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 Subject :Re:Re:PoE any good or bad thoughts?.. 2012-04-18- 09:06:34 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PoE any good or bad thoughts?

I've run WRT54G and GS directly from the 13.8v supply in my motor home (which often is about 14.5v), and I've run them on 9v wall-warts.  Except for WRT54Gv1, they have internal 5v regulators.  The regulator runs a little hotter on higher voltages because it's dropping the input a little more, but I've never had one fail.  Anyway, I wouldn't worry about the losses from a 12v supply working over a couple hundred feet of CAT5e.

[W5LMM 2012-04-16- 17:59:21]:

Just remember if you have long cable runs, you will need to calculate loss for those cable diameters, and increase your input power accordingly.

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Last Edited On: 2012-04-18- 09:12:10 By NN5I for the Reason
-- Carl
 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-18- 08:44:24 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

The power LED never lights at all.  The Easy Setup LED lights up after a while and glows steady white.  The other three LEDs (wireless, internet, and ethernet) appear to operate normally, each in accord with what's happening on those three interfaces.  There is no DMZ LED.

The ethernet port and the internet port (RJ-45s) apparently are swapped in function with HSMM-MESH running.

Except for those cosmetic items, HSMM-MESH appears to run just fine on the WTR54GS -- which is what I originally expected, since the circuitry is basically the same as a WRT54GS.  Note that only Version 1 of the WTR54GS (serial number starting SJH0) has enough EPROM and RAM to run HSMM-MESH:  4M and 16M respectively.  Later versions (SJH1 and later) have only half as much.

Perhaps these things could be corrected in a version special-made for the WTR54GS, or perhaps a future common release could detect what it's running on and behave accordingly.

If any developer would like to work on such a version, I would happily supply a WTR54GS to experiment with.  Just tell me where to send it.

 -- Carl

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Last Edited On: 2012-04-18- 08:52:44 By NN5I for the Reason Minor corrections.
-- Carl
 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-18- 05:09:23 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

That's Awesome!!  Glad you dug it out and tried again!  We would have never known otherwise!

How about the lights?  still not working?

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 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-17- 21:47:28 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

I spoke too soon. It works. A couple hours after I threw it away, it was time to carry out the trash. I decided to play a little more and dug it out. The WTR54GS has only two CAT5 ports. One is labeled "internet" and is normally the WAN port. The other is labeled "ethernet" and is normally the LAN port. I had tried to get DHCP services etc. from the "ethernet" port. I decided to try the other port, and Lo! -- I got DHCP. Then I went after the Web interface -- and got it! So I was able to configure the node. Except that on the WTR54GS the WAN and LAN ports apppear to be reversed, HSMM-MESH works just fine. The binary that I loaded, by the way, is the one listed for the WRT54GS. It works. It all seems perfectly normal and is just like being on a WRT54G, except for having only one local port instead of four. My two mesh nodes (one running on a WRT54G and one running on this WTR54GS Travel Router) see each other and seem to talk to each other. So my original conjecture, that it would work on a WTR54GS, seems correct. And I almost threw it away because it didn't occur to me to try sticking the cable in the other hole. It's a drag being old and pigheaded. -- Carl

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Last Edited On: 2012-10-25- 14:19:07 By NN5I for the Reason
-- Carl
 Subject :What works to get people interested?.. 2012-04-17- 19:52:02 
Joined: 2012-03-12- 00:04:10
Posts: 5
Location: Northern California, SF East Bay
Forum : General
Topic : What works to get people interested?

I see comments that suggest a robust mesh network reaches critical mass somewhere around 40 or so nodes.  In those areas where that density has been achieved, I'd love to know what got you there?

My reading and shopping around indicates that a good mesh node installation is going to run between $200 and $300... not much more than a good HT.  However most of my ham buddies are serious skinflints as far as investing in new equipment, unless they get jazzed about a project.  Then things happen quickly.

So in those regions where you have been successful, What sells the MESH?  How have you gone about recruiting new node operator/owners?

What bombed; what worked?

Planning a campaign and looking for ideas.


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 Subject :Re:Best place to buy WRT54GL.. 2012-04-17- 19:25:38 
Joined: 2012-03-12- 00:04:10
Posts: 5
Location: Northern California, SF East Bay
Forum : General
Topic : Best place to buy WRT54GL

Be careful on eBay.  Of three "WRT54GL" routers I recently picked up, for an average price of $25, ONE was the real deal.  One was a WRT54G version 3.0, compatible so I kept it.  The third was a WRT54G version 6.0, unusable for this application (not enough RAM) Fortunately that seller is accepting a return, so it's on its way back.

