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 Subject :Re:RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning.. 2014-01-22- 02:08:46 
Joined: 2013-11-25- 10:55:46
Posts: 15
Forum : VoIP
Topic : RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning

After watching the referenced video, the phones are now provisioned, but I cannot call from or to either one. I get a message "the number you have called is not in service" etc. What have I done wrong?
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 Subject :Re:Beta Testing Ubqiuiti Release in SLCO?.. 2014-01-21- 07:44:01 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Utah
Topic : Beta Testing Ubqiuiti Release in SLCO?

Thanks Lance, We have wrapped up the beta testing and are getting a release ready for February 1st. I appreciate your willingness to help. Perhaps next time. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Beta Testing Ubqiuiti Release in SLCO?.. 2014-01-21- 07:16:08 
Joined: 2012-09-04- 10:57:29
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : Beta Testing Ubqiuiti Release in SLCO?

Just wondering if there is a group of SLCO hams on this board who would be willing to be part of the beta testing of the Ubiquiti Firmware release. (See...

I'd be up for being part of the group (=footing the bill for my hardware), but don't have probably all the *NIX skills to go this alone.  

Lance / K7LQH

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 Subject :How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable.. 2014-01-20- 10:34:17 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Firmware
Topic : How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable

Per K5KTF:

"If you tie two (or more) rnodes together via the LAN port(s), and you want to be able to mesh all of them as if it was over RF, you need to edit:
/etc/config.mesh /olsrd.conf

And down where the Interface section is, by default it just has wl0 and its section.

What I do is right above the wl0, and after #### Interface ### I add:

Interface "eth0.0"

(those are curly braces)

save both files and reboot.

That tells OLSR to also mesh over the LAN ports.
In 0.4.3 and before, OLSR had a problem handling more than one interface, and would crash horribly and frequently."

Per WX5U:

"I haven't tried it myself, so try this out and see what happens.  Please back here with success/failure."

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Re:Issue's.. 2014-01-20- 04:35:01 
Joined: 2013-12-21- 15:38:27
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Issue's

none of that worked

I think I got a bad router, if so not that big of an issue I have two others that are working, just wish I can get this one workingFoot in mouth

[kd8rbh 2014-01-19- 18:13:20]:

Disconnect the lan cable for 20sec once you connect back and get an IP address. Try http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 Or try http://ip_address:8080 Did that work?

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 Subject :Re:How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable.. 2014-01-20- 02:31:03 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : Firmware
Topic : How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable

The answer to your question is really quite complex. There are books written about router configuration. An approach to the question should start by realizing that the wrt54g platform includes routing capability on the LAN. When you use a bullet, which has only one LAN port, the routing needs to be handled with an external router. So think about how you would duplicate the LAN routing of the WRT54G in a router that does not have a radio included.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-20- 02:36:50 By KD7RYY for the Reason removed a comment
 Subject :Re:Issue's.. 2014-01-19- 18:13:20 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Issue's

Disconnect the lan cable for 20sec once you connect back and get an IP address. Try http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 Or try http://ip_address:8080 Did that work?
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 Subject :Issue's.. 2014-01-19- 16:31:44 
Joined: 2013-12-21- 15:38:27
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Issue's

I can ping the ip address

but i can not reach the router via web 

using http://localnode:8080

or by ip adress

how do I get in to the hsmm node?

How do i reset the node back to default?

WRT54GS v4

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-19- 16:33:09 By K5KDF for the Reason
 Subject :Re:RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning.. 2014-01-19- 12:33:57 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning

Please take a look at the video section under "HSMM-MESH Info."
Same rules apply to the 7960 as they do to the 7940's

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning.. 2014-01-19- 12:19:59 
Joined: 2013-11-25- 10:55:46
Posts: 15
Forum : VoIP
Topic : RASPBX and Cisco 7960 SIP provisioning

I have a mesh of 3 nodes running at my QTH. I have had no problem seeing my IP camera across the mesh (although there is more to come on that). I am trying to get a phone system to span the mesh. I have 4 Cisco 7960 IP phones which I have switched to SIP (that's a whole 'nother story!!), a RASPBX plugged into Node1 and 1 of the phones plugged into Node 1. I intend to plug another phone into Node3. The problem is in provisioning the phones. They know TFTP, not HTTP. How do I get these phones provisioned and known to RASPBX? Thanks for any help.

