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 Subject :Advertising Services.. 2014-01-03- 08:11:18 
Joined: 2013-12-30- 07:20:08
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Advertising Services

Hi all,

I am new to BBHN.....great technology!  Whoever dreamed this up is a genius.

I have a mesh node up with a Raspberry Pi computer attached.  I have installed a web server on the R-Pi which is working, but I am unable to advertise it as a service.  I have looked and looked through all the docs and can't find any details on how to advertise a service.

I have a DHCP reservation setup for the raspberry pi computer , and it (the R-Pi) shows up on the mesh status page.  I also setup a service for the web server on the setup page, with the link box checked, but the service does not show up on the mesh status.  I have tried both with and without doing port forwarding on port 80, again to no avail.

I have also tried to setup the server with the name of the P-Pi and the mesh node name as the URL, but neither works.  I'm stumped at the moment.  I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but can't figure it out.  The LAN mode is set as 5 host Direct.

I'm very interested in setting up a mesh for our county ARES to serve a couple hospitals as well as any other emergency services that want to jump on board, like Fire or EMS.  One of my goals is to enable email to an RMS gateway to allow email to the rest of the world from within our local mesh.

Any help this forum can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Mark, KD0QYN

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 Subject :Setting up a Network camera -HELP!.. 2014-01-03- 07:21:58 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 10:34:57
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Setting up a Network camera -HELP!


I am trying to connect a network camera (Panasonic) to a mesh node. I have the LAN in NAT mode with an IP of, mask The camera IP and port are static at, Port 81. Please look at the attached screen capture and let me know what I did wrong or right. Some of the documentation I've read on this site is old and/or conflicting. I set up port forwarding, from inside port 81 to any outside port 8100 (I also tried 80 to 80). Do i need to do a DHCP address reservation? (tried that also) I've tried everything...well at least I think I have!



 Camera SetUp.jpg [228 KB] ::
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 Subject :Re:New HSMM-MESH Node in Hillsboro.. 2014-01-03- 05:42:39 
Joined: 2014-01-02- 21:26:40
Posts: 1
Forum : Oregon
Topic : New HSMM-MESH Node in Hillsboro

Chris, I will be setting up a node very near your location (acording to Googlemapped Mesh nodes). It will be near Brookwood and Davis next to the middle school. Are you still running your node? -Dan
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 Subject :Re:Running a BBS on Raspberry PI.. 2014-01-03- 02:49:44 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Applications
Topic : Running a BBS on Raspberry PI

I have made small changes in sources OBCM v1.07.b12 for compile on Raspberry PI and I have success running OpenBCM on my Raspberry PI. If anybody want know what need to make changes in sources and makefile please contact  with me, I will share with this  solution.
You can see how working OpenBCM  on my Raspberry PI

73 Waldek sp2ong

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 Subject :World's smallest PBX?.. 2014-01-02- 12:25:19 
Joined: 2013-11-25- 10:55:46
Posts: 15
Forum : VoIP
Topic : World's smallest PBX?

This will b e my only post of this kind, but I thought people might get a kick out of this. Check out the unit.

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 Subject :Addressing/routing over the network.. 2014-01-02- 07:34:28 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 13:09:13
Posts: 15
Location: Garden City, NY
Forum : Applications
Topic : Addressing/routing over the network

I'm not clear on exactly how addressing and routing works over the network. If I try to run a traditional client/server application over the mesh network, what would my address for the server look like?

On a wired network it could be "myServer" using netbios or using dns, or using IP. How do I best address on a mesh network?



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 Subject :Re:Bricked WRT54GL... ideas?.. 2014-01-01- 05:03:27 
Joined: 2013-12-25- 17:20:21
Posts: 12
Location: Rio Rancho, NM
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Bricked WRT54GL... ideas?

When powered on now, the power led flashes continuously and the DMZ led comes on for ten seconds then goes off for ten seconds.
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 Subject :Bricked WRT54GL... ideas?.. 2014-01-01- 04:43:04 
Joined: 2013-12-25- 17:20:21
Posts: 12
Location: Rio Rancho, NM
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Bricked WRT54GL... ideas?

I just got two WRT54GLs and started installing the firmware. Apparently, somewhere along the way the second one got corrupted and will no longer connect to the workstation. Here's what happened:

1) I installed the firmware according to instructions and all went well with node "alpha". It is working fine. 

2) I did the same thing with "beta" and it was working fine. I figured out how to log into it using ssh after having uploaded an SSH key file and was logged in using SSH from the workstation. When I went back to the admin webpage however, the webpage had gone back to "NOCALL", so I sighed and figured I just needed to re-run the setup. I got an error message when I tried to save my callsign "error - unable to save config data"  or some such. A few more tries and I decided to try a hard reset - press the reset button for 30 seconds. Now, I get nothing - the node will not connect with the workstation. 

