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 Subject :Re:Why doesn't this antenna work?.. 2014-01-05- 08:24:13 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 21:32:11
Posts: 11
Location: DM78MT89GR Manitou Springs, CO
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Why doesn't this antenna work?

Never mind; I found the problem. The RP-TNC adapter inside socket didn't quite reach the router pin. Now the signal averages 6000 mW. Sigh....
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 Subject :Why doesn't this antenna work?.. 2014-01-05- 06:52:14 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 21:32:11
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Location: DM78MT89GR Manitou Springs, CO
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Why doesn't this antenna work?

I have version running on a GS model, and it displays properly on a browser connected to the LAN port. I'm running NetSurveyor on a nearby laptop to measure beacon strength. With the stock antenna, this averages 800 mW. I hooked up an ARC flat-panel antenna (marked 2.3-2.5 GHz and 16 dB gain), using 12 feet of Belkin RG8-X and appropriate adapter. The beacon then drops to average <5 mW. Rx and Tx are set to diversity, and it is the same when the antenna is connected to either side of the router.

The co-ax is neither shorted nor open, and the antenna elements appear fine (copper pads under a plastic cover). I figure that I might lose 4 dB in the feedline at most. So why is the beacon signal so low with this antenna attached? My radio experience is mostly HF and VHF, so any help is appreciated.

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 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-05- 04:44:35 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 10:34:57
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!


What you saw in my screenshot was my initial attempt to set up in "NAT" mode! You, and now me, used the default "Define" mode!

1) You do not need to fill in "Port Forwarding" in 1.0.0 !!!!!

2) The "Advertised Services" needs the Port you assigned in the cameras setup.

Like I said in my first Post, the changes between the old and new software are going to cause a lot of problems! ALL of the documents I have gleemed off of the website refer to the old software. This can be very frustrating to Hams without a network background and worse yet, greatly hurt the spread of mesh node.

Going forward, ALL old and new posted documents must refer to the software version in their titles!!!

Thank you so much for your patience and help!!!!

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 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-05- 04:26:16 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

Open up a second browser window or tab in the PC you have connected to the node and put:


for the URL (where 10.x.x.x is the IP the Mesh node assigned the camera). You should get the camera's webpage.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 04:28:17 By KJ4AJP for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-05- 04:08:25 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

[WB6IWT 2014-01-05- 03:41:44]:

I filled in the "Port Forwarding" with Type=Both, Hostname, Inside Port to 81 and Outside port to 300.

Use Port 81 in both inside and outside fields.  Might not matter, but makes life easier.

By "Hostname"do you mean the name you gave it in the DHCP reservation?

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 04:21:39 By KJ4AJP for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-05- 04:00:28 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
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Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

Looking at your screenshot and my page 7, both say WiFi in the "Interface".  I wonder what's up with the WAN you have now???

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 04:05:41 By KJ4AJP for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-05- 03:41:44 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 10:34:57
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

ALMOST THERE!!! Everything looks great so far except your step 2 on page 7 shows "Port Forwarding" with a "WiFi" Interface, my only choice is "WAN".

My camera is in DHCP with a Port=81

The mesh discovered the camera and the mesh Reservation showed an assigned 10x.x.x Camera IP, (and it's MAC address) like you said it would.

 I filled in the "DHCP Address Reservation" with the new 10x.x.x IP, MAC ID and a Hostname.

I filled in the "Port Forwarding" with Type=Both, Hostname, Inside Port to 81 and Outside port to 300.

Everything looks like your page 7 except the "Port Forwarding", "Interface" says "WAN" and offers no choices.

Almost there, thanks for the help so far................

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 Subject :Re:Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-04- 23:37:33 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

[WB6IWT 2014-01-04- 17:57:50]:

Are you using NAT or Direct mode?

Whatever the router defaults to when flashed with the firmware. 

Are you using version 1.00 or the old software?

The camera setup is the same for either version. 

(1.) Use whatever utility or means was provided with your camera to set the camera to DHCP, and assign it a port for its webserver to use

(2.) Connect a PC and the camera to your node and find out the IP your node gives the camera

(3.) Give that IP a DHCP reservation

(4.) Forward that IP using the port you assigned the camera

(5.) Advertise the service

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 03:21:28 By KJ4AJP for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-04- 23:27:31 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

[WB6IWT 2014-01-04- 14:14:41]:
Your link says "You use the config utility to find the camera and enter 172.27.01 gateway and subnet, the camera gets an IP from the WRT54G......" What config utility?