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 Subject :Re:Teamviewer Remote Control Thru MESH? Works!.. 2014-01-19- 12:04:54 
Joined: 2013-06-25- 22:32:51
Posts: 8
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Forum : Applications
Topic : Teamviewer Remote Control Thru MESH?

Update: IT WORKS and MORE!  Smile

I finally got Teamviewer to work through the Mesh nodes!

No special configuration in BBHN (default 5-node Direct). Teamviewer justs need to have "Incoming Lan Connections" on the General Tab, set to "ALLOW". When your network is  LAN only (with no Internet), Teamviewer will show the IP address of your PC. No portforwarding to configure, no rules, no tunneling. Just some clean up on the leftover PC network configuration (DNS & DHCP) after changing from wifi to LAN.

I disabled my wifi adapters on my test PCs and did an "ipconfig /flushdns", "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig/renew" to clean up the net configuration on the WIN7 PCs. After that, it worked flawlessly! I think the problem was that Windows (7 & Vista) gets confused when you start changing network configurations. Now I can remote control any PC (whether it's XP, Vista, Win7 or Linux) on the Mesh.

If you add Internet to your Mesh, it will display a 9 digit number or if you are using the online web management, you can assign a name to each PC. You can connect to remote PCs using the 9 digit number, IP address or Name.

The main objective was to be able to control an HF rig at my home from the EOC. I can connect to the PC at home (the radio and PC have to be on) with a connection to a Mesh node (Internet for normal use). Once connected to the remote PC I can bring up HRD (v.5.X, the last free version), activate the VOIP on both PCs (I keep the mic muted in VOIP on the PC I'm working from. If you don't, it will key the transmitter VOX). With a headset/boom mic, I transmit & receive, change bands, frequencies and do anything I would do with HRD, sitting in my shack.

Added benefits of Teamviewer 9 besides being free: It has built in Chat, VOIP, Video, file sharing and of course remote control! One free application that does a whole lot.

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Dennis, KC9OIS
 Subject :Re:Broadband Hamnet - Meeting Schedule - Meeting #2.. 2014-01-19- 11:28:58 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Broadband Hamnet - Meeting Schedule

From Darryl K4KIA:

This meeting will be on Thursday, January 30th 2014, at the Huntsville / Madison County Public Library on Saint Clair Ave., Huntsville.  The meeting will be in Meeting Room C which is on the second floor of the library. The start time is 6:30 pm and the room is reserved until library closing at 9:00.

We will be reviewing the efforts that each of us has made, our plans, and any problems we have encountered.  Each one should voice their opinion and help to chart a process to get Broadband-HamNet operating in Madison County.

Thanks to all for your interest!

If you would like to join hsv_bbhn (at) googlegroups (dot) com please contact me kv4pc (at) qsl (dot) net and I will send you an invite.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-19- 11:30:10 By kv4pc for the Reason .
 Subject :Re:How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable.. 2014-01-19- 10:23:57 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 16:27:01
Posts: 8
Forum : Firmware
Topic : How do you connect two or more co-located nodes via Ethernet cable

Don't you have to enable the OLSRd code to use the eth0 as another path to route the nodes if they cannot be seen by the wireless default method? How is that done?

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 Subject :Re:POE source on Ebay.. 2014-01-19- 09:04:25 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres
Forum : Hardware
Topic : POE source on Ebay

That is MY intent for these, to use them ONLY for this project where the router is up a pole and there is one of these at each end.  Hopefully i didn't mislead anyone as I am new to POE.

