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 Subject :Re:Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-18- 10:15:04 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Thank You Leon
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 Subject :Re:Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area.. 2012-05-18- 08:13:47 
Joined: 2012-04-25- 17:47:09
Posts: 1
Forum : Philadelphia
Topic : Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area

I'm working on a node or three right now. I'm located in Upper Providence, Delaware County, PA (FM29hw). If anyone is interested in testing things please reach out to
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 Subject :Re:Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website.. 2012-05-17- 16:54:02 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website

Answers inline

What kind of bandwidth can be expected with a standard configuration?  

The units are capable of 54Mb/s. In optimum conditions, I dont see why not. Example: my neighbor and I sent files back and forth through Live Oaks and Cedars: 6.39MB PDF in 56 Seconds. Not great, but again, through a couple hundred feet of dense vegetation, and didnt take 4 days at 1200baud......

What kind of traffic is prohibited?  

TECHNICALLY, we are just sending 1's and 0's (an MP3 streamed over mesh TECHNICALLY should be  OK, as its not analog music from the radio).... But you are not allowed to obscure the meaning, so httpS/SSH/etc well, use your own best judgement, as its YOUR license.Wink

Any estimated costs for cabling, power and antenna equipment to operate one node?

Node: $15-$50. Antennas: Free(DIY)->$Hundreds Cabling: Some ants come with pigtails, but other than that, prefer high quality coax with low loss at microwave freqs, keep short as possible. Power: 12v @ ~ 1a, Enclosures: Nice NEMA Al die cast: $30

Can a node act as a bridge between the mesh network and the Internet?  

Yes. Connect WAN to internet source (another wifi router, modems, etc), in the WAN setup section  click the GATEWAY box, and voila, it lets the whole mesh talk to the internet. If more than one node is set as a gateway, OLSR figures out best path.

Finally, the website suggestion:  the account creation page and the forum login page are both served over HTTP, meaning that anyone between me and your website server can intercept my traffic and see my password.  I understand that it's just a forum login, nothing high-value here, but it's still not best practice and SSL certificates can be bought and implemented pretty cheaply.  It's not a deal-breaker at all, just something to think about for future website upgrades.  :)

Understood. Right now the site is being hosted for free (subsidized by my other paying clients), and havent gotten around to getting a cert for it yet. Since we are not handling credit cards and very minimal personal info, I didnt see it as a high priority yet.

Thank you for any replies and info, I know I'm asking some specific networking questions and I may be wording them wrong.  HSMM-MESH has sparked some ideas and possibilities in my mind and I'm trying to get more info about its capabilities.  

Go get your ticket and get some nodes up and going !! Cool
Then email me ( and Ill put them on the googlemap so others can link to you.

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 15:57:58 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

When you set it to a Mesh AP, it changes the LAN IP from to 0.2, and 'localnode' doesnt call it, so use this URL: 

and you should be able to get back into it.



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:58:43 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Read about why a mesh node is different from an AP.




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 Subject :Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:39:00 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Downloaded HSMM-Mesh Software into 2 routers.


I changed 1 by selecting MESH AP in one of them and that is the one I no longer can get at via the LAN.

Did I just trash the router or is there any hope to recover it???

It no longer tells me, via the working router, that it is Ad Hoc and is on channel 6 instead of channel 1 as i programmed both..


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 Subject :Re:Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website.. 2012-05-17- 14:37:21 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 13:24:37
Posts: 0
Forum : General
Topic : Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website

I don't yet have a call sign, I'm going to sign up for a local Technician exam prep class and hopefully I'll be all set by the end of June. :)
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 Subject :Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:35:54 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Downloaded HSMM-Mesh Software into 2 routers.


I changed 1 by selecting MESH AP in one of them and that is the one I no longer can get at via the LAN.

Did I just trash the router or is there any hope to recover it???

It no longer tells me, via the working router, that it is Ad Hoc and is on channel 6 instead of channel 1 as i programmed both..


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 Subject :Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website.. 2012-05-17- 14:34:40 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 13:24:37
Posts: 0
Forum : General
Topic : Several functionality questions and a suggestion for the website

Please forgive my odd call sign, I did not realize it would be my username.

I'm very excited about this project, I've been interested in mesh networking for a while and this implementation of it seems robust and unique enough to manage many modern networking needs.  I have several questions that I did not see covered in the FAQ thought it's possible I missed finding my answers.

What kind of bandwidth can be expected with a standard configuration?  I understand that range between devices and the kind of traffic being sent can greatly affect the throughput, so for example let's say an IRC client or other text-only application that's being used by 20 or so end-users / nodes?  Is this one of those things where I won't know until I set up equipment and test and tweak it?

What kind of traffic is prohibited?  Certain protocols or applications, like HTTPS or VOIP or VPN?  How would the FCC monitor the network to determine that prohibited protocols are being used, standard signal triangulation like when tracking down pirate radio broadcast?

Any estimated costs for cabling, power and antenna equipment to operate one node?

Can a node act as a bridge between the mesh network and the Internet?  I didn't see anywhere if this kind of functionality is possible.  I assume that a computer with two NICs should be able to have one connected to the Internet and the other to a mesh node with some sort of server or routing software installed on the computer to handle the DNS and the bridged traffic. For example, could an IP camera attached to a mesh node be accessed remotely, like a user with a laptop in an airport or from a smart phone that can SSH in to the bridging device?  I assume the mesh network would all be behind one external IP and the mesh nodes would be on it's own private IP address subnet.  What would happen if two nodes on the same local mesh network were bridged to the internet?  I can see conflicts arising if someone sets up a rogue mesh server and starts to play havoc with DHCP or routing tables.  Or maybe not, I haven't read enough about OSLR to understand how it handles those issues.