3) I tried using wireshark to watch the ethernet traffic. I can see the node ("cisco-...") trying to do an ARP but nothing further. 

I guess I need to reload the firmware. Any ideas or are there instructions somewhere as to how to do this without a network connection?

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 Subject :Re:Help lost node connectivity.. 2013-12-31- 16:22:22 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help lost node connectivity

Correct. You will acquire one of five DMZed ip addresses. The difference is in x-Host Direct, you are on a 10.x.x.x/24 address, and in NAT you move to a 172.27.0.x/24 address reservation.

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 Subject :Re:Help lost node connectivity.. 2013-12-31- 14:14:26 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help lost node connectivity

Thanks ... that seems simple enough. I suppose that once I reestablish connections with the node changing back to a DMZ related mode will require the same new IP acquisition... correct?

73 de Andy WA8ZLK

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 Subject :Re:Help lost node connectivity.. 2013-12-31- 06:30:20 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help lost node connectivity

That is to be expected. Unplug the Ethernet cable from your device that goes to your computer, wait a minute and plug it back in. It needs a new IP address.

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 Subject :Help lost node connectivity.. 2013-12-31- 01:09:43 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help lost node connectivity

I changed mode on my node WA8ZLK-003 to NAT and promptly lost ability to connect node via usual http://localnode:8080. What happened? How do I recover from this?

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 Subject :Re:Cannot access webgui.. 2013-12-30- 09:54:26 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : General
Topic : Cannot access webgui

You will want to be connected to one of the lan ports. And set your IP address to automaticly obtain
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 Subject :Re:Cannot access webgui.. 2013-12-30- 09:50:08 
Joined: 2013-12-20- 05:54:42
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Cannot access webgui

I moved the ethernet to the WAN port. I can access the webgui now using the ip:port. The OLSR cannot be access since the port is not open from the WAN. Haven't gotten to that point yet though. Thank you, Jim
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 Subject :Re:Cannot access webgui.. 2013-12-30- 09:47:28 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : General
Topic : Cannot access webgui

You may try disconnecting the Ethernet cord from the PC for about 20sec. Try http://localnode:8080  What is the IP address of your computer? Is it dhcp or static?

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Last Edited On: 2013-12-30- 09:49:21 By kd8rbh for the Reason
 Subject :Cannot access webgui.. 2013-12-30- 09:19:19 
Joined: 2013-12-20- 05:54:42
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Cannot access webgui

I could not find a post on this topic.  If there is one please send me a link.

I have installed the firmware and configured through step #4. I have only one node.  My computer is connected to a LAN port still, the node is connected from the WAN port to my router (through a switch). I am trying to access the webgui.  Using localnode:8080 shows it being redirected to the status page.  The status page returns a 404.  When using http://callsign-1.local.mesh:8080/ it is getting a 404 without being redirected.

Now I may need some help on this but I would believe that the nodes would work within the net the using wireless interface. To connect to computers or the internet at my station, would I use only the LAN or WAN or both?

Thank you.


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 Subject :Re:Gateway Firewall Settings.. 2013-12-30- 06:51:16 
Joined: 2013-08-15- 12:10:58
Posts: 8
Location: Lordstown, OH
Forum : General
Topic : Gateway Firewall Settings

Thanks for the links, this is what I got for the IP addresses if anyone else would need this information: -> ->
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 Subject :Re:Gateway Firewall Settings.. 2013-12-30- 05:52:56 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : Gateway Firewall Settings

From the sourcecode, these are the two server paths for firmware updates:

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 Subject :Re:Gateway Firewall Settings.. 2013-12-30- 04:39:05 
Joined: 2013-08-15- 12:10:58
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Location: Lordstown, OH
Forum : General
Topic : Gateway Firewall Settings

Thanks, I knew how to do this but the link helps anyways. My problem is that I didn't know if the firmware update IP address was the same as the websites and if the website had a dynamic or static IP address. As far as I can tell I can only whitelist IP addresses and not URLs with my firewall. On another note this website doesn't fit into part 97 either due to the fact that it has advertisements. It would be cool if there was a non-add graphic minimal version so that it could be accessed over Broadband Hamnet.
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 Subject :Re:Gateway Firewall Settings.. 2013-12-30- 04:35:02 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : Gateway Firewall Settings

It's all good. I understand what you are doing now.

Take a look here:'s-IP-Address

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