And we are experimenters so it is assumed that we look at these things before we jump in.

Kirk - N6SXR

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-19- 09:08:11 By N6SXR for the Reason Added a line
 Subject :Warning: These are NOT standard Power over Ethernet adapters... 2014-01-19- 08:46:59 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : POE source on Ebay

Be aware this is NOT "Power over Ethernet" or PoE.   There is a standard for Power over Ethernet that involves voltage choices, switching, safety features, etc. when a device connects and tries to turn on. 

Plugging anything but the pigtail adapter on the "unpowered" end of a cable with the pigtail adapter might cause damage to the device.  It also won't power a standard Power over Ethernet device.

I believe these adapters are simply connectors and wires used to run a DC current down the unused wires on a 100 Base TX Cat5 cable.   When you use this on one end of an ethernet cable, the cable is no longer standard Ethernet nor PoE ethernet.  

Gigabit ethernet  uses all the wires in a Cat5 Ethernet cable.   If someone plugs a device with Gigabit Ethernet, such as a laptop, into your "pseudo PoE" Ethernet cable without the pigtail adapter on the other end, it might damage the laptop. Or switch, router, etc."

Standard PoE is also 48 V.  

You're probably OK as long as you have the pigtail adapter on both ends of the Ethernet and nobody ever accidentally or deliberately removes the pigtail on the "downstream" end and plugs directly into the Ethernet cable.  Just be aware that if you use these adapters, you have what looks like a standard Ethernet plug on the other end of the cable, but it isn't. 

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-19- 08:48:12 By wx5u for the Reason
I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Linksys WAP54G.. 2014-01-19- 07:56:56 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Linksys WAP54G

It looks like the WAP54G V3.1 only has 8/2 MB memory, which isn't enough. BBHN needs 16/4.

I don't have an authoritative source for this info, just a little Googling. 

Even if it DOES have 16/4, it may not run BBHN. 

The OpenWRT and DDWRT web sites are good sources for info on hardware and how to reflash firmware on other routers.  Sometimes you can load BBHN once you've put a different type of open source firmware on the router.  However, BBHN will NOT load on a router that doesn't have 16/4 memory.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Newbie - problems with Linksys WRL54GL.. 2014-01-19- 07:45:04 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Newbie - problems with Linksys WRL54GL

Sometimes Windows will just never get the configuration right, no matter what commands you type.

Try unplugging and replugging the ethernet connector.  Then shutdown (not just reboot) and power the PC back on.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Google project Loon.. 2014-01-19- 06:41:21 
Joined: 2013-04-11- 14:26:17
Posts: 10
Forum : General
Topic : Google project Loon

Google is working on a project (Project LOON) that uses balloons to provide wi-Fi access to remote communities.  It would appear that this would be useful in the period after a natural disaster when normal telecommunications are down.

Suggest that communications be opened with Google to convince them of the need to make their system a part of disaster responses.  In addition consideration should be given to how we can make use of this resource

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 Subject :Re:POE source on Ebay.. 2014-01-19- 06:14:26 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : POE source on Ebay

That one works! TNX OM! 73 DE KV4PC
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 Subject :Broadband Hamnet - Meeting Schedule - Meeting #2.. 2014-01-19- 06:07:52 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Huntsville AL
Topic : Broadband Hamnet - Meeting Schedule


There will be a meeting of the Huntsville Broadband Hamnet Special Interest Group on the evening of Thursday, January 30, 2014 in the Huntsville Madison County Library on Saint Clair Ave,. Huntsville AL.

Check here or hsv_bbhn on closer to the meeting date for more details.

If you would like to join hsv_bbhn (at) googlegroups (dot) com please contact me kv4pc (at) qsl (dot) net and I will send you an invite.



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Last Edited On: 2014-01-19- 06:10:40 By kv4pc for the Reason .
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