That pdf was created when I was using HSMM-Mesh, so the IPs the Mesh router (node) would DHCP were in the 172.x.x.x range rather than 10.x.x.x range BH firmware DHCPs now.  I don't have screenshots of the current setup (yet), but those would be 10.x.x.x IPs rather than 172.x.x.x.  The "Config Utility" referenced is the one provided by the manufacturer for my camera.  You should have something similar for your particular camera, where it is "discovered" and you either give it a static IP or set it to DHCP, and assign a port for its built-in webserver to use.  You will need your camera set to DHCP.  The port is up to you, 81 should be fine, I simply used 300 and 301 for my particular cameras.

I have two mesh routers talking to each other and I have my camera with a default IP of, port 80 plugged into one of the mesh routers. I can easily change the camera to DHCP and assign a new port number but I don't see where I get the 172.x.x.x IP from the mesh?

192.168.x.x is the "standard" DHCP range for most home network routers, but a BH router DHCPs in the 10.x.x.x range (again, the older HSMM-Mesh routers DHCP 172.x.x.x).  If you're using the new BH firmware, you camera needs a 10.x.x.x IP to "talk" on the Mesh network.  Do whatever you have to do to set your camera to DHCP so your Mesh router can issue your camera a 10.x.x.x IP in your router's DHCP range.

Once that's done, with both your computer and the camera plugged into your Mesh node, open a web browser on the computer, type the "localnode:8080" in the address field to get into your Node's page, and go to the "Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services" page.  What you see should be similar to my PDF's Page 7 except the IPs will be in the 10.x.x.x range rather than the 172.x.x.x.

Look at the "Current DHCP Leases" and you should see both the computer you're using and your camera listed with the 10.x.x.x IPs they've been assigned. Verify the MAC address on the camera's label or box is the same as what the "Current DHCP Leases" says (you want to be sure you're doing the next steps for the camera and not your computer!).

Assign the camera a DHCP reservation for the IP it's currently using (PDF step 1), DO NOT USE THE IP THE PDF SHOWS.  That's only an example and applies only to my setup.

Now set up Port Forwarding for your camera's 10.x.x.x settings (PDF step 2) using the port you assigned it with its interface when you set it to DHCP.

PDF step 3 creates the link to advertise your camera to other users on their "Mesh Status" page.

Let me know how it goes!

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 03:37:24 By KJ4AJP for the Reason clarification
 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-04- 17:57:50 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 10:34:57
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!


   Are you using NAT or Direct mode? Are you using version 1.00 or the old software? My LAN IP

values are in the 10.x.x.x range not the 172.x.x.x range.



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 Subject :Diversity mode and with both directional and omni antennas at same tim.. 2014-01-04- 17:38:14 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 16:27:01
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Diversity mode and with both directional and omni antennas at same time

Subject :Diversity mode and with both directional and omni antennas at same time

I have a question on the diversity mode use in the AP, using version 1.0.0, as we tried an experiment which failed for some reason. One thought was the diversity mode and having two different sources coming into the one AP at the same time. We should of had about a -60dBm signal strength from the mountain top

The setup was as follows:

AP #1 was on a mountain about 3 miles away from AP #2 with a 16dBi antenna and xmit level +19dBm

AP #2 top of a building, 24dBi antenna on one port and 2dBi antenna horiz on second port and xmit level +19dBm

AP #3 was 50' behind AP #2, (2) 2dBi antennas horizontal and xmit level was +10dBm.

We used AP #3 to monitor AP #2 looking at mountain top AP #1. A couple of times we seen AP #1 connect and then go away. In reading the article from Cisco on diversity antennas and how the diversity mode worked and from the example of the golf course it says that what we were seeing was our AP #3 taking control over AP #2 and could not see AP #1.

Link to article

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-04- 18:07:43 By KJ6ACE for the Reason Used link to article since could not upload
 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-04- 14:14:41 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 10:34:57
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!


    Your link says "You use the config utility to find the camera and enter 172.27.01 gateway and subnet, the camera gets an IP from the WRT54G......" What config utility? Where does the 172.27.01 gateway and subnet get entered? 

I have two mesh routers talking to each other and I have my camera with a default IP of, port 80 plugged into one of the mesh routers. I can easily change the camera to DHCP and assign a new port number but I don't see where I get the 172.x.x.x IP from the mesh?

Please bear with me, I am not a network savvy person.