Since then I've begun asking for and getting serial numbers on the listings I am interested in.  Most sellers are glad to oblige.

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 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-17- 14:28:43 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

Well, now I know.  What I found out is that it bricks it so thoroughly that the power light doesn't come on at all and it won't ping at any address, so TFTP recovery is not possible.  Probably a JTAG recovery would work, but it's too much work.  Ah, well, I took that risk with eyes open.  I still have three of these, and they've been on a shelf for a long time because I don't need them; and several WRT54G and GS routers (not to mention some Netgear N routers), all running DD-WRT and mostly on a shelf too.  So I threw it away.

This would make me feel dumb, except that nothing makes me feel dumb.

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-- Carl
 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-17- 08:00:43 
Joined: 2012-01-18- 15:04:10
Posts: 6
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

Yeah they only problem with em is they're getting more expensive used while the wrt version is getting cheaper. Interested to hear what you find out though.
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 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-17- 08:00:40 
Joined: 2012-01-18- 15:04:10
Posts: 6
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

Edited my original post.

Saw one go on ebay for $35 bucks.  So that's not so bad.  

Interested to hear what you find out.

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Last Edited On: 2012-04-17- 08:03:56 By KF4BAE for the Reason
 Subject :Team Speak 3 - VoIP Conferencing.. 2012-04-17- 04:32:08 
Joined: 2012-02-07- 11:50:40
Posts: 17
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Team Speak 3 - VoIP Conferencing

TeamSpeak 3 - VoIP Conferencing

Team Speak 3 (TS3) is a powerful Server and Client software package for voice conferencing. Once set up any user on the MESH can access the TS3 Server using the client software. Within the server you can set up various channels, and permissions for users. TS3 also allows the use of a Shared File Storage Folder for every channel.

Our group is going to deploy TS3 over the MESH to accomplish several tasks. First is the obvious use of Voice and Text chat over the network. Second is a file server. By adding a couple of other plugins we also will have a live whiteboard for drawing out various information.We also could connect a scanner or radio and stream audio to the server. 

West Michigan MESH TS3

Team Speak

Anyways.... Now onto the good stuff: How to get it set up!

Team Speak 3 Server Set Up for MESH:

First you will need to download the server software from Team Speak. The server can run under Windows, Linux, and Mac. There are many tutorials for getting the server set up depending on what type of O/S you are using.

After getting the initial setup you will want to get a Non-Profit License from Team Speak this allows you to run the sever over a LAN network, and also increases the allowed virtual servers, channels, and users. TeamSpeak will email you a .dat file that needs to be placed into the server folder. 

Now to set up the MESH Ports:

  • Both, UDP, 9987,, 9987
  • Both, TCP, 30033,, 30033
  • Both, TCP, 10011,, 10011

And now advertise the TS3 Server:

  • link= ts3server 9987

At this point you should be ready to start up the server. The Server itself has no interface, it will just run in the background, or in the taskbar. you will admin the server via the client (other options for more advanced users)

The first time youstart the server is going to open a window with a Token in it. COPY THIS TOKEN AND SAVE IT. This Token will be in the logs but it is much easier to save it somewhere else where you can locate it easily.

Team Speak Client Software:

Each user will need to install client software. The software is available for most all major operating services, and also iPhone, iPad, and Android giving you WiFi access if you have a AP!

On the server pc once you have the client installed and running you will connect to your server. You should be able to do this from the MESH status page with the ts3 advertised link. If not you can connect manually by entering the NODE name that is connected to the server computer.

The first time you connect to the server a window will open and guess what goes into it? That's right the TOKEN that the server gave us before. You now are the Server Owner and can make any changes to the server.

When other users connect they will not have to use a token at all. You can give permissions to users though and they will need a token to verify those. Once up and running you the system is ready to go. There are THOUSANDS of different ways to set up your system. I will not even begin to get into the details here. You can find a bunch of information on the Team Speak Forums about permissions, server settings, addons, and more.

Feel free to ask questions, give thoughts, or share you groups TS3 set up. 

