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 Subject :How do you connect two or more nodes via LAN connections.. 2014-01-10- 09:49:13 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 16:27:01
Posts: 8
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do you connect two or more nodes via LAN connections

Brief question with the reasoning below: has anyone looked into the setup on the routers to wire linking via the LAN connection so that the hops are minimize when the nodes are co-located?

There is an issue that our group has encountered that most everyone seems to be missing, that is, using two different antennas, i.e., directional with an omni on one router. According to Cisco that will fail when there are multiple clients on one node configured that way. See this article for more information on using the diversity mode with two different antennas,

Secondly if some of us are going to use, the Ubiquiti Bullet M2 HP, then to have an omni and directional at the same sight there needs to be a way to interconnect them via a router such that they closer function as a single node. This may be a firmware question as well in setting up the nodes to talk some how.

I found this information and talking with one of the group that did the right thing with single antennas, but it seems that they did not get the right stuff to connect the individual routers connected via the LAN. What they did wrong was put their directional antennas too close to each other which in their case it was the coupling that connected the nodes. The problem with this setup they had was a possible desensing of their radios due to the strong signals of their co-located antennas. The desensing does happen as I had tried an experiment in my house with five routers. All started at 1dBm output level and I had very good LQ, but when I raised one node to 19dBm out the LQ dropped by 20-30% on most of the rest that were close, i.e. raised the noise floor.

Long story short has anyone looked into the setup on the routers to wire linking them so that the hops are minimize when the nodes are co-located?

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-10- 09:49:48 By KJ6ACE for the Reason
 Subject :Port to Android / Run on Android?.. 2014-01-09- 15:21:45 
Joined: 2013-01-05- 10:48:24
Posts: 1
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Port to Android / Run on Android?

Is it feasible to run HSMM-mesh stack on an Android phone? I'm guessing OLSRd was ported for Android already so that should be feasible (

So Has anyone did that?

The idea is to run a SIP phone app on the phone to make peer-to-peer calls (using DNS names of nodes or their static IPs) - thus no dedicated PBX is required. New android phones can be purchased for less than $100 (and used even cheaper) so it would do an ultimate walkie-talkie on steroids.

I know it runs on Raspberry Pi: but a phone already has mic/speaker, screen, keyboard so is more convenient.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-09- 15:32:25 By VA3PAW for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Meshin' with FDLog.. 2014-01-09- 02:41:55 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' with FDLog

Pullin' what little hair I have out on this one. Alan's program uses broadcast to keep all machines in the logging group synced. and uses ports 7374 source and 7373 destination. I have both testing nodes set to "1 host Direct" LAN mode and have added the port forwarding. Seems this should work. What am I missing?
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I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Re:Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area.. 2014-01-08- 10:49:05 
Joined: 2011-01-31- 22:22:38
Posts: 3
Forum : Philadelphia
Topic : Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area

Can we take a role call of HSMM nodes in the Phila region? Are any of these are up and running? Anyone who might be accessible to a node in Camden county, NJ? Thanks.
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 Subject :Re:Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2014-01-08- 03:00:33 
Joined: 2013-12-23- 01:38:54
Posts: 11
Location: Edgewood, Maryland
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI

@sp2ong ... Thank you for the file I have my project for this weekend
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 Subject :Re:Re:Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2014-01-07- 20:56:07 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI


I have sent to you information on your email

I have attached  screendump form web browser WWW interface OpenBCM on Raspberry PI

[KB3UQE 2014-01-07- 06:23:36]:

@sp2ong would be interested in what you changed to make it compile Would like to setup something similar on the emcomm mesh here

 obcm.png [139 KB] :: OpenBCM raspberry PI
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Last Edited On: 2014-01-07- 21:12:31 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Access Webmail through Hamnet?.. 2014-01-07- 06:34:19 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : General
Topic : Access Webmail through Hamnet?

Yes, unless you configured Apache to use a port other than 80, I would expect it to work. Good luck, Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Re:Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2014-01-07- 06:23:36 
Joined: 2013-12-23- 01:38:54
Posts: 11
Location: Edgewood, Maryland
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI

@sp2ong would be interested in what you changed to make it compile Would like to setup something similar on the emcomm mesh here
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 Subject :Re:Prove di HSMM-MESH a Scandicci (FI).. 2014-01-07- 05:32:33 
Joined: 2013-02-23- 03:47:38
Posts: 13
Location: JN53OS
Forum : Italy
Topic : Prove di HSMM-MESH a Scandicci (FI)

Ciao a tutti.

Sono entrato nel beta-test-team per il nuovo firmware bbhn su materiale UBNT (leggi Ubiquiti) e vi posso dire che il lavoro è a buon punto. Con la possibilità di utilizzare questi materiali economici e facilmente reperibili sul mercato si possono realizzare reti hsmm-mesh con facilità ed in economicità.