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 Subject :Re:dual antennas, questions or ideas.. 2014-01-04- 10:14:05 
Joined: 2013-10-28- 14:36:22
Posts: 2
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : dual antennas, questions or ideas

thanks for ideas. Let me go further then : if we had to compare 2 situations for a node that need gain in antenna to reach 2, not aligned, neighbors (say one is in the north, the other is East or even South, they don't see each other) - case A : 2 antennas with directivity, one for each node on each port - case B : 2 same antennas on the same port, with a coupler (ratio 3db by default or to be defined according to distant nodes needs). Assuming we have sufficient margin to handle the loss of the coupler. Theoretically which one would be the best, Case A makes neighbors fully independent, collisions come mainly from switching. Case B makes neighbor as if they are aligned. collision could come from real talk at same time, but stronger node is heard better and should pass when requiring. 73, Alexandre, de F5SFU.
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 Subject :Re:Video and Data backhaul from a Race Ca.. 2014-01-04- 08:28:00 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
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Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Applications
Topic : Video and Data backhaul from a Race Ca

Somehow lost the subscription to this and missed your post. Rather than use a WRT54G (that could be pressed into service as a Mesh node) in AP mode, I use the $18 Encores as APs where you connect LAN port to LAN port and let the Mesh node it's connected to hand out the IPs. Besides the iPod I also had a couple of old Linksys WIP300 phones I was using with the RasPBX connected to my Gateway node, so the Encore APs connected to other node acted as the passthrough. It was originally set up on HSMM-Mesh, but still works with BH firmware. Biggest issue is that the WIP300s have lousy battery life so I bought Grandstream HT701 ATAs and cheap trimline phones for those two nodes. Another issue is that it appears a node can only DHCP 5 IPs maximum with the new BH version, but if you only need a couple of mobile devices to connect along with what wired devices you have plugged into the node it's fine.
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 Subject :Re:Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-04- 08:05:45 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
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Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!

Not sure if my post from around June 2013 was one of the "old and conflicting".  It included a link to the setup info pdf for my Wanscam units.  This was using the original HSMM-Mesh firmware, but when I upgraded to BH v1 the setup was the same.  If all you need is internal (over the Mesh) viewing, and your camera supplies it's own web page it's fairly easy.  You let the router assign the IP, give that IP a static lease and then assign a port number (I stayed away from port 80 and 8080 and used 300 for one camera and 301 for another) and forward that. 

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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-03- 14:02:14 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hi Mark; I am playing around with Focus Video Phone. I have set up two mesh nodes at this QTH that see each other well. I have my laptop on one node (WA8ZLK-003) and my desk top on the other node WA8ZLK-002. Both computers are running Windows 7. I have local video at both nodes but like KD9AC in a previous posting here I can't connect and after a few seconds I get an on screen message confirming this. Both routers are in 5 Host Direct mode. In the Focus Video phone address books I actually entered the Node Names (WA8ZLK-002 in the computer connected toWA8ZLK-003 and vice-versa) rather than their IP addresses. I like you did not advertise any services. What am I missing? Note: I am relatively new to this stuff even though I am an EE nearing retirement and have programmed computers and control system for a lot of years. I just haven't done a lot of networking from scratch. Thanks for any help in advance and 73 DE Andy WA8ZLK
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 Subject :Two WRT54GL nodes now working.. 2014-01-03- 09:29:09 
Joined: 2013-12-25- 17:20:21
Posts: 12
Location: Rio Rancho, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Two WRT54GL nodes now working

I have the two WRT54GL nodes working as planned now... on to the experiments.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-04- 00:56:16 By N9CNM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Anybody Still Using This Forum.. 2014-01-03- 08:54:40 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Volusia County FL
Topic : Anybody Still Using This Forum

Hi Howard, Sorry that your question went unanswered so long. Earlier attempts to generate MESH interest in our area failed to gain traction but things might be changing. I understand that in Flagler county, there are at least three hams who have put together portable MESH networks for EmCom. If you haven't already found what you're seeking, you may want to contact Jason KK4OSD, the Flagler-Volusia ARES District Emergency Coordinator (DEC). I believe he's one of the Flagler folks with a MESH setup. 73 Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Meshin' with FDLog.. 2014-01-03- 08:49:23 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' with FDLog

Does anyone have experience using From Alan Biocca W6AKB
with a mesh network? 

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I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Re:Advertising Services.. 2014-01-03- 08:34:20 
Joined: 2013-12-30- 07:20:08
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Advertising Services

After more searching, I seem to have found my answer in another forum post.  Apparently, you must have more than one node before a service is advertised.  Interesting.  Lucky for me another unit is in the mail to me now.

Mark, KD0QYN

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