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 Subject :Re:DIY Antenna's?.. 2012-04-08- 18:43:55 
Joined: 2012-04-08- 23:35:28
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DIY Antenna's?

Has anyone tried out this approach: Theoretically it is 12 dB of gain.
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 Subject :Re:irc Server Configuration.. 2012-04-08- 17:24:38 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Applications
Topic : irc Server Configuration

If you want to use just linux SSH, you need to do it:

ssh -p 2222 node-name-or-ip-address

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:irc Server Configuration.. 2012-04-08- 06:32:27 
Joined: 2012-03-01- 14:55:45
Posts: 12
Location: Owen Sound, On
Forum : Applications
Topic : irc Server Configuration

Hi Dale, download a program called "Putty", this will allow you to ssh into the router. Once you get it running, use your node name as a hostname and port 2222, after a brief security message you get to input your routers username/password and then you will see something like "openwrt" and then the command prompt, you can edit the config file with vi now...73 Tom
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 Subject :Re:Portable VOIP server.. 2012-04-07- 16:47:49 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Portable VOIP server

Did a bit more looking and someone has already done it. Really can't wait to get this thing going.
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 Subject :Re:Portable VOIP server.. 2012-04-07- 16:38:05 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Portable VOIP server

Got a Slug on the way. What kind of Asterisk server can run on this?
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-04-06- 19:24:51 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97

Hi Pete,

As I understand the HSMM-MESH firmware, it does not operate in a way that changes it from a part 15 device to a part 97 device. The device is using power output that is available to both part 15 and part 97 devices. Furthermore, the frequencies are also available to part 15 and part 97 devices. The operator of the device can choose to operate under part 97 rules by increasing the output power via an amplifier or using higher gain antennas.

If my understanding is correct, than an operator of a HSMM-MESH devices does not need to use a callsign for the SSID unless he/she chooses to operate under part 97 rules by increasing power and/or gain.

My supposed "understanding" is what prompted my original post. I want to make sure I really understand how the HSMM-MESH device operates and that I don't violate any FCC rules. With that in mind, please correct me if I am wrong.



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Last Edited On: 2012-04-06- 19:36:13 By AC7BR for the Reason Fixed formatting.
 Subject :irc Server Configuration.. 2012-04-06- 16:10:41 
Joined: 2011-11-08- 19:12:21
Posts: 2
Forum : Applications
Topic : irc Server Configuration

I am new to hsmm-mesh.  I followed the irc server installation instructions successfully until I got to the server configuration section.  I've never done ssh before, so I just jumped in and tried to connect via a terminal window (Ubuntu 10,04 LTS) and ssh (ssh  I get a "Connection refused" error.  After reading some of the OpenWRT docs, I tried putty, with the same results.

I need some assistance with making a telnet or ssh connection to the hsmm router.  I have the PC attached to one of the router's LAN ports.

Thanks for any assistance with this aggravating problem.


Dale.  KG5LT

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 Subject :Re:DIY Antenna's?.. 2012-04-06- 07:51:18 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DIY Antenna's?

Download this free book. It tells all about setting up a mesh netowrk and has sample DIY antennas. -KD5MFW
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 Subject :dropbear ssh-agent forwarding.. 2012-04-06- 04:46:39 
Joined: 2012-04-04- 14:34:09
Posts: 1
Location: Boulder Creek, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : dropbear ssh-agent forwarding

I have my .ssh/ file installed on several mesh nodes. From my linux laptop, I can ssh into any of the nodes, and it succeeds without asking for a password. But, if I try to ssh again, from a mesh node into another mesh node, it does query for password, i.e. it appears that ssh-agent forwarding is not working.

After Google searching, I see that dropbear version 0.52 is supposed to support ssh-agent forwarding, but there may have been a bug which was fixed in 0.53, and 0.55 is the latest version. The dropbear included in hsmm-mesh 0.4.2 is version 0.50. I also found which suggests using openssh-server instead of dropbear.

Is a prebuilt binary of dropbear 0.55 available? Should I try to build it? Should I try using openssh-server? Any other suggestions or information?

- John AC6SL

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 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-04-04- 17:46:54 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Here's the post about the 70cm idea.
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 Subject :Re:Welcome.. 2012-04-04- 08:27:54 
Joined: 2012-04-02- 21:28:05
Posts: 1
Location: Port Charlotte,Fla winter/OwenSound,On summer
Forum : Volusia County FL
Topic : Welcome

Hello,,my name is Gene,,VE3IJD and I have an APRS I-Gate in Port Charlotte and just flashed a WRT54Gv3 router for Mesh too...nothing going on in PC but we are heading back to OwenSound Ontario where a friend of mine, Tom VE3TSA has been busy experimenting with MESH and he's the fellow who got me interested. Maybe when I bring my router back next spring you will have a great network going down here...73..Gene
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 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-04-02- 17:16:44 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 17:05:07
Posts: 2
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Lee, I am about 3 miles SE of you. I wonder if you have something up at home? My first is running as WA8KCW-1, two more on order. When I get one up on my roof, I will let you know, so we can give it a try. No dishes or high gain antennas yet here. I do have an old dish that has shown about 10db of gain in the past. If it seems appropriate I can probably cludge something to get connected. I don't have a tower here, so it may be futile. Perhaps we should chat on Skype, I am only on 40M es 20M SSB right now. 73, Fred
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 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-04-02- 12:47:31 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Great Fred! Glad you're on the bandwagon! What part of town are you in?
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-04-02- 05:36:02 
Joined: 2012-03-03- 03:05:58
Posts: 6
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97

Hi Pete,

The issue of sending a call sign really doesn't have any effect on Part 15 vs Part 97 operation in my opinion. A part 15 user can pick absolutely any SSID that they wish, including an amateur radio call sign to which they have no claim. There is nothing in any part of the FCC regulations that prohibits such use. The fact that this is used to facilitate our need to identify a Part 97 device is incidental to the discussion unless you could prove that the Part 15 person used it for a nefarious purpose to gain access to your station.

