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 Subject :First Time!.. 2012-03-31- 18:54:31 
Joined: 2012-03-12- 21:41:42
Posts: 3
Location: Macedon, NY
Forum : General
Topic : First Time!

We had fun time getting HSMM-MESH up and running at my QTH for the first time today!  We flashed two WRT54G's and set up one on the Internet.  We were able to get to the Internet from the other one and from a mobile node my partner in crime had brought with him installed in his car.  I now have a fixed, Internet-connected node here in the house full time.  Easy to set up, easy to use and I am sending the forum post while connected via HSMM-MESH right now!

Thanks for the great tech and experimenting fun!  We will be improving our equipment and experience and doing a presentation/demonstration at a meeting this Fall.



Macedon, NY, USA.

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 Subject :Don't throw away the routers that won't do the mesh... 2012-03-31- 14:49:04 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Don't throw away the routers that won't do the mesh.

Ok, so I had a router that I bought at a pawn shop for 5 bucks,  I'd hoped it would be a mesh router but alas it was not.  So what to do with it now, I already have a router for my computers (internet) that works fine.    hummmm.............   So I made it a secure mesh AP.  Quite simple really.  you log into it locally and set up the wireless password, name, channel # (7 or higher), etc.  Then go to the main setup screen and change the IP to and disable DHCP.  You can then use a network cable between a lan port of the secure AP and a lan port of the Mesh node you wish to access with your wireless card.  On your computer laptop whatever scan for wireless networks find your AP and connect to it and BANG your on the Mesh.  This solved my problem of using the HSMM-MESH AP since it was not secure and I didn't want just anybody to be able to access the mesh.

Hope this helps someone.



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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-30- 00:45:36 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I agree, One thing that I do want to work on soon is to get the server put on to all my nodes and have them work together in case one node goes down the next server node can pick right up and carry on.
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-29- 19:41:35 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

Thanks!  Now that IS awesome!   It should be a standard option that could be put on one node of a mesh.

Great way for general messaging/chat and file transfer.

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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-29- 14:43:39 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

yes it does. ""
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-03-29- 14:42:28 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Ok, now I have eight nodes ready to go, I have 2.4Ghz Amps, some antennas, mostly directional very high gain, but if someone wants to buy some omnidirectional higher gain antennas, we can combine with the stuff I have to start building our local mesh.
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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-29- 14:38:51 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

Andrew, Does the IRC server run on the Node?? That would be great!
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 Subject :Re:I need help.. 2012-03-29- 14:27:21 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : Hardware
Topic : I need help


I had this problem on one of my nodes too. I followed the instructions and everything is fine now.

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-29- 14:29:38 By NT5LA for the Reason
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-29- 12:35:11 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

Hi Tom, The first thing I did was to set up a IRC server. IRC is Internet Relay Chat. you can then open up a chat room and any node connected to a computer can join the Chat. I used this in my Demonstration to show the guys around here how it works. I found all the information on this website and the VI editor website @ The IRC client that worked good for me was XChat also a free download. This was a fun project and showed how all the nodes could communicate across the mesh. Hope this helps some Andrew NT5LA
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :Re:I need help.. 2012-03-28- 11:01:17 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Hardware
Topic : I need help

Hi Tim,

There is a step-by-step walk-through under HSMM Files 

Either as a PDF or as a Powerpoint

Im guessing you didnt refresh your local network card settings after the initial flash, and get new DHCP IP's and stuff.

But the step-by-step should help out. If not, reply back on where exactly in the process you are and Ill try and help.





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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :I need help.. 2012-03-27- 08:11:51 
Joined: 2012-03-27- 12:54:38
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : I need help

i need help with setup password after the first flash

i get to the router and i click setup

it asks me for password

i havent got as far as setting my call in the unit yet

i havent changed the password and the password isnt 

root and admin

please help thanks Tim

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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-27- 05:59:27 
Joined: 2012-03-01- 14:55:45
Posts: 12
Location: Owen Sound, On
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

"Ham radio, being a tiny sub-segment of the population, containing an even tinier sub-segment interested." Maybe there is a reason the interest is not there. If hams can't get started, and asking for help seems to just generate more questions, then I might as well put aprs on the routers and move on ... 73
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-03-27- 05:16:34 
Joined: 2012-03-19- 15:49:37
Posts: 8
Location: San Benito Texas
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97

One thing different from the Part 15 device - The HSMM-MESH configuration requires that you put in an identifier which is your call sign, and broadcasts that are part of the regular sequence of operation - every 5 minutes  as I recall. We are also selecting a frequency within the ham bands to do our operation.

And as would happen in the other modes of communication - if a non-ham were to try to join our mesh we would find some way to exclude him/ report the illegal operation.

Not a whole lot different fro me retuning some old commercial gear for 2 Meters and 440.

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Pete - KF2QD
 Subject :New node in San Francisco (Bernal Heights).. 2012-03-27- 04:50:22 
Joined: 2012-03-26- 15:15:39
Posts: 5
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : New node in San Francisco (Bernal Heights)

Node Location: Near Coso Ave and Mirabel Ave in San Francisco


Node Name = N2TIQ-100

Frequency = 2.412Ghz (WiFi Channel 1)

No services or anything yet, but wanted to get a radio up. Anyone else in San Francisco have any nodes running?

Jeff N2TIQ

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G V1 Installation Problem.. 2012-03-27- 01:45:57 
Joined: 2012-03-19- 14:45:59
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : WRT54G V1 Installation Problem

I tried TFTP2 as the router booted and just after, both failed.  I tried this: but it couldn't find the router.  I tried this but no luck. This is starting to look futile.  

Thanks, Michael N4MJR

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 Subject :Re:Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-27- 01:03:33 
Joined: 2012-03-22- 08:28:17
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I understand your goal, but what I don't see is what specifically do you need assistance with?

* Initial Set up?

* Server configuration for various applications?

* Network design?

etc etc

[ve3tsa 2012-03-26- 10:00:39]:

I put what I was/am trying to do as the first post in this thread. I'm not sure how I could elaborate more. I have been reading over the info from Glenn.

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G V1 Installation Problem.. 2012-03-26- 18:36:08 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : WRT54G V1 Installation Problem

ANy updates?
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 Subject :Re:Getting Started.. 2012-03-26- 10:00:39 
Joined: 2012-03-01- 14:55:45
Posts: 12
Location: Owen Sound, On
Forum : General
Topic : Getting Started

I put what I was/am trying to do as the first post in this thread. I'm not sure how I could elaborate more. I have been reading over the info from Glenn.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2012-03-24- 20:20:19 
Joined: 2012-03-12- 21:41:42
Posts: 3
Location: Macedon, NY
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

Thanks, and thanks for not pointing out my obvious error - I meant of course 150mW and 75mW, at least that is what the firmware claimed.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2012-03-24- 16:38:55 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

Hi Brad,

If you go to SETUP and login, on the main screen (in the ACTIVE SETTINGS category, under the RX ANTENNA and the TX ANTENNA settings (by default =Diversity)), it shows TX POWER, and by default is set to max 19dBm, or 79mW.

You CAN crank it down from there if need be (like when driving an amp, you should take it down under 5dBm to keeps the spurs and spokes from happening).


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
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