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 Subject :Where to find firmware V0.4.3.. 2013-12-22- 16:35:30 
Joined: 2013-08-26- 06:54:56
Posts: 15
Location: L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Where to find firmware V0.4.3


I want to flash HSMM firmware V0.4.3 into WRT54G routers  I just picked up for a tunnel linking project.  I read that it's unstable in V1.0.0.

Where can I find the V0.4.3 bin file?  I've only found the trx file to downgrade from the latest version.

Or, do I have to flash V1.0.0. and downgrade? Thanks Ron

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 Subject :HAMServer PI.. 2013-12-22- 05:47:28 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Applications
Topic : HAMServer PI

If anybodu would like try use distribution of HAMServerPI for very samll computer Raspberry PI

you can cantact with autor DL3DCW (email: hamsrvpi at for access download  link for beta version this disttribution

Rasberyy PI is very nice a present for someone this Christmas Smile

Link: HAMServerPI

Rasberry PI

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-22- 05:53:58 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-22- 02:05:10 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet

Ok DNS working very well in my local BBHN. Now all local Mesh Nodes have information about local dns server which we use to connect amprnet hosts. Now we have full integrated Local BBHN network with AMprnet hamradio network and local users can connect and use servrices not only local but Amprnet 44.x network. We can connect via WIFI with any hosts amprnet like etc.

73 Waldek sp2ong

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-22- 06:18:24 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2013-12-22- 00:49:50 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI


I have use on Raspberry PI  "Citadel"

it is integrated SMTP/POP3/IMAP/ server which have webmail and BBS.

It is very nice package working very well as local Mial server and users can use WebMail and  BBS

You can see how to intsall  Citadel on RPI:

73 Waldek sp2ong

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-PI General Question.. 2013-12-21- 20:35:50 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-PI General Question


Yes it is possoble. I have run on my Laptop with Ubuntu and I have use HSMM-PI only part of WWW code to show status my BBH station, OLSRD I have installed from sources v0.6.6.1 and use my WIFI card.

You can see on screen dumps

73 Waldek sp2ong

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 Subject :HSMM-PI General Question.. 2013-12-21- 15:14:33 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-PI General Question


Is it possible to install this on a different linux distro and then have it use a addon wifi card to run a HSMM node?It would be kind of interesting to run it on a laptop and turn that into a node, and would give greater flexibility of hardware.


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 Subject :Re:Central Virginia EmComm Mesh.. 2013-12-21- 15:09:02 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : Central VA
Topic : Central Virginia EmComm Mesh

I'm just starting to get into this and I'm in Culpeper area. Would be nice to be able to get a larger scale mesh going around the region.
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 Subject :Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2013-12-21- 15:06:51 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI


I was wondering if anyone has given though to perhaps running Synchronet BBS on Raspberry PI over HSMM? It provides a built in IRC, mail, web page, ftp etc. Just kind of throwing it out there for discussion..


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 Subject :Re:Bricked WRT54G what should I do?.. 2013-12-21- 15:04:13 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Bricked WRT54G what should I do?

Alrighty, I managed to get a buddy to give me a proper linksys power supply. He actually gave me a WRT54g that he had spare, but it's a V5. :P So I plugged it in and went through the hard reset and all the steps. Right now I can get the link lights to show there is a cat5 cable plugged in, and the power light blinks quickly. Depending on if I try to short the pins on the flash chip the DMZ light will come on and stay on. Any ideas? Unable to ping, or anything no matter what I do... am I back to the JTAG route?
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 Subject :Re:Re:VPN.. 2013-12-21- 13:17:48 
Joined: 2013-08-26- 06:54:56
Posts: 15
Location: L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : VPN

My tunnel is up and running. I could ping the local & remote tunnel IP ( & 80.2) on both routers. Thanks for all your help.

I am moving the following question to another forum, realizing that it's not a VPN issue.

"The remote router is properly resolving the IP addresses however, mine doesn't. All I get is IP address in the current neighbours, nothing listed in the remote nodes. The remote node lists my node properly in both sections. I've checked the resolv.conf file on both and both are identical accept for the Internet gateway IP, which list our own gateway.

My question is what could effect my router from properly resolving the IP addresses?"

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-21- 14:03:43 By VA3RRZ for the Reason moving issue to another forum
 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-21- 06:49:15 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet

I have see that when I have put in olsrd.conf

dns-server ""

in my Mesh node in /etc/reslove.conf found

### this file is overwritten regularly by olsrd
### do not edit


### written by olsrd at Sat Dec 21 19:44:01 2013

but others DNS server like not included in this file. It is look like in dns-server we can put only one IP address Mesh Node which will be main DNS server

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-21- 06:28:26 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet

I have must understand how to announce via my main WRT54 DNS servers to others Mesh Nodes.

I have found that in olsr plugin we can put information about main dns server follow:

LoadPlugin ""
PlParam "dns-server" ""


but I can not see that working

From help of this plugin:

PlParam "dns-server" "IP.ADDR"
        anounce that this IP has a full (upstream) DNS server. if
        IP.ADDR is not specified (""), the main address is used.
        nodes which don't know a nameserver will automatically use
        this nameserver.