E' vero che non si riesce a fare autocostruzione se non sulle antenne, ma è altrettanto vero che i servizi che si possono dare su una rete di questo tipo sono all'altezza dei nostri tempi.

Agli ham-meshers italiani non resta che aspettare poco tempo per poter integrare nelle proprie reti questi piccoli ed economici oggetti!!!

73 de Leo IZ5FSA

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73 de Leo IZ5FSA
 Subject :Re:Access Webmail through Hamnet?.. 2014-01-07- 03:32:23 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 21:32:11
Posts: 11
Location: DM78MT89GR Manitou Springs, CO
Forum : General
Topic : Access Webmail through Hamnet?

Thanks, KV4I. We all use version 1.0. Basic setup is 5 Direct, and I used the add this address to reserved (very handy feature) to reserve an ip for the laptop's MAC. I will check that when we create the mesh. I created an "open port 80 for all domains rule" (is that needed, I wonder, since apache has port rules). So, typing http://BucksPC/ARES_Webmail should reach the mail client from a browser on any machine connected to the mesh?
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 Subject :Re:BBHN DNS server problems.. 2014-01-06- 17:26:12 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN DNS server problems

(Damn quick reply...grrr editing to correct)

When you do an ipconfig /all, look at the IP and gateway (and other info).

You can try http://{GATEWAYIP}:8080 and see if that works.

If after a /release and /renew you get a 169.x.x.x IP, then something is seriously hosed. You might even try another CAT5 cable.

Also, if you have wifi on the PC, disable it when trying to talk to the CAT5. Windoze still cannot seem to work out dual routing like that. Its better on 7, but still gets cornfuzzed.

And if you disable the wifi, close the browser and reopen it (personal experience).

Have you been able to get back in after flashing to set the node name and password? If not, then look at wifi and see if you see BroadbandHamnetv1 as an SSID. You could connect to it via that to set the node name and password.

Report back with what you find above, and if still stuck.


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Last Edited On: 2014-01-06- 17:27:59 By K5KTF for the Reason
B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :BBHN DNS server problems.. 2014-01-06- 16:32:03 
Joined: 2013-06-15- 23:03:00
Posts: 5
Location: Kingsford Hieghts, IN
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN DNS server problems

Hello, All

 I now have 2 wrt45s with bbhn firmware installed and I cant get back into them. All my attempts run me into dns server experiencing problems.

I'm using windows 7 and have tried the following with my wifi turned on so I have internet access and it turned off, still dns problems.

I have done ipconfig /flushdns, /release, renew, release6 and renew6. I even tried registerdns, that gives me request need evalutions.

Can anyone point me to a article or even in another direction to figure out what I screwed up or didn't set-up correctly.


Jason Hopkins


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 Subject :Re:wrt54g v1.1 rebooting.. 2014-01-06- 14:47:11 
Joined: 2014-01-04- 16:24:13
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : wrt54g v1.1 rebooting

I belive its hardware issue. I loaded the linksys firmware back onto the device. It funtions OK, however the wan connection (from devices hooked though switch) apears slow. The Wifi actully has better thoughput. . overall it apears stable. Ill run it like this for a few days to see, then investigate further. (maybe in the meantime look for another router.)
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 Subject :Re:Access Webmail through Hamnet?.. 2014-01-06- 13:44:53 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : General
Topic : Access Webmail through Hamnet?

I'm assuming that you are all using BBHN 1.0.0. If you're using different firmware, you won't be able to connect. If you're using the old HSMM-MESH firmware, my information about BBHN 1.0.0 won't apply.

I think the answer to your question may depend on how you and your group set up your LANs. If you used the default of 5 direct host, it will be different than if you used NAT. For example, my two nodes are set up to use 5 direct host. My Webserver has a DHCP reservation assigned to the computer name of the webserver. In order to access the webserver from a PC connected to a different node, I only need to type the computer name of the webserver in the URL address box of the web browser. For example, "http://whitebox1" Make certain though that the firewall on the webserver allows traffic through port 80.

73 Mark KV4I

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-06- 13:46:47 By KV4I for the Reason
 Subject :wrt54g v1.1 rebooting.. 2014-01-06- 11:30:30 
Joined: 2014-01-04- 16:24:13
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : wrt54g v1.1 rebooting

I have a WRT54G v1.1 which i flashed with HSMM and waited for my next wrt54G (which was v4) to arrive in the mail.  I flashed both with V1HSMM.  After many attempts to try to connect to the first node from the newer, i found that the first node kept rebooting when doing so.  It only does this if the second node is active. if the other node is OFF is boots OK.  So i think it crashes at boot time when attempting to mesh.

I dont know is any logs are saved on the node( i dont find any in /jffs) dmesg only shows from bootup, but i cant log to see whats happening.

Any Ideas?


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 Subject :Access Webmail through Hamnet?.. 2014-01-06- 06:12:50 
Joined: 2013-11-12- 21:32:11
Posts: 11
Location: DM78MT89GR Manitou Springs, CO
Forum : General
Topic : Access Webmail through Hamnet?