To the best of my knowledge. when using an access point that has been flashed with the HSMM-MESH firmware, the channel to frequency correlation is not changed from that of a standard consumer Part 15 device. While it is true that Amateur Radio operators have a primary allocation for channels 1-6, I don't think you will find any sympathy from the FCC for a complaint that a Part 15 device is associating with your Part 97 device. Consider the huge commercial pressure that would be brought on the FCC if they started making such rulings. There is plenty of prima facia evidence, in my opinion, that the FCC is heavily swayed by commercial influences in such cases.

We must also consider that the FCC could actually come back and site that under 97.3(a)(13) that you as the control operator are responsible for proper operation of your Part 97 station and that you have not taken the necessary steps to protect your station from Part 15 devices - particularly since you should reasonably be aware of the potential "interference". They could further point to 97.219(d)(1) and say that you are equally accountable for all messages passed since you didn't authenticate the other "station". A more precedent FCC response could be that in fact your are not operating a Part 97 device but instead it is a Part 15 device for the reasons sited in my earlier post.

The good news is that very few, if any, home users will have installed the OLSR software in their AP. This is the essential code that makes the HSMM_MESH work as a mesh AP instead of a normal AP. Without this installed in their AP, your HSMM_MESH AP won't even recognize their AP. So there is some protection built in through this level of obscurity. If OLSR were to become popular, then a better authentication scheme for HSMM-MESH would probably need to be deployed to meet the authentication requirement of 97.219(d)(1). I say this because simply having a call sign in the SSID of an OLSR enabled AP probably doesn't meet a reasonable test of authentication in that scenario.

- Glenn DJ0IQ and W9IQ

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Last Edited On: 2012-04-02- 05:58:34 By DJ0IQ for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Getting DMZ Server Right.. 2012-04-02- 03:40:57 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Getting DMZ Server Right

If you have the netbook in DMZ, that means all ports NOT forwarded elsewhere will go to the Netbook.

Then to advertise, on the right side, give it any name you want (this will be seen by others), if it is a web service or something a link could get them to, you click the LINK checkbox, then the next field would be for FTP or HTTP or IRC, (the protocol for that link).

Then after 'unchangeable-node-name:' you put in the port number that service uses (web/http is port 80, FTP is 21, ssh is 22, etc), then if necessary, you can put a direct path to whatever.

for example on mine that I have the IRC server installed:

IRC   (check)   irc  ://K5KTF-USB:    6667    {blank}

which then puts a link named IRC on the mesh status page for that node. When someone on my mesh clicks that link, it automatically opens their IRC client (I use mIRC) and starts the chat session.





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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :DIY Antenna's?.. 2012-04-01- 13:19:29 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DIY Antenna's?

Has anyone built any DIY antenna's?  If so can you post some pictures, hints, prints etc......

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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Getting DMZ Server Right.. 2012-04-01- 12:59:51 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 17:07:59
Posts: 1
Location: Virgin Islands
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Getting DMZ Server Right

Help! I'm very new to this, but absolutely fascinated with the HSMM-Mesh. Here is my scenario:

I have three nodes all running and seeing each other. So far just using three as a proof of concept before I talk others into getting involved. On Node A I want to have a dedicated netbook hosting pictures, programs and files for Node B and Node C to use.  I installed an IP camera and probably more luck than skill got it working across all Nodes. The netbook is proving to be more challenging. So far the Current DHCP Leases has acknowledged my netbook and I see a host name " EeeMINI", IP Adress of, and a MAC Address.  I added it to the DHCP Address Reservation.  I then added the "EeeMINI" to the DMZ Server field by the drop down menu. 

This is where I hit a brick wall. How do I advertise the "EeeMINI" to the other Nodes? How do I fill the Port Forwarding fields or do I leave it blank?  How do I fill the Advertised Services fields?  Not sure how to fill the URL field.  Do I have to drill down to the exact location on the hard drive where the files will be located?

I see another topic string on DMZ Server, but just can't make out what to do next. 



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 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-04-01- 12:24:42 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 17:05:07
Posts: 2
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Hello, Looks like you are well on the road ! I just got a new GL that I intend to implement eventially. I am starting the learning curve, good to see others active here in ABQ ! Fred
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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-04-01- 07:10:07 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I had trouble finding the file that the article talks about, But I finally did find it email me if you can't find it.
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-04-01- 05:51:38 
Joined: 2012-03-01- 14:55:45
Posts: 12
Location: Owen Sound, On
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

Thanks for the help Andrew, I'll give this a try ..73 Tom
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