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-21- 06:29:36 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-12-21- 06:09:34 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

Hi Jim,

Dunno what email you are using, but make sure to email me at: I have published that address here before :)

Regarding the NAT, please read the whole thread :)

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-21- 06:10:13 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-12-21- 05:35:05 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

2 things:

First off, Johann, your email is bouncing:

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
johan.engdahl@{domain name removed for privacy}
Technical details of permanent failure:
A delivery loop was detected which causes this email to be undeliverable.

Second, to use a node directly on your LAN, set it to NAT mode, DISABLE WAN and a Gateway box will appear under LAN settings, to let it talk to your home router/modem appropriately. Then set the node LAN IP into your home LAN's IP range

ex: IP:192.168.0.XXX/mask:

BUT, once you do this, that same node CANNOT be an internet gateway for your mesh (disabling the WAN port).

I have 2 nodes, where the LAN gateway node is setup like this (let any device on my home LAN talk to the mesh), and then another node that the WAN is on my home LAN, and does the internet gateway functions. The second one is also my tunnel host (since it CAN talk to the internet).

Johan, I may try your tunnel again here, as I found more deep-down settings in my home router that may let it work behind it now. But for now we are using our old style tunnel for the developers (what we used before the 1.0.0 upgrade). I dug deeper and found more detailed static routing functions.


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-21- 05:25:45 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet


If I want to connect from my laptop Ubuntu with WIFI Mesh to any Amprnet host for exmaple I must NAT 10/8 to my IP because AmprNet olny generally allow connect with 44/8 and ip 10/8 is local IP not routed outside local network. Many Amprnet gateways setup firewall that allow only connect 44/8 <-> 44/8
With this my steup any local hamradio node which have IP address from 10/8 can connect with any 44/8 Amprnet hosts via local AmprNet gateway.
On WRT54 I have steup only IPIP link to my main AmprNet GW on raspberry PI which have full encap table for all world amprnet gateway. It is useful because routing table is take memory and it is not useful for WRT54. Better run local Amprnet/Mesh server on for example Raspberry PI which is connected to inetrnet and setup AmprNet GW and local services like we have:

Webserver HAMNET  (Nginx, PHP)
CMS-System web server WWW (GetSimple)
APRS-RX-iGate zDVB-T-Stick (PyMultimonAPRS)
VOIP-Server (Mumble)
Video-Server (Iceast)
SMTP/IMAP server + webmail server (Citadel)
Forum  (myBB)
DXCluster (DXSpider)
Jabber server (Prosody)

With this many servrices running Raspberry PI computer working very well.

I have attached image with idea which I have local Network setup. Instead router mikrotik we can use other router with WFI etc.

You have access to Amprnet you can see

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-24- 00:12:32 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-12-21- 05:10:24 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

I´ve got your email and I´ll answer it later tonight.

Why do you want two IPs in your DSL router ? Your node only aquires one IP for its WAN address.

The GRE IPs are used within tunneling hence encapsulated through your WAN interface, never to be seen from that point of view.

You can have any LAN IP you wish (since 0.4.3 does NAT from the LAN to WiFi), but do not change the IP of the WiFi !!

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-21- 05:11:45 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-21- 05:08:08 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet

Nice work Waldek,

Why do you do NAT towards the HSMM/BBHN network ? This shoudl not be needed and is not allowed inside the network either.

Will you do some documentation of this AMPRnet gateway setup och how to tunnel HSMM/BBHN just like I did the GRE documentation for tunneling ?

I´d like to try to hook up our SM network to AMPRnet as soon as you have some functional documentation.

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-21- 05:08:33 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:VPN / GRE tunneling.. 2013-12-21- 04:52:31 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain
Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : VPN / GRE tunneling

Waldek, excelent HSMM installation .

Johan: I make the basic mods in my router for establish the vpn links. I send to you and email for answer for the parameters of the link config. I wait your answer.

I have other doubt : 

For config my dsl router ( ports 47&1723 ), my problem is that this home router, don't permit two ips in diferent subnets.

My local lan is in the segment 192.168.0.x , and the lan ip of the mesh node is

I can change the ip of the mesh node to the 192.168.0.x segment ?


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 Subject :Re:SSH login problems.. 2013-12-21- 04:42:35 
Joined: 2013-09-21- 14:11:41
Posts: 8
Location: Elche Alicante Spain
Forum : General
Topic : SSH login problems

ok, Bob it works OK!!!

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet.. 2013-12-21- 00:44:46 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : HSMM-Mesh and AmprNet

Ok I have working setup with my WRT54 which is connected to my local AmprNet GW and now any

local Mesh Node can connect to AmprNet hosts

Script setup tunnel where and IP WAN is my WRT54 and is IP interface tun0 on my AMprNet GW server

# AmprNet tunnel
ip tunnel add tun0 mode ipip remote local ttl 255
ifconfig tun0 pointopoint mtu 1480 up
route add -net gw
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

I have add on my WRT54 which is AMprNet GW now for Mesh nodes information about default routing 44/8 network via this Mesh Node. In /etc/config.mesh/olsrd.conf I have add in:


73 Waldek

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