I have WAMP, Webmail, and Paclink working together on my laptop. I can send/receive mail over HF or VHF. I've got Hamnet 1.0 running on a GS router, and will meet this week with a couple of local hams who also have Hamnet running. My question is: when we hook our laptops to our routers and form the mesh, how do they access the webmail client on my laptop? I do that by typing localhost/ARES_Webmail in the browser. What address would they use to reach this location? Thanks.

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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-05- 16:56:18 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Andy, I enabled pinging by running the command "netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable". I also resolved my web server access issue by shutting off the Windows firewall on the PC running the webserver. I'm not sure if I'll want to do that on an ongoing basis but at least now I know the problem. I'm told that with 5 Direct, it's as if each PC is in the DMZ. You may want to test with the firewall shut off. I'll try to install FocusPhone next chance I get and we'll see what happens. 73 Mark KV4I

Added on 1/6/2014


This morning, I installed FocusPhone on a PC (Whitebox1) connected to KV4I-100 and then installed it on a PC (Whitebox2) connected to KV4I-200.

On Whitebox1, I entered "Whitebox2" in the "address book", clicked "connect" and immediately connected with no issues.

Perhaps, the following information may help you.

1) I installed and operated FocuPhone on Windows 7 using an account with Administrative rights.

2) I created a folder "c:\FocusPhone" and copied focusphone.exe into that folder

3) When Windows 7 firewall asked if I wanted to allow traffic through the firewall, I said yes.

If you still have a problem after duplicating these steps, let me know and I'll try to help.

73 Mark KV4I

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-06- 03:16:21 By KV4I for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-05- 16:06:57 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hi Andy, I just today upgraded my first two nodes to BBHN 1.0.0 and it looks like 5 host Direct Mode is very different from the old NAT approach I used in the previous MESH set up. So far, I've set up DRATS and it's working but I can't ping a PC on one node from a PC on the other node and I can't access the webserver on one node from the other node. I haven't tried Focus Phone yet. The bottom line is that I really don't know the answer to your problem. Hopefully, as I learn more about the new BBHN 5 Direct setup, I'll know the answer. In the meantime, you might want to try setting the LAN back to the Nat option in your Basic Setup menu. 73 Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Can access app connected to 2nd node but can't ping - Solved.. 2014-01-05- 15:02:01 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Can access app connected to 2nd node but can't ping - Solved

Ping problem solved by issuing command "netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable"

I have two Broadband-Hamnet nodes, KV4I-100 and KV4I-200. Both are running version BBHN 1.0.0. Both are configured as 5 host direct Mesh Nodes and each has one PC wired to the LAN port. Each PC can access the Mesh node status screen on both KV4I-100 and KV4I-200.

KV4I-200 is connected to Whitebox2 which is running a server application (DRATS) on port 9000. Whitebox2 is assigned a DHCP reservation. So is Whitebox1.

The DRATS client running on Whitebox2 connects to the server app on Whitebox2 via whitebox2:9000.

KV4I-100 is connected to Whitebox1 and Whitebox1 is assigned a DHCP reservation.

The DRATS client running on Whitebox1 connects to the server app on Whitebox2 via whitebox2:9000.

Both computers can communicate via the DRATS application but neither computer can ping the other.

C:\Users\Mark>ping whitebox1

Pinging whitebox1.local.mesh [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

C:\Users\Mark>ping whitebox2

Pinging whitebox2.local.mesh [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Attempts to ping by IPv4 or IPv6 local-link addresses also fail. (Ipconfig reports only an IPv4 and an IPv6 Local-link address.) However, when pinging by name, the system does recognize the domain as "local.mesh" and reports the correct IPv4 address.

Examining the network adapter properties reveals that the adapter is set for DHCP and has the correct IPv4 DHCP server, DNS Server and Gateway addresses but the entries for the IPv6 DHCP server, DNS Server and Gateway addresses are blank.

I'm also unable to connect from Whitebox 2 to a webserver running on Whitebox1 but I'm hoping that problem will clear once I can ping.

Any ideas on how to enable pinging and hopefully web server access?

Thank you,

Mark KV4I

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-05- 16:28:28 By KV4I for the Reason Ping problem solved
 Subject :Welcome to the UBNT Forum.. 2014-01-05- 09:56:42 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Welcome to the UBNT Forum

We've all been waiting a long while for Ubiquiti support.  Well, on 2/1 it will finally be here!  I know I can speak for our software developer, Conrad, KG6JEI, it’s been an honor to be welcomed into the BBHN Core Team and our pleasure to add this new value to the BBHN system.  All of us are eager to see what the ham community will do with it.


Use this forum to post operational issues you find in the software.  As good as we believe it is, I’m sure you will find some.  Our beta testers will help us field your questions and implementation issues.  However, I also encourage you to share your success stories with us.


Let’s go out and build a robust network!




Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
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