Finally, the website suggestion:  the account creation page and the forum login page are both served over HTTP, meaning that anyone between me and your website server can intercept my traffic and see my password.  I understand that it's just a forum login, nothing high-value here, but it's still not best practice and SSL certificates can be bought and implemented pretty cheaply.  It's not a deal-breaker at all, just something to think about for future website upgrades.  :)

Thank you for any replies and info, I know I'm asking some specific networking questions and I may be wording them wrong.  HSMM-MESH has sparked some ideas and possibilities in my mind and I'm trying to get more info about its capabilities.  

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 Subject :Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:33:53 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Downloaded HSMM-Mesh Software into 2 routers.


I changed 1 by selecting MESH AP in one of them and that is the one I no longer can get at via the LAN.

Did I just trash the router or is there any hope to recover it???

It no longer tells me, via the working router, that it is Ad Hoc and is on channel 6 instead of channel 1 as i programmed both..


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 Subject :Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:33:46 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Downloaded HSMM-Mesh Software into 2 routers.


I changed 1 by selecting MESH AP in one of them and that is the one I no longer can get at via the LAN.

Did I just trash the router or is there any hope to recover it???

It no longer tells me, via the working router, that it is Ad Hoc and is on channel 6 instead of channel 1 as i programmed both..


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 Subject :Can't Access Router WRT54G.. 2012-05-17- 14:32:23 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can't Access Router WRT54G

Downloaded HSMM-Mesh Software into 2 routers.


I changed 1 by selecting MESH AP in one of them and that is the one I no longer can get at via the LAN.

Did I just trash the router or is there any hope to recover it???

It no longer tells me, via the working router, that it is Ad Hoc and is on channel 6 instead of channel 1 as i programmed both..


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 Subject :Re:Gateway no longer working......... 2012-05-17- 12:46:10 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Gateway no longer working.......

I am having this problem as well, I've checked and rechecked everything I can think of. Any help would be appreciated fer sure.
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-05-15- 07:47:44 
Joined: 2012-05-14- 17:57:26
Posts: 4
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I am also just getting started here.  It seems this would be a effective way to run a remote controlled station where the remote site otherwise doesn't have access to the i-net.

My first direction is for a dedicated link for a video monitor of a RV in storage facility 2 miles away.

Also would be perfect for long range nest cameras or other wildlife monitoring devices.

I should have a main i-net connected node up at height in a couple of weeks here in EN82.



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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-05-15- 07:44:45 
Joined: 2012-05-14- 17:57:26
Posts: 4
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I am also just getting started here.  It seems this would be a effective way to run a remote controlled station where the remote site otherwise doesn't have access to the i-net.

My first direction is for a dedicated link for a video monitor of a RV in storage facility 2 miles away.

Also would be perfect for long range nest cameras or other wildlife monitoring devices.

I should have a main i-net connected node up at height in a couple of weeks here in EN82.



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 Subject :Gateway no longer working......... 2012-05-15- 04:42:18 
Joined: 2012-02-07- 11:50:40
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Gateway no longer working.......

A couple weeks ago I had my nodes all up and running. One of them was selected as the "MESH Gateway" and connected to the internet. It was working great and all nodes in the network had internet access. Now this morning I fire up things and I no longer have internet across the system. I do still get internet from the NODE when connected directly though, but no where else on the network.

Any thoughts, solutions?

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 Subject :Re:irc Server Configuration.. 2012-05-14- 20:41:16 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Applications
Topic : irc Server Configuration


   The setup instructions would be the same if you are using a Windows 7 machine because the instructions are for interacting with the WRT54G router. I suspect that the real challenge for you will be gain the knowledge necessary to interact with the Linux shell and editor on the router itself in order to properly configure the server. I wish I could deliver a web interface to do the configuration but, at this time, that just isn't in the cards. I would suggest you find someone that's knowledgeable about Linux to assist you.

Good luck!


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Last Edited On: 2012-05-14- 21:35:23 By ae5ae for the Reason
 Subject :Re:irc Server Configuration.. 2012-05-14- 16:03:18 
Joined: 2012-04-20- 15:28:51
Posts: 4
Location: Madison, MS
Forum : Applications
Topic : irc Server Configuration

I the setup routine the same if I am using a Win7 machine?  I saw the sheet from AE5AE, but could not find that file needed... or at least I thought I needed.  I am totally new at this and it is overwhelming at times.  I have 2 regular nodes flashed and working as well as 2 other people around town.  We are going to try to get a chat program going on a 4mb unit that I have. 


Bill R.


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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-05-12- 08:56:13 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97


I think your question is very relevant and have thought about it myself. Perhaps it is worth its own thread.

As KD5MFW pointed out, the software does not use WEP/WPA or any other sort of encryption. However, as you point out the users of the mesh could send SSL or other encrypted traffic over the mesh. Does this violate part 97? I have no idea. I am also not a lawyer (IANAL) so I couldn't even begin to give you an educated legal answer to this.

However, I can tell you what I am working on doing. I will not allow traffic that has the potential for encryption, such as port 443 (HTTPS). I will block it at some device. That way, I won't be in possible violation of part 97. To be honest, I am working towards a white list of ports that are allowed. It would be trivial to add another port to that list if needed.

Is this the right approach? I don't know, but that is the direction I am headed.



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Last Edited On: 2012-05-12- 09:02:45 By AC7BR for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-05-11- 07:19:20 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97

Oops. Looks like I stumbled across a sensitive topic. :-) I understand that the firmware doesn't encrypt anything, but, it would pass TCP/IP packets that contained encrypted data. I was just curious how/if that would affect part 97. Anyway, I'll drop the topic. Darryl - K5DLQ
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Darryl - K5DLQ
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