Subject :Re:olsr nameservice help?.. 2013-07-31- 05:37:37 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : olsr nameservice help?

I suspect the problem may be that KD0NRC-M is an unknown host in that it doesn't appear to be the host running 'olsrd' here (KD0NRC-1) nor is it an attached host for which it's advertising.

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Last Edited On: 2013-07-31- 05:39:53 By ae5ae for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Shiawasse Amateur Radio Association ~ 2013 FD Mesh.. 2013-07-30- 17:39:56 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Shiawasse Amateur Radio Association ~ 2013 FD Mesh

Thanks very much for the feedback. Glad you got great results with FD logging. Your feedback and the input of all the other users is why the web site was created. Keep on meshing. Rick NG5V
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 Subject :olsr nameservice help?.. 2013-07-30- 17:27:41 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 01:27:52
Posts: 8
Location: Kansas City Metro Area
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : olsr nameservice help?

I'm working to get an Ubuntu VM directly on the mesh with a wifi dongle. I end up with this:

As you can see, it shows my IP addresses, not hostname.

Here's my nameservices config in olsrd.conf:

LoadPlugin ""
    PlParam "sighup-pid-file" "/var/run/"
    PlParam "interval" "30"
    PlParam "timeout" "300"
    PlParam "name-change-script" "touch /tmp/namechange"
    PlParam "name" "KD0NRC-M"
    PlParam "service" "http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP"

Here's some olsrd output:

Of particular concern are the error messages related to the KD0NRC-M nameservices packets:

Plugin param key:"name" val: "KD0NRC-M"
Plugin param key:"service" val: "http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP"
"service"/"http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP"... Got got http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP (main address)
"name"/"KD0NRC-M"... Got got KD0NRC-M (main address)
NAME PLUGIN: insert main addr for name KD0NRC-M 
NAME PLUGIN: invalid or malformed parameter KD0NRC-M (, fix your config!
NAME PLUGIN: ip or hostname KD0NRC-M in service http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP is NOT allowed (does not belong to you)
NAME PLUGIN: invalid or malformed parameter http://KD0NRC-M:0/|tcp|NTP (, fix your config!
NAME PLUGIN: decap type=0, len=8, name=KD0NRC-1
NAME PLUGIN: create new name/service/forwarder entry KD0NRC-1 ( [len=8] [type=0] in linked list
NAME PLUGIN: decap type=0, len=8, name=KD0NRC-1

Any idea what's going on here? noted in the error is KD0NRC-HOMEGW's IP.

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Last Edited On: 2013-07-30- 17:30:22 By kd0nrc for the Reason
Kansas City HSMM on G+
KC HSMM Working Group mailing list
 Subject :Re:serverless voip?.. 2013-07-30- 13:14:58 
Joined: 2013-07-17- 08:47:06
Posts: 8
Forum : VoIP
Topic : serverless voip?

@KC2UGV - Seems to me like I have used both my phones & tablets on a ad-hoc network before, but no they don't show the HSMM-MESH at all. I'll keep messing around with my tablet and see. -Thanks, LeRoy KD8BXP
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 Subject :Starting a BAD or HAD day a month?.. 2013-07-30- 11:57:31 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : Starting a BAD or HAD day a month?

I was wondering if anyone has thought about how to get more nodes on the air across the country?

I am thinking maybe something based on what the Microwavers have - Microwave Activity Day or better known as MAD. It was started years ago to get microwavers out and to test gear to make sure its working and then do any modifications.

Could call it either HSMM-Mesh Activity Day (HAD) or Broadband-Hamnet Activity Day (BAD).

All kidding put aside, how about it, the third weekend of each month everyone goes out to a local park or hill and sees who they can work from there.

Here locally, I probably could work good distances across either across Lake Erie into Ohio or across Lake Michigan into Illinois or Wisconsin.

Any thoughts on this?

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:can't access the router after flash.. 2013-07-30- 09:59:41 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : can't access the router after flash

How are you trying to access the router?

What kind of PC? Windows, Linux, etc.?

Have you rebooted the PC to be sure you get a new IP address?

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-30- 09:55:13 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

David, so far I have tried two "distributions". One is by John GM8PBQ that copies files to the /root directory of the SD card right after you install the Raspbian "Wheezy" image (Debian for the Pi). This still needs some polish but it works. The second is by Scott KK6DCI and is cloned from a github. In worked initially, but now I seem to be having problems with the Alfa driver. More details are listed in posts on the Yahoo Amateur_Radio_Experimenters_Corner group.
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-30- 07:53:41 
Joined: 2011-07-21- 18:26:36
Posts: 30
Location: kj6dzb-10
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