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 Subject :Re:WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-16- 18:00:35 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

Yeah, let us know!~
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 Subject :Re:PoE any good or bad thoughts?.. 2012-04-16- 17:59:21 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PoE any good or bad thoughts?

Just remember if you have long cable runs, you will need to calculate loss for those cable diameters, and increase your input power accordingly.
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 Subject :Re:PoE any good or bad thoughts?.. 2012-04-16- 17:09:41 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PoE any good or bad thoughts?

Well, if they're only $2 that's not so bad, is it. :-)
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-- Carl
 Subject :Re:PoE any good or bad thoughts?.. 2012-04-16- 17:03:33 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PoE any good or bad thoughts?

Yep that is how it works.  BTW the adaptors I use are about $2 each for a set shipped.  Check eBay.  Not a waste of money at all.  They work great!

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 Subject :WTR54GS Travel Router.. 2012-04-16- 16:59:03 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WTR54GS Travel Router

Has anyone tried HSMM-MESH on one of these?  Note that the WTR54GS is not the same as a WRT54GS despite its confusing name.

Anyway, I own several 4Meg versions of these, most running DD-WRT but one NIB with Linksys firmware.  As soon as I find one of them -- I think they're in a box in a friend's garage -- unless someone warns me I'm going to try flashing one of them from DD-WRT to HSMM-MESH.  Getting DD-WRT flashed on one of these initially is a little bit intricate, but once DD-WRT is on it you can flash anything that'll run.  But I wouldn't try flashing a WTR54GS directly to HSMM-MESH from factory firmware.

I'll let y'all know in a couple days whether I brick it or not.  If so, what the heck, I have several -- and can likely unbrick with TFTP anyway.

Wish me luck.

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Last Edited On: 2012-04-16- 17:05:46 By NN5I for the Reason
-- Carl
 Subject :Re:PoE any good or bad thoughts?.. 2012-04-16- 16:18:03 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PoE any good or bad thoughts?

These posts intrigue me. If you're running 100BaseTX and not Gigabit ethernet connections, which is certainly the case with WRT54xx routers, only four of the eight conductors in the Cat5 or Cat5e cable are used anyway. Why not just separate the other four conductors locally at each end and use them for power, instead of spending anything at all on PoE splitters? That's probably all the PoE devices do anyway, eh?
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-- Carl
 Subject :Re:I need help.. 2012-04-16- 15:56:48 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : Hardware
Topic : I need help

According to this document the default userid/password is root and hsmm.  I found that this was correct.  Try root and hsmm.

[k4kwq 2012-03-27- 08:11:51]:

i need help with setup password after the first flash

i get to the router and i click setup

it asks me for password

i havent got as far as setting my call in the unit yet

i havent changed the password and the password isnt 

root and admin

please help thanks Tim

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-- Carl
 Subject :Re:Re:What does HSMM stand for?.. 2012-04-16- 13:19:14 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
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Forum : General
Topic : What does HSMM stand for?

Really?  Thank you.  Perhaps the connection will become clearer as I continue to learn.

In any event, by whatever name HSMM-MESH seems a useful and worthwhile thing.  I know of no other way of creating a mesh network that is so easy; no other in which most of the pitfalls have been fallen into, and safely covered over, by the developers.  Bravo.

I've got one node running.  It's lonely, though -- it has no other nodes to talk to, here in Oregon (Tualatin), where I'll be for another couple weeks.  Then the motor home heads for Dayton, where I'll bet it hears plenty others.

[NT5LA 2012-04-16- 12:46:41]:

You got it right with High Speed Multi Media.

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-- Carl
 Subject :Re:What does HSMM stand for?.. 2012-04-16- 12:46:41 
Joined: 2012-03-09- 17:24:37
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : What does HSMM stand for?

You got it right with High Speed Multi Media.
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Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
 Subject :What does HSMM stand for?.. 2012-04-16- 10:52:42 
Joined: 2012-04-01- 12:06:21
Posts: 17
Forum : General
Topic : What does HSMM stand for?

After readinbg the article What's In A Name and several others, I'm still wondering:  what does HSMM stand for in the name HSMM-MESH?  Mesh, now, I understand.  But HSMM?

Google found several HSMM acronyms:  High School Musical Mania, High Speed Multi Media, many others.  None seem related to what HSMM-MESH does.  So what's HSMM?

  -- Carl, nn5i

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-- Carl
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