I got a few units ubiquity stations waiting for firmware to. Based on the performance out of the Nanostation M2 and the lesser antenna on the nanostation loco m2 a "backbone" might be better suited to be a MIMO pair Nanostations. Whats the open open air range of a 12-15 dBi omnidirectional antenna, the Ive gotten excellent performance out the nanostation m2 that i installed on a roof top. W6BB is going to start point to point experiments across town. the link here documents the roof top location: Ive done some spectrum analizis of a WIMAX station located on campous and mapped the results in the red lines of the Gmap. wile dooing so ive noticed a lot of noise within the ISM band, this why await the ubiquity FW, in order to escape CH1 <-> CH 14. I would like to off my help writing a wiki. I written for the ghpsdr wiki 73 Mathison KJ6DZB
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o.O 73 KJ6DZB
 Subject :can't access the router after flash.. 2013-07-30- 05:14:13 
Joined: 2013-07-29- 11:11:29
Posts: 2
Location: idaho
Forum : Hardware
Topic : can't access the router after flash

after many tries to flash the firmware it took but now i can't access the router to set it up any help ???

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-30- 01:20:07 
Joined: 2012-09-22- 11:04:45
Posts: 25
Location: Albany NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

Tom, I would love to see the configurations you are using for the Alfa and the Pi. There are some Ubiquity units here awaiting the new MESH firmware update, but twould be a good alternative. Dave KM2O
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 Subject :Re:serverless voip?.. 2013-07-30- 00:52:12 
Joined: 2012-03-22- 08:28:17
Posts: 9
Forum : VoIP
Topic : serverless voip?

What do you mean, they can't see the mesh? Are they not able to see the wireless network? Your phone may/may not be able to connect in ad-hoc mode (The mode I presume the HSSM mesh functions in).
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-29- 21:41:26 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

I have to admit I didn't properly research the possibilities before I pulled the trigger. I have an AWUS036NH arriving tomorrow. I'll try it then. However, N will be useless until another N is nearby. I'll be very happy to detect any other node in my location, G or N. We need a "backbone" of hams to have a 2watt node with a 12-15 dBi omnidirectional antenna on their rooftops. That way 10s of miles connections should be easily possible as long as they are line-of-sight. The less powerful 54Gs can then feed off the nearest backbone node.
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-29- 14:49:14 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 07:22:02
Posts: 23
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

Did you consider getting ther 2000mW product? It is just slightly more expensive and can do N speeds. If so, why did you decide to go with 1000mW?
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-29- 10:09:05 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

Yes, everybody sees everybody else. Oh man, the RPi is sooooo much better of a development platform than the Linksys router!
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 Subject :HSMM-Mesh @ Detroit Maker Faire.. 2013-07-29- 09:30:20 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh @ Detroit Maker Faire

Hello everyone.

Had my two nodes up and running this past weekend out at the Amateur Radio booth at the Detroit Maker Faire.  Had a lot of interest from the hams that did not know about it and pointed them here and to the latest QST article.

Four hams came by (at different times) that knew what I was doing and we talked about what they were doing in their areas with hsmm. One had a node installed in his vehicle (which I never saw on my links page) and traveled the state to see what he could find. The others were 'thinking' about doing it and I encouraged them to get them up and running if nothing else :)

As for my setup, still working on how to install one node up high enough so as to be effective. Looking for a 'cheap' enclosure that will put up with the local conditions. Have plenty of antennas to choose from.

I also picked up a Raspberry pi in the Makershed after one of my volunteers brought his in and showed me exactly what it can do. Looking at this to go into the Xb along with my other node for rovering. Getting ideas on what could be done with the 'pi' and hsmm and other things :)

Didn't have the turn out this year like previous years because of weather and procrastination on my part in getting things organized. Other than that, it was a good showing this year.

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running.. 2013-07-29- 09:11:21 
Joined: 2012-09-22- 11:04:45
Posts: 25
Location: Albany NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Raspberry Pi and Alfa 1 watt wireless USB up and running

I smell a program here. Do you have WRT54G based nodes talking with this? Stock antenna on the Alfa?
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 Subject :Re:serverless voip?.. 2013-07-29- 09:03:01 
Joined: 2013-07-17- 08:47:06
Posts: 8
Forum : VoIP
Topic : serverless voip?

N7EGO - I've not played with Linphone in a while, but if it works, Ekiga should not have any issues working. I had considered using my old android phones, but didn't want to use an access point, would love a way to get them to connect directly to the mesh, that would solve a lot of "little" issues, and the need for a full computer system. KC2UGV - Just downloaded Serval on two of my android phones, I can get them to connect to each other, but they don't see the HSMM-MESH - any ideas? both phones are rooted and both are running a non-standard rom (I should say a thrid party rom) - so if you have any idea how to get them to connect to the HSMM-MESH that might solve everything there as well (I am guessing you are using an AP?) I do like what I see using Serval beta software thou. Thanks, -LeRoy, KD8BXP
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